corresponding SQLSTATE values general error

B.3 Server Error Codes and Messages

MySQL programs have access to several types of error information when the server returns an error. For example, the mysqlclient program displays errors using the following format:

shell> SELECT * FROM no_such_table;
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table ‘test.no_such_table‘ doesn‘t exist

The message displayed contains three types of information:

  • A numeric error code (1146). This number is MySQL-specific and is not portable to other database systems.
  • A five-character SQLSTATE value (‘42S02‘). The values are taken from ANSI SQL and ODBC and are more standardized. Not all MySQL error numbers have corresponding SQLSTATE values. In these cases, ‘HY000‘ (general error) is used.
  • A message string that provides a textual description of the error.
时间: 2024-10-10 07:27:10

corresponding SQLSTATE values general error的相关文章

string(81) "SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'content' doesn't have a default value"

mysql版本是5.7.26,在插入数据时报错: string(81) "SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'content' doesn't have a default value" SQL插入语句: INSERT INTO `ent_news` (`title` , `small_title` , `catid` , `description` , `source_type` , `image`) VALUES ('qq' ,

解决mysql的错误 CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1300 Invalid utf8 character string: '\xBF\xA5'

报错: CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1300 Invalid utf8 character string: '\xBF\xA5' 解决方法: $currentPrice = $currentPrice * 1; => $currentPrice 原本是字符串的 数字,导致插入数据库失败. =>所以只要改成 数字 即可. =>字符串的 数字 ,乘以 1 就会变

ThinkPHP出现General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away的解决方法

错误: #13 {main}SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone awayFILE: \ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Db\Driver.class.php(169) 原因分析: 本次错误提示是在cli模式运行,隔一段时间就会出现,查询资料后发现mysql默认没隔8个小时(2880000秒)就会断开 解决方案,解决方式找了三个 方法1 配置mysql.cnf(windows系统则是my.ini),指定

c++错误——intermediate.manifest : general error c1010070很傻的错

.\Debug\sadf.exe.intermediate.manifest : general error c1010070: Failed to load and parse the manifest. {_~0v 终于搞明白了 原来vc2008不像vc6.0那样 新建文件的时候有一个"add to project"选项. 源代码文件需要在solution explorer里面加到project里. 虽然有点傻,不过问题解决了. :) 竟然出现这么的低级错误啊.原来是VS 不同于v

magento后台登陆被锁定 索引报错的解决:General error: 1205 Lock wait timeout

1. magento在索引的时候用shell,有时候会报错: General error: 1205 Lock wait timeout exceeded 这个时候,是因为行锁的原因,在表中您直接用sql执行更新,会报这个错,也就是说这个错是mysql报的. 需要吧表index_process解锁 如果您想快速的解决,那么,把表导入,修改,删除数据库中index_process表,重新导入,OK,行锁会消失. 网上也有把index的mode改为手动,索引完改回来,好像还是有问题,报这个错就是my

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'binary'

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'binary' 对数据表更改,然后执行数据迁移命令php artisan migrate,之后报错如下: 解决办法: 参考: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error

php artisan migrate时出现 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes解决办法

在测试队列中运用artisan命令行 php artisan queue:table php artisan migrate时出现 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes Change database.php which is in config folder where it says 'charset' =

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation

出现这种问题 直接修改my.cnf 即可 在mysqld下面添加sql_mode="" 然后保存 ->重启mysql 原文地址:

MySQL - ERROR 1406

1.1.1  现象 执行一个存储过程,出现如下错误: 请更正下列输入错误: CDbCommand 无法执行 SQL 语句: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1456 Recursive limit 0 (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine sp_rebuild_booktype. The SQL statement executed was: call sp