Computer English : Material Design ( 专业英语考核大作业)


Material Design

Nowadays, softwares are everywhere we can see and the user interface of every single one of them is quite different. In some aspects, it’s a good thing. But what if we unify the design across all platforms
and devices. Isn’t that mean everything will be simpler? That’s exactly what Material Design does.

Google released its brand new Android system called Android L on June this year and Material Design came to the world along with it.

As Google said, the idea of Material Design was inspired by an innocent question. When you were using an app with card-forming interaction, you swiped one away and what was underneath?

The first expression of Material Design is colorful and flat. It contains a lot of bold and vibrant colors which will please most people. That’s completely a kind of visual entertainment. Actually, it isn’t flat if you see details carefully. We can write or
draw anything on a paper. Actually, there’s also a magic paper on the bottom in Material Design, therefore, we can place anything we need on it. There exists many shadows which bring users a sense of hierarchy and different elements are placed in different
levels. By the way, icons in Material Design is familiar with the things we see every day. There is no doubt that they’re abstract. But they’re all inspired by normal things in our real world, like camera, calendar, warning sign, route marking, clock and so
on. Hence, when we see an icon, we can immediately know what this app is used for without opening it and learning how to use this it. I think this design is easier accepted by people for everything we touch and everything we see in our real world is three-dimensional.

Animations in Material Design is another innovation. Usually, animations bring people a sense of dynamic, which make an app alive. In Material Design, those animations follows some “rules”. The fundamental elements won’t float freely by itself only if users
touch them. So the animations only appear when we need it to happen. In addition, it is rather remarkable that those animations are transitioned so they won’t suddenly change from one scene to another just like TV shows or a movie. This definitely brings users
a good experience. For instance, when we touch a button, then the button will move gradually as we expect. Usually what we really want to see is the process, not the simple result. Of course, it doesn’t contain the data processing. Watching the motion of a
fundamental elements is another entertainment, right?

As far as I’m concerned, Material Design is the most beautiful and smartest design I’ve never seen. As mentioned above, it will unify the design across all platforms and devices. Doesn’t that mean a constraint, you may wonder. As Matias Duarte, vice president
of design at Google said, “If there were no constraints, it’s not design – it’s art.”  To a certain degree, it becomes more easily for developers to create an app. The design has principle and every fundamental elements move as we expect. But how to combine
them is a problem and this will indeed need developers to think and create something new and brilliant. In my personal experience, using an app which obeys Material Design is amazing and enjoyable. The UI is beautiful and full of a sense of hierarchy. The
animations is vibrant and pleasing. Material Design will have a bright future and I think we could see things with Material Design everywhere soon. After all, it’s a revolution giving people move expects.

时间: 2024-12-19 16:24:17

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