bzoj2351 2462









要来数据发现,当a=4 b=5的那个点跑了好长时间







  1 type node=record
  2        po,next:longint;
  3      end;
  5 var trie,po:array[0..50010,‘0‘..‘1‘] of longint;
  6     go:array[0..1500010,0..15] of longint;
  7     w,f:array[0..1500010] of longint;
  8     p,q:array[0..50010] of longint;
  9     g,v:array[0..1010,0..1010] of longint;
 10     e:array[0..1010] of node;
 11     te,last,n,m,a,b,len,ans,i,j,t,tot,k,l:longint;
 12     c:array[0..1010] of ansistring;
 13     s:ansistring;
 14     ch:char;
 16 procedure add(x,y:longint);
 17   begin
 18     inc(len);
 19     e[len].po:=y;
 20     e[len].next:=p[x];
 21     p[x]:=len;
 22   end;
 24 procedure fill(x0,y0,x:longint);
 25   var i,y,xx,yy:longint;
 26   begin
 27     i:=p[x];
 28     while i<>0 do
 29     begin
 30       y:=e[i].po;
 31       xx:=x0-y+1;
 32       yy:=y0-b+1;
 33       if xx>0 then
 34       begin
 35         if v[xx,yy]<>te then
 36         begin
 37           v[xx,yy]:=te;
 38           g[xx,yy]:=0;
 39         end;
 40         inc(g[xx,yy]);
 41         if g[xx,yy]>ans then ans:=g[xx,yy];
 42         if ans=a then exit;
 43       end;
 44       i:=e[i].next;
 45     end;
 46   end;
 48 procedure ac;
 49   var j,h,r,x,y:longint;
 50       c:char;
 51   begin
 52     h:=1;
 53     r:=0;
 54     for c:=‘0‘ to ‘1‘ do
 55       if trie[0,c]>0 then
 56       begin
 57         inc(r);
 58         q[r]:=trie[0,c];
 59         f[trie[0,c]]:=0;
 60       end;
 62     while h<=r do
 63     begin
 64       x:=q[h];
 65       for c:=‘0‘ to ‘1‘ do
 66         if trie[x,c]>0 then
 67         begin
 68           y:=trie[x,c];
 69           inc(r);
 70           q[r]:=y;
 71           j:=f[x];
 72           while (j>0) and (trie[j,c]=0) do j:=f[j];
 73           f[y]:=trie[j,c];
 74         end;
 75       inc(h);
 76     end;
 77   end;
 79 procedure change(c:longint);
 80   var q,p,np:longint;
 81   begin
 82     p:=go[last,c];
 83     if w[p]=w[last]+1 then last:=p
 84     else begin
 85       inc(t); np:=t;
 86       w[np]:=w[last]+1;
 87       go[np]:=go[p];
 88       f[np]:=f[p];
 89       f[p]:=np;
 90       q:=last;
 91       while go[q,c]=p do
 92       begin
 93         go[q,c]:=np;
 94         q:=f[q];
 95       end;
 96       last:=np;
 97     end;
 98   end;
100 procedure ins(c:longint);
101   var np,nq,p,q:longint;
102   begin
103     p:=last;
104     inc(t); last:=t; np:=t;
105     w[np]:=w[p]+1;
106     while (p<>0) and (go[p,c]=0) do
107     begin
108       go[p,c]:=np;
109       p:=f[p];
110     end;
111     if p=0 then f[np]:=1
112     else begin
113       q:=go[p,c];
114       if w[q]=w[p]+1 then f[np]:=q
115       else begin
116         inc(t); nq:=t;
117         w[nq]:=w[p]+1;
118         go[nq]:=go[q];
119         f[nq]:=f[q];
120         f[q]:=nq; f[np]:=nq;
121         while go[p,c]=q do
122         begin
123           go[p,c]:=nq;
124           p:=f[p];
125         end;
126       end;
127     end;
128   end;
130 procedure make(l,r,m:longint);
131   var i,j:longint;
132   begin
133     for j:=1 to m do
134     begin
135       p[j]:=0;
136       for i:=l to r do
137         p[j]:=p[j]+g[i,j]*(1 shl (i-l));
138     end;
139   end;
141 begin
142   readln(n,m,a,b);
143   if a>4 then
144   begin
145     for i:=1 to n do
146       readln(c[i]);
147     readln(te);
148     while te>0 do
149     begin
150       dec(te);
151       j:=0;
152       trie[0,‘1‘]:=0;
153       trie[0,‘0‘]:=0;
154       t:=0;
155       len:=0;
156       for i:=1 to a do
157       begin
158         readln(s);
159         j:=0;
160         for k:=1 to b do
161         begin
162           if trie[j,s[k]]=0 then
163           begin
164             inc(t); p[t]:=0; w[t]:=k;
165             trie[t,‘0‘]:=0; trie[t,‘1‘]:=0;
166             trie[j,s[k]]:=t;
167           end;
168           j:=trie[j,s[k]];
169         end;
170         add(j,i);
171       end;
172       ac;
173       for i:=0 to t do
174         for ch:=‘0‘ to ‘1‘ do
175         begin
176           j:=i;
177           while (j>0) and (trie[j,ch]=0) do j:=f[j];
178           j:=trie[j,ch];
179           po[i,ch]:=j;
180         end;
182       ans:=0;
183       for i:=1 to n do
184       begin
185         j:=0;
186         for k:=1 to m do
187         begin
188           if not((c[i][k]>=‘0‘) and (c[i][k]<=‘1‘)) then break;
189           if b-w[j]>m-k+1 then break;
190           j:=po[j,c[i][k]];
191           if p[j]<>0 then
192           begin
193             fill(i,k,j);
194             if ans=a then break;
195           end;
196         end;
197         if (ans=a) or (n-i+ans<a) then break;
198       end;
199       writeln(ans div a);
200     end;
201   end
202   else begin
203     t:=1;
204     for i:=1 to n do
205     begin
206       for j:=1 to m do
207       begin
208         read(ch);
209         g[i,j]:=ord(ch)-48;
210       end;
211       readln;
212     end;
213     for i:=1 to n-a+1 do
214     begin
215       make(i,i+a-1,m);
216       last:=1;
217       for j:=1 to m do
218         if go[last,p[j]]<>0 then change(p[j])
219         else ins(p[j]);
220     end;
221     readln(te);
222     while te>0 do
223     begin
224       dec(te);
225       for i:=1 to a do
226       begin
227         for j:=1 to b do
228         begin
229           read(ch);
230           g[i,j]:=ord(ch)-48;
231         end;
232         readln;
233       end;
234       make(1,a,b);
235       j:=1;
236       ans:=1;
237       for i:=1 to b do
238         if go[j,p[i]]=0 then
239         begin
240           ans:=0;
241           break;
242         end
243         else j:=go[j,p[i]];
244       writeln(ans);
245     end;
246   end;
247 end.

时间: 2024-08-24 16:38:45

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