
This week’s JavaScript news Read this issue on the Web | Issue Archive
JavaScript Weekly Issue 182
May 23, 2014
Editor: Peter Cooper  


Data-Binding Revolutions with Object.observe() — Object.observe(), part of a future ECMAScript standard, is a method for asynchronously observing changes to JavaScript objects (for frameworkless two-way binding, say). Support for it has arrived in Chrome 36 beta and Addy Osmani presents a full lowdown on its use.
HTML5 Rocks
24 Talk Videos from EmpireJS — EmpireJS took place in New York City just a few weeks ago but all of the talks are already available to watch. Lots of topics fromsorting algorithms and robots to image analysis on art and Web Components.
Flo: A New Live Coding Tool for Chrome by Facebook — A Chrome extension that lets you modify running apps without reloading. Live edit JavaScript, CSS, images, etc, and works with your editor of choice.

From our Sponsor

Announcing JS Error Reporting and AJAX Timing in New Relic
Currently, 1.2m domains use the New Relic Browser monitoring tools to maintain a comprehensive overview of their browser page load times, throughput, browser transactions, JavaScript errors and Ajax timing. Find out how real-time insights help people build better performing software with New Relic.
New Relic


The Curious Case of JavaScript NaN — NaN (meaning Not a Number) is a special value in JavaScript that denotes an undefined or unrepresentable value. However, it can also feel like it means ‘Not a NaN’ because NaN === NaN is false. Confused? Ariya lays it out.
Ariya Hidayat
Script-injected “async scripts” Considered Harmful — Script-injected scripts (i.e. scripts dynamically included via JavaScript) do not block the network in the usual way synchronous scripts do. However, there is still a gotcha, as they’re not truly asynchronous.
Ilya Grigorik
A Guide to JavaScript Memory Profiling with Google Chrome — A guide to profiling memory issues in JavaScript webapps, particularly memory leaks and garbage collection pauses.
Google Chrome
Frame-by-Frame Animation with HTML and JavaScript — A detailed walkthrough on creating frame-by-frame animation using JavaScript and the benefits and drawbacks of the technique by Bartek Drozdz.
Flippin’ Awesome
Using Media Queries in JavaScript with AbsurdJS — AbsurdJS provides a polyfill for window.matchMedia which allows you to both make media queries within the browser and also define callbacks for when a media query’s condition matches the environment.
Convention Based Routing In JavaScript Apps — A look at the state of routing in JavaScript apps and how to implement convention based routing by Burke Holland.
Flippin’ Awesome
Web Animations – element.animate() Is Now in Chrome 36
HTML5 Rocks
Flux in Practice: A Guide to Building UIs with React — What does it actually mean to write an application in the Flux way? (Flux is a set of principles for building scalable apps with React.)
Gary Chambers
Communicating Large Objects with Web Workers in JavaScript
Samuel Mendenhall
Creating Asynchronous Alerts, Prompts, And Confirms In AngularJS — See the comments for some provisos.
Ben Nadel
Fixture Adapters – Ember.js With No Server


Lesser Known Debugging Techniques — At EmpireJS, Amjad Masad gave a 25 minute talk about debugging, starting with some history and crude methods before moving to monkey patching, live editing, breakpoints, and more.
Amjad Masad
JavaScript Jabber Discusses AngularJS with Igor Minar — A 45 minute round-table discussion featuring the AngularJS project’s team leader, Igor Minar.
JavaScript Jabber
Easing into ECMAScript 6 and Beyond — Facebook’s Ben Newman looks at the future of JavaScript and explores the idea of easing into using ES6’s most useful features from ES5 to avoid a Python 3-style ‘big jump’ situation.
Ben Newman


Developer Evangelist — Want to make being part of the Node and Javascript developer community your full time job? Then Orchestrate is looking for you.
Frontend Developer at Kyto (Berlin, Germany) — Take your chance to develop an entire frontend concept in a team of 6 hungry brains. Create a web app feeling for our B2B online marketing tool.
JavaScript Developer — is looking for the world’s best Front End Developers all around the globe. Join us at our beautiful headquarters in Amsterdam and work on planet Earth’s #1 accommodation website with some of our industry’s smartest people.

Code, Libraries and Tools

Google Open Sources ‘JsAction’, A JavaScript Event Delegation Library — A tiny event delegation library that allows decoupling the DOM nodes on which the action occurs from the JavaScript code that handles the action.
forms-angular: Form Generation Framework On Top of MEAN and Bootstrap
Mithril: Another Client-side MVC Framework — Encourages MVC best practices, small API, gentle learning curve, only 3KB gzipped.
Leo Horie
EchoJS: An Ahead of Time Compiler and Runtime for ECMAScript — Seems to be very much a prototype/proof of concept.
Chris Toshok
Fluxxor: Tools to Build JS Data Layers with the Flux Architecture — Includes helpers for use with React.

Last but not least..

24% of devs don’t use database source control – make sure you aren’t one of them — Databases are catching up with applications when it comes to version control. So what steps can you take to source control your databases? SQL Source Control connects databases to the source control system you already use. Try SQL Source Control free.
Red Gate Software  Sponsored
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时间: 2024-08-09 18:23:59



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前端资讯周报 3.6 - 3.12: 对学习Javascript最有帮助的三本书,以及HTML标题的迷思

每周一我都会分享上一周我订阅的技术站点中,和解决问题的过程中阅读到的值得分享的文章. 毕竟个人的阅读量有限,也欢迎大家留言或者私信给我你们阅读到的,对你们前端技术有帮助的任何内容,题材不限,语言不限.可以是技术博客,也可以是知乎或stackoverflow的问答. 如果你觉得这篇分享给你带来了帮助,请不要吝惜的点个赞,或者把这个专栏推荐给你的朋友们,还可以关注我.谢谢啦! 本周推荐 What Is the Best Book for Learning JavaScript? 作者在这里给出了他认

20170917 前端开发周报:JavaScript函数式编程、作用域和闭包

1.用函数式编程对JavaScript进行断舍离 当从业20的JavaScript老司机学会函数式编程时,他扔掉了90%的特性,也不用面向对象了,最后发现了真爱啊!!! 2.JavaScript作用域和闭包 作用域和闭包在JavaScript里非常重要.但是在我最初学习JavaScript的时候,却很难理解.这篇文章会用一些例子帮你理解它们.我们先从作用域开始.作用域 JavaScript的作用域限定了你可以访问哪些变量.有两种作


什么叫DOM? DOM是文档对象模型(Document Object Model,是基于浏览器编程(在本教程中,可以说就是DHTML编程)的一套API接口,W3C出台的推荐标准,每个浏览器都有一些细微的差别,其中以Mozilla的浏览器最与标准接近. DOM属于浏览器,而不是JavaScript语言规范里的规定的核心内容. 查找元素 1.直接查找 方法名 描述 getElementById(id) (document) 获取有指定惟一ID属性值文档中的元素 getElementsByTagNam


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