[转][iOS]NSHash?Table & NSMap?Table

NSSet and NSDictionary, along with NSArray are the workhorse collection classes of Foundation. Unlike other standard libraries, implementation details are hidden from developers, allowing them to write simple code and trust that it will be (reasonably) performant.

However, even the best abstractions break down; their underlying assumptions overturned. In these cases, developers either venture further down the abstraction, or, if available use a more general-purpose solution.

For NSSet and NSDictionary, the breaking assumption was in the memory behavior when storing objects in the collection. For NSSet, objects are a strongly referenced, as are NSDictionary values. Keys, on the other hand, are copied by NSDictionary. If a developer wanted to store a weak value, or use a non-<NSCopying>-conforming object as a key, they could be clever and use NSValue +valueWithNonretainedObject. Or, as of iOS 6 (and as far back as OS X Leopard), they could use NSHashTable or NSMapTable, the more general-case counterparts to NSSet or NSDictionary, respectively.

So without further ado, here‘s everything you need to know about two of the more obscure members of Foundation‘s collection classes:


NSHashTable is a general-purpose analogue of NSSet. Contrasted with the behavior of NSSet / NSMutableSetNSHashTable has the following characteristics:

  • NSSet / NSMutableSet holds strong references to members, which are tested for hashing and equality using the methods hash and isEqual:.
  • NSHashTable is mutable, without an immutable counterpart.
  • NSHashTable can hold weak references to its members.
  • NSHashTable can copy members on input.
  • NSHashTable can contain arbitrary pointers, and use pointer identity for equality and hashing checks.


NSHashTable *hashTable = [NSHashTable hashTableWithOptions:NSPointerFunctionsCopyIn];
[hashTable addObject:@"foo"];
[hashTable addObject:@"bar"];
[hashTable addObject:@42];
[hashTable removeObject:@"bar"];
NSLog(@"Members: %@", [hashTable allObjects]);

NSHashTable objects are initialized with an option for any of the following behaviors. Deprecated enum values are due to NSHashTable being ported from Garbage-Collected OS X to ARC-ified iOS. Other values are aliased to options defined by NSPointerFunctions, which will be covered next week on NSHipster.

  • NSHashTableStrongMemory: Equal to NSPointerFunctionsStrongMemory. This is the default behavior, equivalent to NSSet member storage.
  • NSHashTableWeakMemory: Equal to NSPointerFunctionsWeakMemory. Uses weak read and write barriers. Using NSPointerFunctionsWeakMemory, object references will turn to NULL on last release.
  • NSHashTableZeroingWeakMemory: This option has been deprecated. Instead use the NSHashTableWeakMemory option.
  • NSHashTableCopyIn: Use the memory acquire function to allocate and copy items on input (see NSPointerFunction -acquireFunction). Equal to NSPointerFunctionsCopyIn.
  • NSHashTableObjectPointerPersonality: Use shifted pointer for the hash value and direct comparison to determine equality; use the description method for a description. Equal to NSPointerFunctionsObjectPointerPersonality.


NSMapTable is a general-purpose analogue of NSDictionary. Contrasted with the behavior of NSDictionary / NSMutableDictionaryNSMapTable has the following characteristics:

  • NSDictionary / NSMutableDictionary copies keys, and holds strong references to values.
  • NSMapTable is mutable, without an immutable counterpart.
  • NSMapTable can hold keys and values with weak references, in such a way that entries are removed when either the key or value is deallocated.
  • NSMapTable can copy its values on input.
  • NSMapTable can contain arbitrary pointers, and use pointer identity for equality and hashing checks.


Instances where one might use NSMapTable include non-copyable keys and storing weak references to keyed delegates or another kind of weak object.

id delegate = ...;
NSMapTable *mapTable = [NSMapTable mapTableWithKeyOptions:NSMapTableStrongMemory
[mapTable setObject:delegate forKey:@"foo"];
NSLog(@"Keys: %@", [[mapTable keyEnumerator] allObjects]);

NSMapTable objects are initialized with options specifying behavior for both keys and values, using the following enum values:

  • NSMapTableStrongMemory: Specifies a strong reference from the map table to its contents.
  • NSMapTableWeakMemory: Uses weak read and write barriers appropriate for ARC or GC. Using NSPointerFunctionsWeakMemory, object references will turn to NULL on last release. Equal to NSMapTableZeroingWeakMemory.
  • NSHashTableZeroingWeakMemory: This option has been superseded by the NSMapTableWeakMemory option.
  • NSMapTableCopyIn: Use the memory acquire function to allocate and copy items on input (see acquireFunction (see NSPointerFunction -acquireFunction). Equal to NSPointerFunctionsCopyIn.
  • NSMapTableObjectPointerPersonality: Use shifted pointer hash and direct equality, object description. Equal to NSPointerFunctionsObjectPointerPersonality.


NSMapTable doesn‘t implement object subscripting, but it can be trivially added in a category. NSDictionary‘s NSCopying requirement for keys belongs to NSDictionary alone:

@implementation NSMapTable (NSHipsterSubscripting)

- (id)objectForKeyedSubscript:(id)key
    return [self objectForKey:key];

- (void)setObject:(id)obj forKeyedSubscript:(id)key
    [self setObject:obj forKey:key];


As always, it‘s important to remember that programming is not about being clever: always approach a problem from the highest viable level of abstraction. NSSet and NSDictionary are great classes. For 99% of problems, they are undoubtedly the correct tool for the job. If, however, your problem has any of the particular memory management constraints described above, then NSHashTable & NSMapTablemay be worth a look.




时间: 2024-10-26 01:59:06

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