
This week’s JavaScript news Read this issue on the Web | Issue Archive
JavaScript Weekly Issue 185
June 13, 2014
Editor: Peter Cooper  


ECMAScript 6 Schedule Changes — Allen Wirfs-Brock, editor of the ECMAScript 6 specification, recently mentioned on Twitter that the schedule for ES6 has changed slightly. Formal publication of the ES6 standard is now due in June 2015.
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
JSConf EU 2014 Call for Speakers — Closes June 20th. Is in Berlin, Sep 13-14.
Easy 3D-Accelerated Games in A Browser with JavaScript and WebGL using Three.js or Babylon.js — It’s always good to see Scott excited about something as he shares his insights so well, and 3D accelerated graphics in the browser is an increasingly important use case for JavaScript.
Scott Hanselman
Submit a Talk to Speak at ‘Powered by JavaScript’ at Strange Loop — The popular Strange Loop developer conference is co-hosting a one-day Powered by JavaScriptJavaScript event on September 17. If you want to speak, get your proposal in ASAP.
Powered by JavaScript

From our Sponsor

AngularJS 101: From Zero to Angular in Seconds
How to build realtime into your AngularJS app in just 99 lines of HTML and JavaScript.


SIMD in JavaScript — An introduction to SIMD (Single instruction, multiple data), a set of CPU instructions that can perform the same operation across a range of data, and a look at how Intel is bringing SIMD support to JavaScript through extending the language specification.
Intel Open Source Technology Center
Tutorial: Real-Time Chat With Node’s Readline and — A tutorial by Matt Harzewski on using Node’s readline module to create a powerful(ish) terminal-based prompt that you can then build a chat system on top of with Node. (If you like this, be sure to check out Node Weekly.)
jQuery: Using Only What You Need — See how you can include only the pieces of jQuery that your application needs using AMD by TJ VanToll.
Telerik Developer Network
Vic Ramon’s Ember on Rails Tutorial — An introduction to the Ember JS framework in 22 chapters. It shows you how to build an Ember app with a Ruby on Rails-based backend and explains all the underlying concepts along the way.
Vic Ramon
Building a Multi-Step Form in AngularJS Using UI Router
Chris Sevilleja
Getting Started with Browserify — Browserify allows you to use Node.js style modules in the browser and Patrick Catanzariti presents a complete introduction.
Using ES6 Modules Today
Jack Franklin
Rethinking AngularJS Controllers — Todd shares his thoughts on a different way to look at Angular controllers, as well as some best practices.
Todd Motto
Dependency Injection in JavaScript — Reflections on using dependency injection in JavaScript to manage complexity.
Krasimir Tsonev
JavaScript as an Alternative to AppleScript on OS X Yosemite (10.10)
Why Ramda? — Ramda is a ‘practical functional library’ for JavaScript developers, but on the surface it can be tricky to see the benefits. This article digs into the use cases.
Scott Sauyet


Refactoring JavaScript Apps Into a Framework — Podcast. The JavaScript Jabber crew get together with Brandon Hays to talk about frameworks and their role in building more modular JavaScript apps.
JavaScript Jabber


Senior Front End Software Engineer at Moz (Seattle, WA) — Passionate about high quality SW? Moz Analytics is looking for a Senior Developer to join the Applications team- responsible for building all of the Front End apps that deliver marketing analytics through meaningful data visualization and insight.
JavaScript Engineer at Pantheon (San Francisco, CA) — We’re looking for an engineer with a passion for JavaScript to help us build the best user experience for our customers. Join our collaborative team of brainstorming developers and enjoy a role where you can own your initiatives.
JavaScript Software Developer (Madison, WI) — Widen Enterprises is looking for a JavaScript expert who wants to join a dynamic team, have fun, and work with great people and technology.
Widen Enterprises

Code, Libraries and Tools

Boba.js: A JavaScript Library for Google Analytics — A small, easily extensible library to make working with Google Analytics easier. Tie together events with Google Analytics, etc.
qooxdoo 4.0 Released — A universal JavaScript framework covering desktop, mobile and server uses.
DHTMLX 4.0 Released: A Modern JavaScript-Based Web App UI Library
Springy.js: A Force Directed Graph Layout Algorithm in JavaScript — Uses physics to figure out how to show a network graph in a way that looks good.
Dennis Hotson
50 Emulators Written in JavaScript — Links to different JavaScript-based emulators for classic systems like the Sega Master System, ZX Spectrum, and NES.
Frederic Cambus
Telerik NativeScript: A Forthcoming Framework for Building Native Mobile Applications with Pure JavaScript — Declare business logic and data models in JavaScript and share across all target platforms. Bring in your own third party libraries. No Mac required to compile for iOS. Not yet public but beta testers appear to be sought.

