CentOS 7 修改系统启动级别


Viewing the Default Target

To determine which target unit is used by default, run the following command:

systemctl get-default

Viewing the Current Target

To list all currently loaded target units, type the following command at a shell prompt:

systemctl list-units --type target

By default, the systemctl list-units command displays only active units. If you want to list all loaded units regardless of their state, run this command with the --all or -a command line option:

systemctl list-units --type target --all

Changing the Default Target

To configure the system to use a different target unit by default, type the following at a shell prompt as root:

systemctl set-default name.target

Changing the Current Target

To change to a different target unit in the current session, type the following at a shell prompt as root:

systemctl isolate name.target
时间: 2024-10-11 05:45:53

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