
COMP3506/7505 Homework Task 4
10 marks total
The goal of this problem set is to understand how to apply the algorithms and data structures
that have been taught in this course.
You will be required to write a series of algorithms to search through and analyse the data of a
social media feed. The following searches will need to be implemented:
• A search to find all posts made by a user between two dates
• A search to find the first post made by a specific user after a specific date
• A search to find the post with the nth highest upvotes
• A search to find all posts containing a specific text pattern
The intention is for most of the preprocessing to be performed in the constructor of the class,
allowing calls to these searches to be as fast as possible. Most of these searches are trivial to
implement using a brute-force algorithm. The majority of this task’s marks will be awarded for
choosing (and justifying the use of) efficient algorithms and data structures. Simply implementing
a brute force solution will result in very few marks, so you are encouraged to think about how to
maximise the efficiency of your solution before you begin writing code.
You have been supplied with a Java file,, which is responsible for loading the
data file and performing the searches. Stubs and Javadoc comments for each of the search methods
have been provided. Your implementation should strictly adhere to the documentation.
Other files you have been provided with include:
• - a data class for storing information about feed items
• - containing utility methods for performing various functions, in particular for
file parsing (the methods in this class have already been used in the base code - you are not
required to use them in your solution)
You are permitted to use any programming constructs from the Java Collections Framework (or
any other standard Java library) for this task. You should however understand the underlying
implementation of any data structures/algorithms you use from the JCF.
Input File
The social media data that you are analysing will be initially stored in a csv file. The constructor
of is already partially-implemented to load this data from the file. You are
required to modify the constructor so this data is loaded into appropriate data structures.
Each line in the file represents a single post in the feed, and is formatted as follows:
In this format:
• id is a unique integer identifier
• username is a string representing the user who posted this data
• date is the time the item was posted at (formatted in 24-hour time as dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)
• upvotes is the number of upvotes this post received (downvotes are possible and are represented
as negative integers)
• content is a (possibly very long) string containing the content of the post
For simplicity, you may assume the username and content fields contain only printable ASCII
characters (i.e. characters with ASCII values from 32 to 126 inclusive) and do not contain the
comma character. You can also assume that the data file is always formatted correctly so there is
no need to implement format validation.
Your Task
1. (4 marks) Implement the four searches as per their Javadoc specifications. You will likely need
to modify the constructor and class’ member variables to achieve an efficient implementation.
2. (6 marks) Describe any design choices that were made while implementing these searches.
In particular you should:
• Identify the underlying theoretical algorithms and data structures used by your code
and any of the classes from the JCF you have used
• State and briefly explain the worst-case time complexity of the constructor and each of
your searches in big-O notation
• If the worst-case time complexity differs from the expected-case time complexity, also
provide the expected-case complexity in big-O notation and explain why these cases
• Justify why the chosen algorithms and data structures were optimal for efficiently implementing
each of the searches (you should discuss both the runtime and memory usage
of your implementation) - keep in mind that there may be no “perfect” solution and
certain implementations may have certain tradeoffs (which you should identify)
• Compare and contrast your design against other potential implementations (including,
but not limited to, brute force implementations or implementations with other tradeoffs)
• You must write your solution in - do not modify any other files or
introduce new packages
• You may only use standard Java libraries
• You may introduce new member variables or helper methods but these should have the
strictest access modifiers possible
• Your answer to question 2 should be no longer than 4 pages (at size 12 font and standard
line spacing/margins)
Submission and Marking
Submit two files as a part of your submission. Your solution to question 1 should be in the file Your answer to question 2 should be in a PDF file named README.pdf. Do
not submit any other files or directories. To preserve anonymity, please do not include your name
in any submitted files (it is okay to include your student number).
Question 1 will be partially marked by an automated test suite with timeouts present on each of
the tests. A sample test suite has been provided in This test suite is not
comprehensive - there is no guarantee that passing these will ensure passing the tests used during
marking. It is recommended, but not required, that you write your own tests for your algorithms.
Passing the tests also does not guarantee an efficient solution - tutors will make mark deductions
if your solution is inefficient. Marks may also be deducted for poor coding style.
You should submit README.pdf using Turnitin - this will be manually marked by a tutor. This file
should be electronically processed - handwritten solutions will not be accepted. Any asymptotic
bounds should be as tight as possible. Your analysis should be as concise as possible, while still
achieving the level of required detail (marks may be deducted for overly long answers). You are
encouraged to support your analysis, justification, and/or comparison with information from other
sources, but you must cite these appropriately (IEEE style is recommended). Using LATEX to
write your README is once again recommended but not required.
Late Submissions and Extensions
Late submissions will not be accepted. It is your responsibility to ensure you have submitted your
work well in advance of the deadline (taking into account the possibility of computer or internet
issues). See the ECP for information about extensions.
Academic Misconduct
Students are reminded of the University’s policy on student misconduct, including plagiarism. See
the course profile and the School web page for more information:

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时间: 2024-11-08 08:02:01



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Nocomachns定理 题目描述 数学上已证明:任何一个自然数n的3次方可以表示为n个连续奇数之和,例如3的3次方为27=7+9+11.试编程求出,当键盘输入一个自然数时,求出它3次方的值及其连续奇数之和. 输入 一个整数N(N<=100) 输出 N的三次方的分解,格式如样列. 样例输入 3 样例输出 3^3=7+9+11 分析 一定要认真看题目...n个连续奇数,如果早看到就没那么麻烦了.... 这题标准解法应该是这样滴: n^3=n*n^2,所以这n个奇数是以n^2为对称轴的n个奇数...


主要内容及技术 生成树协议 交换机端口广播抑制技术 前言: 总的来说,这是一次失败的割接.虽然前后准备了两个星期,方案也拿给几位甲方领导过目了,但最后还是因为STP区域过大导致了割接失败.不过不得不说,失败的案例其中也有可圈可点的地方,就算是失败的原因也可以说给大家听,让大家可以从中总结经验和教训.本讲有用的知识点就是交换机端口广播抑制技术,在交换网络中,为核心交换机配置端口广播抑制,可以有效防止广播风暴. 一.需求描述 网络中有6个业务区域,分别是:协同办公区.综合业务区.资产管理区.办公局域



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