#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 #define MAX 1024 //顺序表最大长度 #define delay 2 //延迟两秒 typedef int ElemType; typedef int STATUS; typedef struct{ ElemType data[MAX]; //数据 int last; //长度 } List; /************************ 创建 输入:无 输出:顺序表指针 功能:初始化顺序表 ************************/ List * createList(){ List * list = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List)); list->last = 0; return list; } /************************ 清空 输入:顺序表指针 输出:无 功能:清空顺序表 ************************/ void clearList(List * list){ list->last = 0; } /************************ 追加 输入:顺序表指针,追加值 输出:状态码 功能:追加数据 ************************/ STATUS appendList(List *list,ElemType val){ if(list->last >= MAX){ printf("list length is overflow the MAX length\n"); return ERROR; } list->data[list->last]=val; list->last++; return OK; } /************************ 插入 输入:顺序表指针,插入位,插入值 输出:状态码 功能:插入数据 ************************/ STATUS insertList(List *list,int index,ElemType val){ index--; //index从1开始,而处理是从0开始,后面亦同 if(index<0 || index>list->last){ printf("index is invalid\n"); return ERROR; } int i; for(i=list->last;i>index;i--) list->data[i]=list->data[i-1]; list->data[index] = val; list->last++; return OK; } /************************ 替换 输入:顺序表指针,替换位,替换值 输出:状态码 功能:替换数据 ************************/ STATUS replaceList(List *list,int index,ElemType val){ index--; if(list->last==0){ printf("list is empty!!\n"); return ERROR; } if(index<0 || index > list->last){ printf("input index is invaild\n"); return ERROR; } list->data[index]=val; return OK; } /************************ 删除 输入:顺序表指针,删除位,存储指针 输出:状态码 功能:删除数据 ************************/ STATUS deleteList(List *list,int index,ElemType * docker){ index--; if(list->last==0){ printf("no element can be deleted\n"); return ERROR; }; if(index<0 || index>list->last){ printf("index is invalid\n"); return ERROR; } *docker = list->data[index]; int i; for(i=index;i<(list->last-1);i++) list->data[i]=list->data[i+1]; list->last--; return OK; } /************************ 获取值 输入:顺序表指针,位置,存储指针 输出:状态码 功能:获取值 ************************/ STATUS getElement(List *list,int index,ElemType * docker){ index--; if(index<0 || index>list->last){ printf("index is invalid\n"); return ERROR; } *docker = list->data[index]; return OK; } /************************ 获取索引 输入:顺序表指针,开始位置,查询值 输出:状态码 功能:获取索引 ************************/ STATUS getIndex(List *list,int beginIndex,ElemType value){ beginIndex--; //because array begin num is 0,but list begin num is 1; if(beginIndex >=list->last || beginIndex<0){ printf("beginIndex is invalid\n"); return ERROR; } int i=beginIndex; while(i<list->last){ if(list->data[i]==value)return ++i; i++; } return OK; } /************************ 打印列表 输入:顺序表指针 输出:状态码 功能:将数据一一打印出来 ************************/ STATUS printList(List *list){ if(list->last == 0){ printf("List is empty\n"); return ERROR; } int i; for(i=0;i<list->last;i++){ printf("[%d] ",list->data[i]); if((i+1)%10==0)printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); return OK; } /************************ 打印信息 输入:无 输出:无 功能:将操作信息打印出来 ************************/ void printInfo(void){ system("clear"); printf("welcome to use sequence list\n"); printf("----------------------------\n"); printf("a = append d = delete\n"); printf("i = insert r = replace\n"); printf("g = getValue G = getIndex\n"); printf("c = clear e = exit\n"); printf("=========== list ===========\n"); } int main(){ ElemType val; int index; char select; List * list = createList(); while(1){ printInfo(); printList(list); printf("please enter your choose:"); select = getchar(); if(select == ‘a‘){ printf("please enter value:"); scanf("%d",&val); appendList(list,val); } if(select == ‘c‘){ clearList(list); } else if(select == ‘i‘){ printf("please enter index:"); scanf("%d",&index); printf("please enter value:"); scanf("%d",&val); insertList(list,index,val); } else if(select == ‘d‘){ printf("please enter index:"); scanf("%d",&index); deleteList(list,index,&val); printf("last delete value: [%d]\n",val); sleep(delay); } else if(select == ‘r‘){ int tmp; printf("please enter index:"); scanf("%d",&index); printf("please enter new value:"); scanf("%d",&val); replaceList(list,index,val); } else if(select == ‘g‘){ printf("please enter index:"); scanf("%d",&index); getElement(list,index,&val); printf("list[%d] = %d\n",index,val); sleep(delay); } else if(select == ‘G‘){ printf("please enter beginIndex:"); scanf("%d",&index); printf("please enter value:"); scanf("%d",&val); int num = getIndex(list,index,val); if(num) printf("%d‘s index is %d\n",val,num); else printf("sorry not find\n"); sleep(delay); } else if(select == ‘e‘){ return 0; } printf("\n"); } }
时间: 2024-12-15 01:40:40