1620: [Usaco2008 Nov]Time Management 时间管理

1620: [Usaco2008 Nov]Time Management 时间管理

Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MB
Submit: 506  Solved: 306


Ever the maturing businessman, Farmer John realizes that he must manage his time effectively. He has N jobs conveniently numbered 1..N (1 <= N <= 1,000) to accomplish (like milking the cows, cleaning the barn, mending the fences, and so on). To manage his time effectively, he has created a list of the jobs that must be finished. Job i requires a certain amount of time T_i (1 <= T_i <= 1,000) to complete and furthermore must be finished by time S_i (1 <= S_i <= 1,000,000). Farmer John starts his day at time t=0 and can only work on one job at a time until it is finished. Even a maturing businessman likes to sleep late; help Farmer John determine the latest he can start working and still finish all the jobs on time.



* Line 1: A single integer: N

* Lines 2..N+1: Line i+1 contains two space-separated integers: T_i and S_i


* Line 1: The latest time Farmer John can start working or -1 if Farmer John cannot finish all the jobs on time.

Sample Input

3 5
8 14
5 20
1 16


Farmer John has 4 jobs to do, which take 3, 8, 5, and 1 units of
time, respectively, and must be completed by time 5, 14, 20, and
16, respectively.

Sample Output



Farmer John must start the first job at time 2. Then he can do
the second, fourth, and third jobs in that order to finish on time.





 1 type
 2     arr=array[0..2000] of longint;
 3 var
 4    i,j,k,l,m,n:longint;
 5    a,b:arr;
 6 procedure swap(var x,y:longint);
 7           var z:longint;
 8           begin
 9                z:=x;x:=y;y:=z;
10           end;
11 function min(x,y:longint):longint;
12          begin
13               if x<y then min:=x else min:=y;
14          end;
15 procedure sort(l,r:longint);
16           var
17              i,j,x,y:longint;
18           begin
19                i:=l;j:=r;
20                x:=a[(l+r) div 2];
21                repeat
22                      while a[i]<x do inc(i);
23                      while a[j]>x do dec(j);
24                      if I<=j then
25                         begin
26                              swap(a[i],a[j]);
27                              swap(b[i],b[j]);
28                              inc(i);dec(j);
29                         end;
30                until I>j;
31                if l<j then sort(l,j);
32                if i<r then sort(i,r);
33           end;
34 begin
35      readln(n);
36      for i:=1 to n do
37          readln(b[i],a[i]);
38      sort(1,n);
39      l:=a[n];
40      for i:=n downto 1 do
41          begin
42               l:=min(l,a[i]);
43               l:=l-b[i];
44               if l<0 then
45                  begin
46                       writeln(-1);
47                       halt;
48                  end;
49          end;
50      writeln(l);
51 end.
时间: 2024-10-19 01:33:36

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1620: [Usaco2008 Nov]Time Management 时间管理 Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 571  Solved: 343[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description Ever the maturing businessman, Farmer John realizes that he must manage his time effectively. He has N jobs

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