Silverlight 打印



private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            PrintDocument document = new PrintDocument();

            // tell the API what to print
            document.PrintPage += (s, args) =>
                args.PageVisual = GPrint;

            // call the Print() with a proper name which will be visible in the Print Queue
            document.Print("Silverlight Print Application Demo");


PrintDocument document = new PrintDocument();
document.PrintPage += documentImage_PrintPage;
document.Print("Image Document");

这个就完成了一个打印,其中PrintPage事件是最为重要的,因为整个打印的工作都是在这个事件中完成的,另外该事件的参数 PrintPageEventArgs构成了整个打印过程中的属性的设置;Print方法需要传递一个参数,参数为打印的文件的名称,在调用该方法的时候 开始触发一系列的打印事件。

       private void btnPrintImage_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            PrintDocument document = new PrintDocument();
            document.PrintPage += new EventHandler<PrintPageEventArgs>(document_PrintPage);
            document.Print("Print Image");

        void document_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
            Image imagePrint = new Image();
            imagePrint.Source = img.Source;
            imagePrint.Height = e.PrintableArea.Height;
            imagePrint.Width = e.PrintableArea.Width;
            e.PageVisual = imagePrint;
            e.HasMorePages = false;


        private int listPrintIndex;
        private void btnPrintList_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            listPrintIndex = 0;
            PrintDocument document = new PrintDocument();
            document.PrintPage += new EventHandler<PrintPageEventArgs>(document_PrintPage);
            document.Print("Print List");

        private int extraMargin = 50;
        void document_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
            Canvas printSurface = new Canvas();
            e.PageVisual = printSurface;
            double topPosition = e.PageMargins.Top + extraMargin;

            while (listPrintIndex<lstPrint.Items.Count)
                TextBlock txt = new TextBlock();
                txt.FontSize = 30;
                txt.Text = lstPrint.Items[listPrintIndex].ToString();
                double measuredHeight = txt.ActualHeight;
                if (measuredHeight>(e.PrintableArea.Height- topPosition- extraMargin))
                    e.HasMorePages = true;
                    return ;

                txt.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, topPosition);
                txt.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, e.PageMargins.Left + extraMargin);

                topPosition = topPosition + measuredHeight;
            e.HasMorePages = false;


 public static class Extensions
        public static void Print(this FrameworkElement element,
          string Document, HorizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment,
          VerticalAlignment VerticalAlignment, Thickness PageMargin,
          bool PrintLandscape, bool ShrinkToFit, Action OnPrintComplete)
            Print(new List<FrameworkElement>() { element }, Document,
                  HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment, PageMargin,
                 PrintLandscape, ShrinkToFit, OnPrintComplete);

        public static void Print<T>(this List<T> elements,
                string Document, HorizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment,
                VerticalAlignment VerticalAlignment, Thickness PageMargin,
                bool PrintLandscape, bool ShrinkToFit, Action OnPrintComplete)
            PrintDocument printDocument = new PrintDocument();
            PageMargin = PageMargin == null ? new Thickness(10) : PageMargin;
            Document = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Document)) ? "Print Document" : Document;
            int currentItemIndex = 0;
            printDocument.PrintPage += (s, e) =>
                if (!typeof(FrameworkElement).IsAssignableFrom(elements[currentItemIndex].GetType()))
                    throw new Exception("Element must be an " +"object inheriting from FrameworkElement");

                FrameworkElement element = elements[currentItemIndex] as FrameworkElement;

                if (element.Parent == null || element.ActualWidth == double.NaN ||element.ActualHeight == double.NaN)
                    throw new Exception("Element must be rendered, " +
                              "and must have a parent in order to print.");

                TransformGroup transformGroup = new TransformGroup();

                //First move to middle of page...  首先移动到页面的中间
                transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform()   //TranslateTransform偏移动画
                   X = (e.PrintableArea.Width - element.ActualWidth) / 2,
                   Y = (e.PrintableArea.Height - element.ActualHeight) / 8
                double scale = 1;
                if (PrintLandscape)   //如果打印空白  需要旋转
                    //Then, rotate around the center   然后旋转到中心
                    transformGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform()
                        Angle = 90,
                        CenterX = e.PrintableArea.Width / 2,
                        CenterY = e.PrintableArea.Height / 2