Last but not least..

Help us build the best open-source training library on the planet — Pluralsight is building the best open-source training library on the planet, and we can’t do it alone. We’re looking for JavaScript experts who are passionate about teaching. If that sounds like you, find out how you can create online courses and start earning royalties today.
Pluralsight  Sponsored
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时间: 2024-12-26 00:22:09



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阅兵假期回郑州了,没有更新,抱歉了. 鉴于代码还没有完善,提供邮箱的朋友,我已经把项目发过去了. 等项目整合完毕之后,共享源码.参考网站:革西网络 接着说说数据的绑定: 1 public ActionResult Index() 2 { 3 ViewBag.userinfo = ""; 4 var user = Session["user"] as UserInfo; 5 ViewBag.userinfo = user; 6 //Banner 7 IndexMode


下载地址:网盘下载 作者简介  · · · · · · 曹刘阳,网名阿当,资深Web前端开发工程师,先后就职于中国雅虎和淘宝,现就职于新浪,一直从事Web前端开发工作,实战经验非常丰富,在通过提高代码质量来增强可维护性方面颇有心得.精通HTML.CSS.JavaScript等前端开发技术,对ActionScript.Flex.PHP.RoR等Web开发技术也有较深入的研究.致力于敏捷开发实践,喜欢读书,阅读过大量技术书籍:擅于总结归纳,能将各种技术融会贯通. 目录  · · · · · · 推荐

前端资讯周报 3.6 - 3.12: 对学习Javascript最有帮助的三本书,以及HTML标题的迷思

每周一我都会分享上一周我订阅的技术站点中,和解决问题的过程中阅读到的值得分享的文章. 毕竟个人的阅读量有限,也欢迎大家留言或者私信给我你们阅读到的,对你们前端技术有帮助的任何内容,题材不限,语言不限.可以是技术博客,也可以是知乎或stackoverflow的问答. 如果你觉得这篇分享给你带来了帮助,请不要吝惜的点个赞,或者把这个专栏推荐给你的朋友们,还可以关注我.谢谢啦! 本周推荐 What Is the Best Book for Learning JavaScript? 作者在这里给出了他认

20170917 前端开发周报:JavaScript函数式编程、作用域和闭包

1.用函数式编程对JavaScript进行断舍离 当从业20的JavaScript老司机学会函数式编程时,他扔掉了90%的特性,也不用面向对象了,最后发现了真爱啊!!! 2.JavaScript作用域和闭包 作用域和闭包在JavaScript里非常重要.但是在我最初学习JavaScript的时候,却很难理解.这篇文章会用一些例子帮你理解它们.我们先从作用域开始.作用域 JavaScript的作用域限定了你可以访问哪些变量.有两种作


1.游戏背景介绍(写在前面的废话): 五月初的某天,看到某网推荐了这款游戏,Pongo,看着还不错的样子就用ipad下下来试玩了下,玩了两局感觉还错挺过瘾的,因为是手欠类游戏嘛大家懂的. 但是没一会发现游戏在ipad似乎有些bug,玩一会就会卡住然后只能强退了,真是揪心,记录还等着破呢. 怎么办?玩游戏不如玩自己的游戏的念头又邪恶的出现了,然后就把pad丢给了朋友虐心去,我默默回到电脑前开始动手自己写个不会卡的. 大概两小时吧,写出了基本框架,然后扔sinaapp里试了下效果基本能玩就洗洗睡了.


什么叫DOM? DOM是文档对象模型(Document Object Model,是基于浏览器编程(在本教程中,可以说就是DHTML编程)的一套API接口,W3C出台的推荐标准,每个浏览器都有一些细微的差别,其中以Mozilla的浏览器最与标准接近. DOM属于浏览器,而不是JavaScript语言规范里的规定的核心内容. 查找元素 1.直接查找 方法名 描述 getElementById(id) (document) 获取有指定惟一ID属性值文档中的元素 getElementsByTagNam