加大数据库连接数(the Number of Database Connections )


Trying to Increase the Number of Database Connections (Doc ID 167674.1)

  • fact: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition 8
  • fact: Solaris Operating System (SPARC)
  • symptom: Trying to Increase the Number of Database Connections
  • symptom: ORA-07252 spcre: semget error, could not allocate semaphores
  • symptom: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [skgmbusy]
  • symptom: svr4 error 28 no space left on device
  • cause: Unix kernel  not configured correctly for the number of processes trying to connect to the database.


    Increase the unix kernel parameter SEMMNS to a higher value. This will allow the database to started with a higher processes parameter.

  • 时间: 2024-10-28 16:02:04

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