Axis2 Web Service Development & Deployment Guide


  • Requirement
  • Development - Client Generation
  • Development - Server Generation
  • References


  • Apache Axis 2 1.5.6 (and above)  下载地址:
  • Apache Tomcat 6 (and above)
  • Apache Ant 1.8.3 (and above)
  • Java JDK 1.5 (and above)
  • WSDL

Development - Client Generation

  1. in folder:Create a folder as clientSide under C:\
  2. in cmd:Now open a cmd
  3. in cmd:Change your path to C:\axis2-1.5.6\bin
  4. in cmd:Set your JAVA_HOME to your java SDK home (eg : set JAVA_HOME=c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_33)
  5. in cmd:Enter: wsdl2java.bat -uri CBS-CustAcctListProfile-I-Concrete_HTTP.wsdl -u -o c:\clientSide
  6. in folder:The commend above will generate the client side java files under C:\clientSide
  7. in folder:Go to C:\clientSide in windows explorer and open the build.xml file
  8. in build.xml file:Change memoryMaximumSize="256m" memoryInitialSize="256m" to memoryMaximumSize="512m" memoryInitialSize="512m"
  9. in build.xml file:Change axis2.home 
  10. in build.xml file:Change <jar destfile="${lib}/${name}-test-client.jar"> to <jar destfile="${lib}/appropriatename-client.jar">
  11. Appropriate
    name depends on the service, example for CBS-CustAcctDetails-I
    appropriate name for the jar would be cbs-CustAcctDetails-client.jar
  12. in cmd:Open back the existing (or new cmd and set the java), point to the bin folder (eg : C:\apache\apache-ant-1.8.3\bin),enter : ant -f c:\clientSide\build.xml
  13. in folder:The client jar will be created at C:\clientSide\build\lib\

Development - Server Generation

  1. in folder:Create a folder serverSide under C:\
  2. in cmd:Now open cmd
  3. in cmd:Change your path to C:\axis2-1.5.6\bin
  4. in cmd:Set your JAVA_HOME to your java SDK home (eg : set JAVA_HOME=c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_33)
  5. in folder:put your WSDL file into:C:\serverSide\build\classes\META-INF
  6. in cmd:Then enter: wsdl2java.bat -uri <filename.wsdl> -ss -sd -o c:\serverSide   (note:filename need to change to your WSDL file name)
  7. in folder:This command will generate server side (service provider) java files under C:\serverSide.
  8. in folder:Go to C:\serverSide in windows explorer and open the build.xml file.
  9. in build.xml file:Change memoryMaximumSize="256m" memoryInitialSize="256m" to memoryMaximumSize="512m" memoryInitialSize="512m"
  10. in build.xml file:Change axis2.home 
  11. in cmd:Open back the existing (or new cmd and set the java), enter : ant -f c:\serverSide\build.xml      (OR:in cmd:Change your path to C:\axis2-1.5.6\bin,enter: ant )
  12. in folder:This will build the java files in C:\serverSide\build\lib\


转载自: Technical Repository




时间: 2024-11-09 08:16:35

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