LaTex 使用 - 配置

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Installing LaTeX on Windows

In this guide, I will show you how to install the needed components of LaTeX on Windows. In this tutorial Windows 7 is used, but the steps will be similar for other versions.

Installing MiKTeX

MiKTeX is a free TeX distribution for Windows systems. The current version is MiKTeX 2.9. The survey starts at the MiKTeX website. In the menu, click on MiKTeX 2.9 and scroll down to download the MiKTeX 2.9 Net Installer. This is the installation file that will be used to download the MiKTeX distribution. Run the file once it is downloaded. The installation wizard of MiKTeX will now pop up.

First, agree with the copying conditions and click next. In the following window, click ‘Download MiKTeX’ to download the distribution to a directory on your computer. Again, click next. Next you will be prompted whether you want install Basic or Complete MiKTeX. I recommend you to download the complete distribution, since it will save a lot of time in the future. Note that the complete package is quite large (1.2 GB) and it takes a while to install. So you’ll need a steady internet connection and enough space on your hard-disk. The next thing you have to choose is the source where the package will be downloaded from. Search for a source that is located in your country, or nearby. After you click next you’ll have to choose a directory where MiKTeX will be installed. This was the last step, the downloading will now begin. Note that this installation will take a while.

Once its finished, navigate to the directory where you’ve installed MiKTeX. There are a lot, really a lot, of files here. However, there is only one .exe file. Run this file (called setup-2.9.3959.exe for this version). This time, the real installation of MiKTeX will take place. This process will again be quite lengthy.

Installing the editor

In order to actually compile LaTeX documents, we need an editor. For windows, the most used editors are probably TeXnicCenterand Texmaker. I might add an overview of all editors in the future, but that is not where this tutorial is about. Personally, I like Texmaker the most, so let’s install that editor right away!

On the Texmaker website, go to the download section to download Texmaker for Windows. The current version is 2.2.1. We’re going to download the Executable file (.exe). When the downloading is complete, don’t run the installation wizard! Wait for the MiKTeX installation to be completed. This way, Texmaker will automatically configure the settings for you. Once you’re ready to install Texmaker, agree to the GPL license by clicking ‘I Agree’ and choose a directory to install the editor. Done! Wow, that was fast :-)

The installation of LaTeX is now complete. A guide to create your first document might be added in the future. For now, here are some references.

- See more at:

注:最基本的LaTeX的使用需要两个东西:distubuter和compiler。 distributer 用来生成最终的文档合适,例如 PDF。 而compiler用来运行LaTeX代码。 一般还需要有IDE。 上文中的editor是包含了compiler和IDE的,即可以在editor里面写LaTeX 的code,然后编译执行,最后生成文档。


注:特别复杂的公式和炫酷的格式编辑大量使用的时候, LaTeX会发挥更大的能力。

时间: 2024-07-30 06:50:33

LaTex 使用 - 配置的相关文章


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LaTeX 环境安装&编译器配置

一. 安装LaTeX环境 1. 下载 下载链接 跟着下面红框圈到的超链接一步一步点击即可~ 静静的等待下载~ 2. 安装 下载好了之后我们用Windows资源管理器打开它(打开方式里面找) 点击这个pat文件 会出来这个玩意儿: 不一会他就会出来安装界面: Installation root 是安装的根目录,可以根据自己的实际情况进行更改 然后点击Advanced(左下角) 将左侧的语言选项除了中文和英文其他都去掉,右侧的安装包中去除TeXworks editor(是一个编辑器,比较老不推荐,后

VSCode配置LaTeX Workstation以支持中文

前言: 一直以来都羡慕着LaTeX的强大排版功能,这次在为美赛做准备时,发现VSCode也可以配置LaTeX(不得不说微软还是很牛逼的),所以有了这篇小文章. 系统环境配置 基于Windows 10 安装TexLive 官网下载地址安装过程会比较久,主要原因是要下载镜像.(可能需要配置系统环境变量) 安装VSCode 官网VSCode下载地址.VSCode自从面世以来,备受关注,我个人觉得也很好用,这是 安装LaTeX WorkStation 打开VSCode,点击左侧面板上第五个叫做[扩展]的