HDU3487 Play with Chain

SPLAY 翻转,删除段,添加段操作

  1 #include <cstdio>
  2 #include <cstring>
  3 #include <algorithm>
  4 using namespace std;
  5 const int maxn = 300005;
  6 int fa[maxn],son[2][maxn],val[maxn],siz[maxn],lz[maxn];
  7 int root,tot;
  8 void init(){
  9     memset(fa,0,sizeof(fa));
 10     memset(son,0,sizeof(son));
 11     memset(val,0,sizeof(val));
 12     memset(siz,0,sizeof(siz));
 13     memset(lz,0,sizeof(lz));
 14     root = tot = 0;
 15 }
 16 void Ins(int x){
 17     if(root==0){
 18         root = ++tot;
 19         siz[root] = 1;
 20         return;
 21     }
 22     fa[root] = ++tot;
 23     son[0][tot] = root;
 24     siz[tot] = siz[root]+1;
 25     root = tot;
 26 }
 27 void pushdown(int x){
 28     int l = son[0][x],r = son[1][x];
 29     if(lz[x]){
 30         swap(son[0][x],son[1][x]);
 31         lz[l]^=1;lz[r]^=1;
 32         lz[x] = 0;
 33     }
 34 }
 35 void pushup(int x){
 36     siz[x] = siz[son[0][x]]+siz[son[1][x]]+1;
 37 }
 38 void rota(int w,int x){
 39     int y = fa[x];
 40     son[!w][y] = son[w][x];
 41     if(son[w][x])fa[son[w][x]] = y;
 42     fa[x] = fa[y];
 43     if(fa[y])son[y==son[1][fa[y]]][fa[y]] = x;
 44     fa[y] = x;
 45     son[w][x] = y;
 46     pushup(y);pushup(x);
 47 }
 48 void splay(int x,int y){
 49     while(fa[x]!=y){
 50         if(fa[fa[x]]==y)rota(x==son[0][fa[x]],x);
 51         else {
 52             int w = fa[x]==son[0][fa[fa[x]]];
 53             if(x==son[w][fa[x]]){
 54                 rota(!w,x);rota(w,x);
 55             }
 56             else {
 57                 rota(w,fa[x]);rota(w,x);
 58             }
 59         }
 60     }
 61     if(y==0)root = x;///HERE ,x!!!!  !y
 62 }
 63 int getk(int k){
 64     int x = root;
 65     while(1){
 66         pushdown(x);
 67         if(k==siz[son[0][x]]+1)return x;
 68         if(k<=siz[son[0][x]])x = son[0][x];
 69         else {
 70             k-=(siz[son[0][x]]+1);
 71             x = son[1][x];
 72         }
 73     }
 74 }
 75 int Del(int l,int r){
 76     int x = getk(l-1),y = getk(r+1);
 77     splay(x,0);splay(y,x);
 78     int t = son[0][y];
 79     son[0][y] = 0;
 80     return t;
 81 }
 82 void rev(int l,int r){
 83     int x = getk(l-1),y = getk(r+1);
 84     splay(x,0);splay(y,x);
 85     lz[son[0][y]]^=1;
 86 }
 87 int main()
 88 {
 89     int n,m;
 90     while(~scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)){
 91         if(n+m<0)break;
 92         init();
 93         for(int i = 2;i<=n+1;++i)val[i] = i-1;
 94         for(int i = 1;i<=n+2;i++)Ins(i);
 95         while(m--){
 96             char s[10];int a,b,c;
 97             scanf("%s%d%d",s,&a,&b);
 98             if(s[0]==‘C‘){
 99                 scanf("%d",&c);
100                 int t = Del(a+1,b+1);
101                 int x = getk(c+1),y = getk(c+2);
102                 splay(x,0);splay(y,x);
103                 son[0][y] = t;
104                 fa[t] = y;
105             }
106             else rev(a+1,b+1);
107         }
108         for(int i = 1;i<n;++i)printf("%d ",val[getk(i+1)]);
109         printf("%d\n",val[getk(n+1)]);
110     }
111     return 0;
112 }
时间: 2024-10-11 10:25:54

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