KALI Linux problems & Study Red Hat | Ubuntu


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the answer is tool-preferences-Advanced-Certifactes cancel Query OCSP responder servers to confirm the current validity of certificates.

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Difference between RedHat Ubuntu Debian Kali

I think Linux becomes two Part with some years.popular linuxs.

one part,RedHat , the other Debian.

Introduce Red Hat Linux

红帽企业Linux charge  RHEL(Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system)

RPM(Red hat Package manager)包管理 .rpm

yum(全称为 Yellow dog Updater, Modified)

Introduce Debian

Kali Linux & Ubuntu free forever

dpkg (Debian package manager)

apt (Advanced package tool(Debian或基于Debian的发行版中提供))


.so(扩展名so):Shared object,dynamically linked library
result of C/C++ source file

tar:Tape archive


时间: 2024-12-20 14:16:38

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