Export failed for github.com/hashicorp/consul: Unable to export source: exit status 128


go项目,使用glide install命令去下载安装依赖,依赖中有个github.com/hashicorp/consul



[ERROR] Export failed for github.com/hashicorp/consul: Unable to export source: exit status 128
[ERROR] Unable to export dependencies to vendor directory: Unable to export source: exit status 128




glide cc

rm -rf vendor




[ERROR] Export failed for github.com/hashicorp/consul: Unable to export source: exit status 128

[DEBUG] Output was: error: unable to create file C:\\\Users\\\M\\\AppData\\\Local\\\Temp\\\glide-vendor249536483\\\vendor\\\github.com\\\hashicorp\\\consul\\\vendor/github.com/hashicorp/go-discover/provider/azure/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2015-06-15/network/expressroutecircuitauthorizations.go: Filename too long[DEBUG]

Unlocking https-github.com-hashicorp-consul

[ERROR] Unable to export dependencies to vendor directory: Unable to export source: exit status 128

[DEBUG] Output was: error: unable to create file C:\\\Users\\\M\\\AppData\\\Local\\\Temp\\\glide-vendor249536483\\\vendor\\\github.com\\\hashicorp\\\consul\\\vendor/github.com/hashicorp/go-discover/provider/azure/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2015-06-15/network/expressroutecircuitauthorizations.go: Filename too long



那么问题就演变成了glide error filename too long的问题了


Enable long paths on Windows (requires Windows 10 Anniversary Update or newer): https://superuser.com/a/1119980/97078

Configure git to use long paths: git config --global core.longpaths true (globally) or git config core.longpaths true (per project)

我执行了第二步就解决了问题,那么大概就是glide 会去使用git去拉取代码和创建文件了的




时间: 2024-07-30 03:20:20

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