What is Git for Windows inside?

What is Git for Windows inside?

What is it?

  • Git is a kind of DVCS.

How to use it?

the ways of Using Git on Windows

  1. Git for Windows
  2. GitHub Desktop

Git for Windows

What is it?

Git originally targets Linux. Windows does not provide the POXIS infrastructure Git expects.

Git for Windows provides the basic POSIX infractructrue Git expects.

How dose it privide these missing POSIX ifractructure?


How to build it?

Git for Windows SDK

POSIX infractructure

What is it?

POSIX(Portable Operating System Interface) is a set of standard operating system interface based on Unix operating system.

Why we need a POSIX thing?

- We want to be able to develop programs that could be moved among differenct manufacture‘s computer system without to be recoded.

Why we build it based on Unix?

- Unix is manufacturer-neutral

How to use(read) it?

Select the right standard set: each standard set has a number of name end.

POSIX.1 is the standard for an application program interface in the C language.

POSIX.2 is the standard shell and utility inteface(that is user’s command inteface with the OS).

(These are two main interface)

How to get it?

IEEE develope it.

What are Windows missing?

What does does Windows provide?

- Windows NT Once try to compliant with POSIX(only POSIX.1), bu start with Windows XP the POSIX subsystem is not included as part of standard Windows distributions and has been replaced by Interix    subsystem. Additionally, if you want to run a UNIX-based appliction, you have to install SFU/SUA(Windows Service for UNIX/Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications), it provides a Unix subsystem and other    part of a full Unix environment.
 - Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000: SFU 1.0 and 2.0 + MKS Toolkit
 - Windows XP: SFU 3.0 + Interix subsystem
 - Windows 2003 R2: SFU 3.5(renamed it to SUA)
 - Windows 2008 and higher version of Windows: a minimal SUA(most utility must download)
Interix is not a emulation of Unix kernel, but rather a implementation of a user-mode subsystem running directly on the top of Windows NT kernel.
SFU/SUA just providers header file and libraries to recomplier and port Unix applictions for use on Windows, but you can not execute Unix binaries on it.


What is it?

MSY2 is a striped down version of Cygwin, but it is activly kept up-to-date with Cygwin’s newest revisions.


What is it?

Cygwin is a collections of Linux tools, provide a bash you can execute Linux command, and many libraries.

时间: 2024-10-21 10:45:08

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