1. 取得ACL的数量:
select COUNT(ra.PrincipalId) as [Count],p.ScopeUrl
from [WSS_Content_80].[dbo].[RoleAssignment] ra with(nolock)
join [WSS_Content_80].[dbo].[Perms] p with(nolock) on p.SiteId = ra.SiteId and p.ScopeId = ra.ScopeId
group by p.ScopeUrl
order by [Count] desc
2. 取得组中用户的数量:
select COUNT(m.MemberId) as [Count], g.Title as [Group-Title]
from [WSS_Content_80].[dbo].[GroupMembership] m with(nolock)
join [WSS_Content_80].[dbo].[Groups] g with(nolock) on m.GroupId = g.ID and m.SiteId = g.SiteId
group by g.Title
order by [Count] desc
时间: 2024-11-01 13:44:36