the consideration of AngularJS in CSS, ng-model, Confirmation mechanism

  1. In css:

    As we all know that CSS is static and we can only use it to make up our wedsite, while under the AngularJS, it becomes dynamic so that the function of it increases a lot. For example, helping users to notice the input box and reminding which stage they are can be achieved by static CSS.

  2. In ng-model:

    It likes an index of the input content, which we can refer to in other places.

  3. Confirmation mechanism:

    The main idea of our website, I think, is to communicate with users. Therefore, making sure that all the information we got is valid and safe( to avoid the SQL injection) is a critical design, while, the AngularJS should a good choice. The built-in functions in AngularJS are quite useful. Like $, $valid, $dirty ...

Overall, the AngularJS is a perfect framework of javascript. What it has done comes from javascript, thus, to make js much easier, I deserve AngularJS.

时间: 2024-10-08 19:31:25

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CSS Box Model 盒子模型

1. 介绍 1.1 什么是 Box Model 在HTML中的每个element(元素)都可以看作一个矩形的盒子,矩形从内到外依次由元素的内容(content).内边距(padding).边框(border).外边距(margin)组成. 在CSS的布局中,元素的矩形被称为"Box Model",即盒子模型.在浏览器渲染页面时,盒子模型决定了元素的大小和位置. 1.2 组成结构 以Chrome浏览器中盒子模型为例: content:内容区域:文本.图片出现的位置.CSS中的width.

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