Xcode6 storyboard new push segue 后的视图控制器没有navigation item bug.

手动切一下 老的push,再切回来,就会出有了,我想是一个bug.

Xcode 6 Segue with UINavigationItem

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I‘ve just created a Segue from a ViewController (which is embedded in a UINavigationController) to another ViewController. It seems like that the new Segue types do not create the UINavigationItem (which contains the title label) on Segue creation as the push Segue type did in iOS 7. I‘ve noticed this fact because I couldn‘t enter any title for the "new" ViewController after I created the Segue. There is also no place where I can properly place a bar button item.

I couldn‘t find anything regarding this fact in the Segue documentation so I was wondering if the UINavigationItem isn‘t automatically being created anymore. It doesn‘t even show up in the document outline. Does somebody know something about that? Maybe it‘s just a Xcode Beta 3 issue?

Here is a picture of the segue in the attributes inspector:

ios xcode swift ios8 xcode6

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edited Jul 13 ‘14 at 12:08

asked Jul 13 ‘14 at 9:29




Are you sure it is a push segue? –  Rog Jul 13 ‘14 at 10:22

@Rog I‘ve added a picture of the segue to the question. –  Linus Jul 13 ‘14 at 10:41

I guess it‘s a bug, it wouldn‘t make any sense removing it when it‘s a push segue. –  Linus Jul 13 ‘14 at 11:20

Have you tried Beta 3? –  Dehli Jul 13 ‘14 at 11:57

I‘m sorry it‘s Beta 3. I‘ll correct it in the question. –  Linus Jul 13 ‘14 at 12:08

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1 Answer


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It seems like a bug, it normally fixes it self after restarting Xcode but quick fix is just to drag a navigation item from the object library onto the view controller.

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answered Aug 6 ‘14 at 18:11


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时间: 2024-11-09 05:54:54

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