8. String to Integer (atoi) 字符串转为int类型的所有可能情况

8. String to Integer (atoi)







4.字符串首尾含有空格的,例如 -558dg12, 12dc12 。



public class Solution {
    public int myAtoi(String str) {
        char[] charSplitArray = str.toCharArray();
        int result = 0;
        if (str.equals("")) {
            return result;
        //2、带符号的情况判断。判断第一个位置是不是符号。是符号且长度大于1,则继续,不是符号且非数字,或者是符号但是长度为1,直接return 0.
        int intLetter = (int)charSplitArray[0];
        if (charSplitArray.length==1 && (intLetter < 48 || intLetter > 57) ) {
           return 0;
        if (intLetter==45 || intLetter==43) {
            result = positiveNum(charSplitArray,1,str,intLetter);
        else {
            result = positiveNum(charSplitArray,0,str,0);
        return result;

    public int positiveNum(char[] charArray,int startIndex,String strPos,int symbolTag) {
        int resultPos = 0;
        for (int i=startIndex; i<charArray.length; i++) {
            int intLetter = (int)charArray[i];
            if ((intLetter < 48 || intLetter > 57) && i==startIndex) {
                return 0;
            //3、处理字符串中含有非数字的其他字符类型。例如“  -0023asd23”
            if ((intLetter < 48 || intLetter > 57)) {
                strPos = String.copyValueOf(charArray,startIndex,i-startIndex);
                if (i-startIndex > 18) {
                    if (symbolTag == 45) {
                        return -2147483648;
                    }else {
                        return 2147483647;
            if ((intLetter >= 48 && intLetter <= 57 && i==charArray.length-1)) {
                strPos = String.copyValueOf(charArray,startIndex,i-startIndex+1);
            if (charArray.length > 18) {
                if (symbolTag == 45) {
                    return -2147483648;
                }else {
                    return 2147483647;
        long longResult=Long.parseLong(strPos);
        if (symbolTag==45) {
            longResult = 0-longResult;
        if (longResult > 2147483647) {
            resultPos = 2147483647;
        else if (longResult < -2147483648) {
            resultPos = -2147483648;
        else {
            resultPos = new Long(longResult).intValue();
        return resultPos;










时间: 2024-12-24 18:43:46

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