20160526-fall in love at first sight

I feel so lucky to meet and know you - Yanli.

I remember the author Congwen Shen has said "I know you‘ll be here .So I wait you patiently.And luckily,I have waited you".

you give me a very deep impression on me during the time we spent together in the first day, which made me fall in love with you .

I‘m always addicted in your smile, which melts my heart every time i see you.and i don‘t want to be sensed.

to be honest , my heart beats many times.

i do fall in love with you at that time .maybe it‘s called the "fall in love at first sight".

and the day after you left, you always appear in my head without  interruption.

i can‘t concentrate my attention to do anything and i don‘t have the strength to say any words with others.

so i tell you my true feeling to you the night of May,23.

i know you maybe surprise when i told you this , because we have seen only for a short time .

but i have never been like this response before, I do fall in love with you .

i know you all think i fall in love with you easily, but I‘m not a man who makes the decision without thinking a while .

anyway, i can understand all of you thinking like this.

but it doesn‘t matter, I‘m willing to have time making you know me more .

at present ,you just concentrate your attention to study, and i will try my best to protect you .

May,26 2016
the main building of chongqing university 
时间: 2024-08-26 11:49:19

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