about ubuntu 16-4 install eclipse vary slow and always over , it is a bug,it takes me for half day ,i have to reback fictx

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Eclipse was working as good as anything on 14.04. I did a clean install of 16.04 and installed Eclipse. But it runs a Java program only once after which it just hangs during subsequent attempts before I remove and reinstall it. I have tried many things, since in the beginning I needed CDT as well. Right now, I just want to remove everything related to eclipse and do a fresh install (remove all the configs and dependencies). Please note that I used Eclipse installer to install Eclipse and the eclipse icon image is also not appearing (the default ubuntu ? is appearing).

eclipse 16.04

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asked Apr 24 at 3:55

Ankur Lathwal


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7 Answers


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I had something the same with 16.04 and Eclipse Mars. I thought it had frozen but in fact it was running very, very slowly. The problem is the version of GTK+ 3, shipped with 16.04. Fortunately the solution is very easy. Open a terminal and then type export SWT_GTK3=0, then start Eclipse from the terminal. If that works, then a more persistent fix is to put the 2 lines in italics below intoeclipse.ini:


before the line:


The bug is filed with Ubuntu at bug 1552764

时间: 2024-12-17 13:10:12

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