CentOS7 mysql 连接不上 :[ERROR] InnoDB: The innodb_system data file 'ibdata1' must be writable



Can ‘t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/tmp/mysql.sock ‘(2)


cat /var/log/mysqld.log





CentOS7 mysql 连接不上 :[ERROR] InnoDB: The innodb_system data file 'ibdata1' must be writable


时间: 2024-10-27 19:47:30

CentOS7 mysql 连接不上 :[ERROR] InnoDB: The innodb_system data file 'ibdata1' must be writable的相关文章

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需要给你的PHP加一个PDO扩展打开PHP.INI 把extension=php_pdo.dll 前面的分号去掉 重启APACHE. extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll mysql连接不上Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'could not find driver

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当使用mysql的新版本是,连接老版本的mysql,就会有可能报: ERROR 2049 (HY000): Connection using old (pre-4.1.1) authentication protocol refused (client option 'secure_auth' enabled)这个错误. 异常原因在于服务器端的密码管理协议陈旧,使用的是旧有的用户密码格式存储:但是客户端升级之后采用了新的密码格式.mysql新版本遇到这种不一致的情况就会拒绝连接. 所以在连接是:

【MySQL】InnoDB: Error: checksum mismatch in data file 报错

参考:http://www.jb51.net/article/66951.htm 用5.7版本启动原5.5实例后,再用5.5启动出现以下报错 InnoDB: Error: checksum mismatch in data file /data/mysql/ibdata1 160627 10:42:11 InnoDB: Could not open or create data files. 160627 10:42:11 InnoDB: If you tried to add new data

InnoDB: auto-extending data file ./ibdata1 is of a different size 640 pages (rounded down to MB) than specified in the .cnf file: initial 768 pages, max 0 (relevant if non-zero) pages!

问题描述: centos 安装MySQL $yum install mysql-server 安装之后执行命令mysql 报错: 查看mysql的启动日志: [ERROR] InnoDB: auto-extending data file ./ibdata1 is of a different size 640 pages (rounded down to MB) than specified in the .cnf file: initial 768 pages, max 0 (relevan

mysql5.7.12/13在安装新实例时报错:InnoDB: auto-extending data file ./ibdata1 is of a different size 640 pages (rounded down to MB) than specified in the .cnf file: initial 768 pages, max 0 (relevant if non-zero

.bin/mysqld --initialize-insecure --basedir=xxx --datadir=xxx 然后 .bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=xxx --user=mysql & 抛错: InnoDB: auto-extending data file ./ibdata1 is of a different size 640 pages (rounded down to MB) than specified in the .cnf file:


在远程连接mysql的时候,连接不上,出现如下报错:Lost connection to MySQL server at 'waiting for initial communication packet', system error: 0截图如下: 原因分析:mysql开启了DNS的反向解析功能,这样mysql对连接的客户端会进行DNS主机名查找.mysql处理客户端解析过程:1)当mysql的client连过来的时候,服务器会主动去查client的域名.2)首先查找 /etc/hosts 文


连接不上mysql ,启动mysqld进程,发现可以启动成功,但几秒后进程立马关闭了,后来发现主要原因是因为磁盘空间满了. 报错: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'解决办法:service  mysqld  status  查看mysql是否启动(没装mysql service 也可通过 /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld status查看)若没启动,则启动my

MySQL 连接不上本地数据库

1.打开 DOS 窗口,输入 mysql 连接命令时,提示报错 Cannot connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061),如下图: 2.上面问题原因 可能是本地服务没开,需要开启本地服务,按 Win + r 运行这个命令,在弹出窗口中,输入 services.msc ,然后敲回车,如下图: 3.找到 MySQL,鼠标双击,如下图: 4.双击之后,弹出此框,启动类型选择 "自动",依次点击 "启动" 按钮,点击 &qu

【已解决】mysql连接出错:ERROR 1040 (HY000): Too many connections

连接mysql,结果出错: ? 1 ERROR 1040 (HY000): Too many connections 去修改mysql的配置文件,然后添加: ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 [email protected]:logs# vi /etc/my.cnf [mysqld] lower_case