ASM ClassReader failed to parse class file- probably due to a new Java class file version that isn't supported yet问题


Caused by: org.springframework.core.NestedIOException: ASM ClassReader failed to parse class file - probably due to a newJava class file version that isn‘t supported yet: URL [jar:file:/D:/project/extra-v20171116/extra/extra-interfaces/target/extra/WEB-INF/lib/seat-api-1.0.jar!/com/csair/extra/seat/controller/paramswrapper/FlightChangeReqParam.class];nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

排错:根据probably due to a new Java class file version that isn‘t supported yet这条提示消息,感觉可能是jdk的匹配问题。


				<!-- maven 编译版本使用jdk1.7 -->




If you encounter this error even if you compile with -target 1.7, please note that this is because of a bug in Spring Frameworkwhich causes ASM classreader to load jdk classes (java.* or javax.*), which are, of course, compiled with -target 1.8.
This, combined with the old ASM version in spring 3.2.8 and below, which does not support parsing of 1.8 class files, can also lead to this error.
This should be fixed in Spring Framework version 3.2.9, which is due to be released soon.
Of course, upgrading to Spring Framework 4 will also resolve the issue, as it already contains a newer version of ASM.

原因:所以其实是Spring3.2.8版本及其以下不支持编译版本为JDK1.8的jar包。如果想要用1.8版本的jar包,那么就得更新到Spring 4。


总结: 这里还有一个需要注意的地方就是,编译和运行是两个分开的动作。即编译和运行可以使用不同版本的jdk.





ASM ClassReader failed to parse class file- probably due to a new Java class file version that isn't supported yet问题

时间: 2024-12-12 08:29:59

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