LINQ 101——分区、Join、聚合

1.Partitioning 分区



 1 static void Linq1()
 2 {
 3     int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 };
 4     var first3Numbers = numbers.Take(3);
 5     Console.WriteLine("前3个数:");
 6     foreach (var n in first3Numbers)
 7     {
 8         Console.WriteLine(n);
 9     }
10 }



 1 static void Linq2()
 2 {
 3     int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 };
 4     var skip3Numbers = numbers.Skip(3);
 5     Console.WriteLine("除去前3个数后数字:");
 6     foreach (var n in skip3Numbers)
 7     {
 8         Console.WriteLine(n);
 9     }
10 }

Take + Skip 实现分页

1 int currentPageIndex;  // 当前页号
2 int pageSize;      // 每页有多少条记录
3 source 是总数据源集合
5 则用LINQ分页的代码为
7 var query = source.Skip((currentPageIndex-1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize);

2. Join

例1: Cross Join

 1 static void Linq3()
 2 {
 3     string[] cates = {"酒类","烟类","肉类" };
 4     var products = Product.GetDefaultData();
 6     // CategoryName 没有与 cate 匹配的将被剔除
 7     var query = from c in cates
 8                 join p in products on c equals p.CategoryName
 9                 select new { ShowName = c + " : " + p.ProductName };
11     foreach (var item in query)
12     {
13         Console.WriteLine(item.ShowName);
14     }
15 }
18 public class Product
19 {
20     public string CategoryName { get; set; }
21     public string ProductName { get; set; }
23     public static List<Product> GetDefaultData()
24     {
25         return new List<Product>
26         {
27             new Product{ CategoryName="烟类", ProductName="中华"},
28             new Product{ CategoryName="酒类", ProductName="白酒"},
29             new Product{ CategoryName="酒类", ProductName="红酒"},
30             new Product{ CategoryName="肉类", ProductName="猪肉"},
31             new Product{ CategoryName="肉类", ProductName="牛肉"},
32             new Product{ CategoryName="零食", ProductName="饼干"},
33             new Product{ ProductName="暂未分类产品1"},
34             new Product{ ProductName="暂未分类产品2"},
35         };
36     }
37 }

例2: Group Join

 1 static void Linq4()
 2 {
 3     string[] cates = { "酒类", "烟类", "肉类" };
 4     var products = Product.GetDefaultData();
 6     var query = from c in cates
 7                 join p in products on c equals p.CategoryName
 8                 into tgroup
 9                 select new { Name = c, Group = tgroup };
11     foreach (var item in query)
12     {
13         Console.Write("{0}: ",item.Name);
14         foreach (var g in item.Group)
15         {
16             Console.Write("{0} ",g.ProductName);
17         }
18         Console.WriteLine();
19     }
20 }

例3:Cross Join + Group Join


 1 static void Linq5()
 2 {
 3     string[] cates = { "酒类", "烟类", "肉类" };
 4     var products = Product.GetDefaultData();
 6     var query = from c in cates
 7                 join p in products on c equals p.CategoryName
 8                 into tgroup
 9                 from g in tgroup
10                 where g.ProductName.Contains("牛腩")  // 仅要产品名字含有牛腩的分组
11                 select new { Name = c, Group = tgroup };
13     foreach (var item in query)
14     {
15         Console.Write("{0}: ", item.Name);
16         foreach (var g in item.Group)
17         {
18             Console.Write("{0} ", g.ProductName);
19         }
20         Console.WriteLine();
21     }
22 }

例4 Left Outer Join

 1 static void Linq6()
 2 {
 3     string[] cates = { "酒类", "烟类", "肉类" ,"调料类"};
 4     var products = Product.GetDefaultData();
 6     var query = from c in cates
 7                 join p in products on c equals p.CategoryName
 8                 into tgroup
 9                 from g in tgroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
10                 select new { Name = c, ProductName = g==null ? "该分组下没有内容":g.ProductName };
12     foreach (var item in query)
13     {
14         Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}",item.Name,item.ProductName);
15     }
16 }

3. 聚合


Count(n => 条件); 后面都类似






时间: 2024-12-28 16:08:43

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1. 一对多 var expr = context.Products .Where(p => p.Category.CategoryName == "LINQ to SQL" && p.UnitPrice > 10m) .Select(p => new { p.ProductID, p.ProductName }); var expr = from p in context.Products where p.Category.CategoryName

数据库和linq中的 join(连接)操作

sql中的连接 sql中的表连接有inner join,left join(left outer join),right join(right outer join),full join(full outer join),cross join 在此基础上我们能扩展出 left excluding join,right excluding join,full outer excluding join 注:left join是left outer join 的简写,即左连接和左外连接是一样的 首先定


var query =from a in this.ObjectContext.siteInfo join b in this.ObjectContext.shopInfo on a.siteID equals b.siteID group new {a,b} by new { a.Lon, a.Lat, a.siteID,} into g select new site_shopInfo{ SiteID=g.Key.siteID, Longitude=g.Key.Lon, Lat

linq 多条件join

var query=from a in db.A           join b in db.B.Where(c=>c.num>3)             on new {a.type,a.item} equals new {b.type,b.item} into g           from b in g.DefaultIfEmpty()           select new           {               a,              num=b==nul


<span style="font-size:14px;"> //学生类 public class Stu { public int ID { set; get; } //学生的编号 public string Name { set; get; } //学生的姓名 public int CourseId { set; get; } //学生所选课程的id } //课程类 public class Course { public int ID { set; get; } //