[Python] Read and plot data from csv file


pip install pandas
pip install matplotlib # check out the doc from site
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import mean

def load_df(symbol):
    return pd.read_csv("data/{0}.csv".format(symbol))

def get_max_close(symbol):
    """ Return the maximum closing value for stock idicicated by symbol.
    Note: Data for a stock is stored in file: data/<symbol>.csv
    df = load_df(symbol)
    return df["Close"].max()

def get_mean_volume(symbol):
    df = load_df(symbol)
    return mean(df[‘Volume‘])

def printAdjClose():
    df = pd.read_csv(‘data/ibm.csv‘)
    df[[‘Low‘, ‘High‘]].plot()

def test_run():
    Function called by Test Run
    for symbol in [‘aapl‘, ‘ibm‘]:
        print("Max close")
        print(symbol, get_max_close(symbol))
        print("Mean Volume")
        print(symbol, get_mean_volume(symbol))

if __name__ == "__main__":
时间: 2024-11-10 14:27:20

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