

(1)DOS__was the first widely-installed operating system on personal computers.

(2)To command to check a diskette for flaws and creates a directory where all the names ofthe diskette‘s files will be stored. It is__Ping command

(3)While there are several useful programs for analyzing connectivity, unquestionably__format__is the most commonly used program.

(4)Whenever you turn on your computer, the first thing you see is the __BIOS__ softwaredoing its thing.

(5)The order that BIOS will try to load the operating system, it is__boot Sequence

对与错(1) Cannot find or initialize the floppy drive controller or the drive. Make sure the controlleris installed correctly. ( ? )

2)Typically, Device Manager is used to check the status of computer hardware and update(?)

(3)If the status is Disabled, that is not ully the result of user‘s action, but meansunanedevice has a problem.(?)

(4)If you lose the password you will be locked out of your own system,and then you willhave to resort to techniques. (?)

(5The typical indutrial robots consits of 3 major components: the manipulator arm, theend effector. and the actuator.(?)


Computer networks link computers by communication lines and software protocols,allowing data to be exchanged rapidly and reliably.



Originally, the network was used to provide terminal computer access and file transfer between computers. Today, the network provides E-mail transfer, access to public databases and bulletin boards, and has begun to be used in distributed systems.

Networks also allow users in one locality to share expensive resources, such as printers anddisk-systems.




CMOS设置程序__CMOS Setup


自检鸣叫错误__post beep





软盘__floppy disk







时间: 2024-07-31 06:37:48


2019.10.11 王俊懿_Linux

1. 计算机操作系统简介 1)掌握操作系统的定义 2)掌握操作系统的内核的定义 3) 了解两种操作系统用户界面 2.了解LINUX主要发行版 3. 安装Linux操作系统的准各工作 1)了解为什么选择Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 安装Linux操作系统 1) 掌握安装Linux操作系统时对内存的最低票求为512M 2)掌握安装过程中的名选项的含义 3) 了解安装过程语言的选择为简体中文的进项为 4) 掌握默认的主机名为:1ocalhost.localdomian 5) 掌

解决mac 10.11 以后 无法使用未签名第三驱动

解决 最新版 mac 系统 无法使用未签名第三驱动 10.12.多 我的情况是 10.11.4 Beta (15E27e) 使用绿联usb网卡不正常. 下面的命令为检测驱动是否装载的一些命令.sudo kextload /Library/Extensions/AX88772.kext 报错: failed to load - (libkern/kext) not found; check the system/kernel logs for errors or try kextutil(8).

更新到10.11后 cocoapods 重装问题

更新到10.11后 cocoapods 需要重新安装,但是使用原来的淘宝源(http://ruby.taobao.org/) 会报错 ERROR:  Could not find a valid gem 'cocospods’ (>= 0), here is why: Unable to download data from http://ruby.taobao.org/ - bad response Not Found 404 (http://ruby.taobao.org/latest_sp

Windows下虚拟机安装Mac OS X —– VM12安装Mac OS X 10.11

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 注:本文来源:csdn:N的专栏.<Windows下虚拟机安装Mac

在 Win 7或8 下使用 VirtualBOX 虚拟机安装 OS X 10.11 El Capitan 及 Xcode 7.0

注:本文源自于: http://bbs.feng.com/read-htm-tid-9908410.html __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 欢迎加入iOS

Windows下 VM12虚拟机安装OS X 10.11 和VM TOOLS

Windows下虚拟机安装Mac OS X —– VMware Workstation12安装Mac OS X 10.11 本文即将介绍WIN虚拟MAC的教程.完整详细教程(包含安装中的一些问题) [并且适用其他mac os x版本] Windows下 VM12虚拟机安装OS X 10.11(详细教程) (图挂了的话,请点击此处.本人在百度发的) 工具/原料 Mac OS X 10.11 镜像文件(链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pL8HE59 密码:cq4d) unloc

cocoapods 在10.11下运行pod命令报-bash: pod: command not found

系统是10.11,在运行pod命令是报:-bash: pod: command not found,于是开始找办法解决. 先试了试第一种方案. sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods 运行成功,但还是会报command not found 不得已再试另一种方法. $ mkdir -p $HOME/Software/ruby $ export GEM_HOME=$HOME/Software/ruby $ gem install cocoapods

VMware 12安装Mac OS X 10.11

去年写了一篇安装Mac OS X 10.10的文章,看到大家都想体验OS X,大多数都能成功,但也在其中发现了一些问题,所以更新一下,希望对大家有所帮助. 1048VMware 11安装Mac OS X 10.10 工具/原料 1. VMware Workstation 2. unlocker 206(for OS X 插件补丁) 3. Mac OS X 10.11镜像 步骤一 1 下载以上文件: 1. VM百度一下版本无所谓了,都能满足需要: 2. unlocker 206       链接:

黑苹果教程(四)———MAC OS 10.11+固态硬盘+自定义引导

为了使黑苹果的体验效果更佳,楼主购买了一块固态硬盘,为了黑苹果还把主板搞出问题了,,哎,方法没有掌握好,为了今后的同志少走弯路,同时给自己留个笔记,所以分享一下自己的经验. 楼主黑苹果也经历了三个版本了,有了自己的一点点经验,10.9->10.10->10.11.程序员总有这种尝试新东西的想法,而不是每天都敲着代码,尝试新系统感觉很不错.先来分享一下最新的10.11最终效果. 截图: 总况: 亮度调节: 声音调节: cpu变频: 声卡.USB2.0.USB3.0.相机.电源电量显示.网卡均ok