SpringBoot: Field xxx in xxx required a bean of type 'xxx' that could not be found.





  1.SpringBoot启动类放到包的跟包下面比如每个包都包含 cn.arebirth.xx  那就放在cn.arbeirth下面


SpringBoot: Field xxx in xxx required a bean of type 'xxx' that could not be found.


时间: 2024-08-11 14:24:37

SpringBoot: Field xxx in xxx required a bean of type 'xxx' that could not be found.的相关文章

运行springboot项目报错:Field userMapper in XX required a bean of type 'xx' that could not be found.

运行springboot项目报错: *************************** APPLICATION FAILED TO START *************************** Description: Field userMapper in com.whohim.springboot.service.impl.UserServiceImpl required a bean of type 'com.whohim.springboot.dao.UserMapper' t

springboot 报错Field XXX required a bean of type XXX that could not be found.

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Field XXX in XXXX required a bean of type XXXX that could not be found

这个报错的意思是:没有找到相应的bean. 出现这个情况我遇到了两种: 1.spring没有扫描到相应的bean. 原因是springboot项目启动,只有@SpringBootApplication 所在的包被被扫描,如果有其他需要扫描的包,需要显式写明: @SpringBootApplication@MapperScan({"cn.jhxcom.web.demo.mapper",    "com.baomidou.mybatisplus.samples.quickstar

springboot 工程启动报错之Consider defining a bean of type ‘XXX’ in your configuration.

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Consider defining a bean of type `xxx` in your configuration问题解决问题解决

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org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException:No qualifying bean of type 'xxx 'available

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spring注入时报错::No qualifying bean of type 'xxx.xxMapper'

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经常出现这问题一定是非spring生态圈的@标签 没被spring引入,如mybatis等 因为在默认情况下只能扫描与控制器在同一个包下以及其子包下的@Component注解,以及能将指定注解的类自动注册为Bean的@[email protected]和@ Repository 那个这个时候就需要@ComponentScan或者@MapperScan了 要是xml配置注入有这问题,麻烦一遍一遍看xml文件的配置,绝对是哪里没写匹配. spring boot注入error,Consider def

两招解决异常_Cannot find any information on property 'XXX' in a bean of type 'XXX'的问题

第一招 在进行Java Web项目开发的时候,我碰到过下面这个异常: Cannot find any information on property 'XXX' in a bean of type 'XXX' 如图: 这是javaBean中: 这是显示结果的jsp页面中: 解决方法是: 将javaBean中setClassRanking_she方法改为setClassranking_she,保持存在一个大写字母是安全的. 第二招 on property 'XXX' in a bean of ty