                    if (ShrinkToFit)   //如果自适应大小
                        if ((element.ActualWidth + PageMargin.Left +PageMargin.Right) > e.PrintableArea.Height)  //如果宽度大于纸张的高度
                            //Math.Round 方法 将值舍入到最接近的整数或指定的小数位数。
                            scale = Math.Round(e.PrintableArea.Height /(element.ActualWidth + PageMargin.Left + PageMargin.Right), 2);
                        if ((element.ActualHeight + PageMargin.Top + PageMargin.Bottom) > e.PrintableArea.Width) //如果高度大于纸张的宽度
                            double scale2 = Math.Round(e.PrintableArea.Width /(element.ActualHeight + PageMargin.Top + PageMargin.Bottom), 2);
                            scale = (scale2 < scale) ? scale2 : scale;
                else if (ShrinkToFit)  //如果不打印空白并自适应大小  不需要旋转
                    //Scale down to fit the page + margin
                    if ((element.ActualWidth + PageMargin.Left + PageMargin.Right) > e.PrintableArea.Width) //如果宽度大于纸张的宽度
                        scale = Math.Round(e.PrintableArea.Width /(element.ActualWidth + PageMargin.Left + PageMargin.Right), 2);
                    if ((element.ActualHeight + PageMargin.Top + PageMargin.Bottom) > e.PrintableArea.Height) //如果高度大于纸张的高度
                        double scale2 = Math.Round(e.PrintableArea.Height /(element.ActualHeight + PageMargin.Top + PageMargin.Bottom), 2);
                        scale = (scale2 < scale) ? scale2 : scale;

                //Scale down to fit the page + margin
                if (scale != 1)
                    transformGroup.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform()  //ScaleTransform缩放动画
                        ScaleX = scale,
                        ScaleY = scale,
                        CenterX = e.PrintableArea.Width / 2,
                        CenterY = e.PrintableArea.Height / 2

                if (VerticalAlignment == VerticalAlignment.Top)
                    //Now move to Top
                    if (PrintLandscape)
                        transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform()
                            X = 0,
                            Y = PageMargin.Top - (e.PrintableArea.Height -(element.ActualWidth * scale)) / 2
                        transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform()
                            X = 0,
                            Y = PageMargin.Top - (e.PrintableArea.Height -(element.ActualHeight * scale)) / 2
                else if (VerticalAlignment == VerticalAlignment.Bottom)
                    //Now move to Bottom
                    if (PrintLandscape)
                        transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform()
                            X = 0,
                            Y = ((e.PrintableArea.Height -(element.ActualWidth * scale)) / 2) - PageMargin.Bottom
                        transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform()
                            X = 0,
                            Y = ((e.PrintableArea.Height -(element.ActualHeight * scale)) / 2) - PageMargin.Bottom

                if (HorizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Left)
                    //Now move to Left
                    if (PrintLandscape)
                        transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform()
                            X = PageMargin.Left - (e.PrintableArea.Width -(element.ActualHeight * scale)) / 2,
                            Y = 0
                        transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform()
                            X = PageMargin.Left - (e.PrintableArea.Width -(element.ActualWidth * scale)) / 2,
                            Y = 0
                else if (HorizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Right)
                    //Now move to Right
                    if (PrintLandscape)
                        transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform()
                            X = ((e.PrintableArea.Width -(element.ActualHeight * scale)) / 2) - PageMargin.Right,
                            Y = 0
                        transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform()
                            X = ((e.PrintableArea.Width -(element.ActualWidth * scale)) / 2) - PageMargin.Right,
                            Y = 0

                e.PageVisual = element;
                e.PageVisual.RenderTransform = transformGroup;

                //Increment to next item,

                //If the currentItemIndex is less than the number of elements, keep printing
                e.HasMorePages = currentItemIndex < elements.Count;

            printDocument.EndPrint += delegate(object sender, EndPrintEventArgs e)
                foreach (var item in elements)
                    FrameworkElement element = item as FrameworkElement;
                    //Reset everything...
                    TransformGroup transformGroup = new TransformGroup();
                    transformGroup.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform() { ScaleX = 1, ScaleY = 1 }); //缩放动画
                    transformGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform() { Angle = 0 });             //旋转动画
                    transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform() { X = 0, Y = 0 });       //偏移动画
                    element.RenderTransform = transformGroup;

                //Callback to complete
                if (OnPrintComplete != null)



private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                Extensions.Print(GPrint, "MyPrint",
                HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Top,
                new Thickness(10, 0, 10, 0), true, true, null);


时间: 2024-11-07 04:13:20

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