SGU 455 Sequence analysis(Cycle detection,floyd判圈算法)


Due to the slow ‘mod‘ and ‘div‘ operations with int64 type, all Delphi solutions for the problem 455 (Sequence analysis) run much slower than the same code written in C++ or Java. We do not guarantee that Delphi solution exists. 

You are given a sequence of signed 64-bit integers defined as follows:

  • x0 = 1,
  • ,



is a remainder operator. All arithmetic operations are evaluated without overflow checking. Use standard "remainder" operator for programming languages (it differs from the mathematical version; for example  in programming, while  in mathematics). Use "

long long

" type in C++, "


" in Java and "


" in Delphi to store xi and all other values.

Let‘s call a sequence element xp repeatable if it occurs later in the sequence — meaning that there exists such qq > p, that xq = xp. The first repeatable element M of the sequence is such an element xm that xm is repeatable, and none of the xp where p < m are repeatable.

Given AB and C, your task is to find the index of the second occurence of the first repeatable element M in the sequence if the index is less or equal to 2 · 106. Per definition, the first element of the sequence has index 0.


The only line of input contains three signed 64-bit integers: AB and C (B > 0, C > 0).


Print a single integer  — the index of the second occurence of the first repeatable member if it is less or equal to 2 · 106. Print -1 if the index is more than 2 · 106.

题目大意:给出x[0] = 1,还有A、B、C,有x[i+1] = (A * x[i] + x[i] % B) % C。求第二个循环节出现的位置。

思路: (floyd判圈算法,龟兔算法?)

给一个初始值x[0],有一个函数x[i + 1] = f(x[i])。若x始终在有限集合中运算,那么这些x值会构成一个环。



那么对任意i = kλ ≥ μ,一定会有x[kλ] = x[kλ + kλ],即x[i] = x[2i]

于是我们可以用以下代码,找出满足x[v] = x[2v]的第一个ν,显然在[μ, μ + λ]间存在一个v = kλ,则此步复杂度为O(μ+λ)

    long long x = f(x0), y = f(f(x0));
    int v = 1;
    while(x != y)
        x = f(x), y = f(f(y)), v++;

由于对任意i ≥ μ,有x[i] = x[i + λ] = x[i + kλ],那么同意有x[μ] = x[μ + λ] = x[μ + kλ] = x[μ + v]


那么基于x[μ] = x[μ + v]的事实。我们可以用下面的代码,循环μ次,求出x[μ]

    x = x0;
    int mu = 0;
    while(x != y)
        x = f(x), y = f(y), mu++;


    int lam = 1;
    y = f(x);
    while(x != y) y = f(y), lam++;





 1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
 2 using namespace std;
 3 typedef long long LL;
 5 const int MAXR = 2e6;
 7 LL A, B, C;
 9 LL next(LL x) {
10     return (A * x + x % B) % C;
11 }
13 int main() {
14     scanf("%I64d%I64d%I64d", &A, &B, &C);
15     LL x = next(1), y = next(x);
16     int v = 1;
17     while(v <= MAXR && x != y)
18         x = next(x), y = next(next(y)), v++;
19     if(v > MAXR) {
20         puts("-1");
21         return 0;
22     }
24     x = 1;
25     int mu = 0;
26     while(x != y)
27         x = next(x), y = next(y), mu++;
29     int lam = 1;
30     y = next(x);
31     while(mu + lam <= MAXR && x != y) y = next(y), lam++;
33     if(mu + lam <= MAXR) printf("%d\n", mu + lam);
34     else puts("-1");
35 }

时间: 2025-01-16 04:02:20

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