Feature Engineering

1. remove skew


Many model built on the hypothsis that the input data are distributed as a ‘Normal Distribution‘(Gaussian Distribution). So if the input data is more like Normal Distribution, the results are better.


  • remove skewnewss: log function.

2. standardization


Different data have different scale, to avoid give to high weight to those data with large scale.


  • min-max = (data - min) / (max - min)
  • z-score = (data - mean) / (sd), sd standard deviation

3. manual remove


sometimes we know that some columns are meanless, so we just remove it manually.


  • columns like "ID", "timestamp"

4. remove columns with too many nulls


if a feature has too many nulls, it‘s not reliable.


  • count the percentage of nulls.

5. drop outlier


outliers are the special cases for a set of data. they don‘t represent the common experience. so they will not contribute to a model, on the contrary, they will be harmful for our models.


  • remove data that >= an extreme value, or <= an extreme value.

6. to be continued

时间: 2024-08-04 13:11:36

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