
1. Agile jQuery Carousel

Highly customizable jQuery Carousel plugin so you can build according to your requirements. JSON data format is used to provide easier integration with external data or data from your CMS. Use it for agile web development. This is an all new version written from scratch. JQuery UI effects and the ability to read files on the server are no longer included. New features are added, such as “Control Sets” which allow for a more customizable setup. Now posted on Github for faster development. Agile jQuery Carousel examples.

2. Step jQuery Carousel Viewer

Step jQuery Carousel Viewer displays images or even rich HTML by side scrolling them left or right. Users can step to any specific panel on demand, or browse the gallery sequentially by stepping through x number of panels each time. A smooth sliding animation is used to transition between steps. And fear not in taming this script to go exactly where you want it to- two public methods, two custom event handlers, and three “status” variables are here for that purpose.

3. jCarousel Lite

jCarousel Lite is a jQuery plugin that carries you on a carousel ride filled with images and HTML content. Put simply, you can navigate images and/or HTML in a carousel-style widget. It is super light weight, at about 2 KB in size, yet very flexible and customizable to fit most of our needs.

4. jQuery Infinite Carousel Plugin

Unlike most carousel plugins which stop when they get to the last image, this one allows the show to go on infinitely without any user intervention.
If you have three images you want to display, after the third image has been displayed, the first image will be next. Through some clever JavaScript, images are shuffled around so that it appears as if the carousel is a true carousel and never ends.

5. jQuery Carrousel

Moodular is a jQuery plugin which allows to create carousel/slider very easily. Moodular comes from the contraction of two words : mood & modular.

6. jMyCarousel

jMyCarousel is a free, highly customizable, non obstructive carousel written in javascript, based on jquery, and created to suit any need. It enables to display a list or gallery of images in a dynamic way. It can be adapted very easily to any layout, and the way it animates the picture is adaptable.

7. Rcarousel

rCarousel – yet another (but super duper) continuous jQueryUI carousel. It has lots of features and good examples.

8. Theatre Carousel

This jQuery Carousel can do both horizontal and vertical sliders and in particular the horizontal  carousel looks awesome. Really simple to use and it has good control options.

9. Cloud Carousel

This jQuery carousel features optional auto-reflections, and the information contained in the Alt and Title tags of the images can optionally be displayed as you hover over each image.

There are some benefits to doing this kind of thing in JavaScript rather than Flash, not least of which is the ease of integration, small file size, SEO, and inherent degradability/accessibility. Not having another dev-tool in the workflow is another plus.

The carousel features realistic perspective. Many 3d carousels only apply perspective scaling to the size of the images, not their positions. This results in disproportionate gaps appearing between items as they shrink in the distance which looks odd.

10. jQuery Ms Carousel

Each carousel can have own look & feel and behavior. Put next/previous button wherever you want or don’t put anywhere its up to you. The most important part is; it returns a carousel object and do whatever you want.

11. Carousel WordPress Plugin

This is is an awesome and very powerful jQuery Carousel for WordPress. Really suggest you check it out if you use WordPress.

12. BX Slider

13. Floom (MooTools)

Floom is an extendible blinds-like slideshow widget for MooTools 1.3+.

14. RoundAbout for jQuery – cool and different jQuery Carousel

Roundabout is a jQuery plugin that converts a structure of static HTML elements into a highly customizable turntable-like interactive area.

15. Roundabout Shapes

Roundabout Shapes provide even more paths along which your Roundabout can move. The current version of Roundabout Shapes offers eleven additional movements.

16. Wow Slider

WOW Slider is a jQuery image slider with stunning visual effects (BlastFlyBlindsSquaresSlicesBasicFadeKen Burns) and tons of professionally made templates. WOW Slider is packed with a point-and-click wizard to create fantastic sliders in a matter of seconds without coding and image editing.

17. Icarousel

Carousel is an open source (free) javascript tool for creating jQuery carousel like widgets

18. Carousel Slideshow

Carousel Slideshow is a fabulous DHTML script for the showcasing of images on your site. It displays images in a 3D, carousel fashion.

19. Carou Fredsel

20. jQuery Carousel plugin

This plugin has been rewritten using jQuery UI’s Widget Factory with a few extra features including autoScroll

21. Making Mosiac Slideshow with jQuery and CSS

22. Barousel

Barousel is a jQuery plugin to easily generate simple carousels where each slide is defined by an image + any type of related content.

23. 3d Carousel

24. Anything Slider

25. jDigiclock slider

26. Dual slider

27. Liquid Carousel

28. slides

Slides is a slideshow plugin for jQuery that is built with simplicity in mind. Packed with a useful set of features to help novice and advanced developers alike create elegant and user-friendly slideshows.

29. FBISCarousel

30. jCarousel

31. Feature jQuery carousel

32. K3d jQuery Carousel

33. Prototype UI Carousel

34. 3d Rotation Viewer

This cool stuff easily creates a 3D rotation viewer in UIZE that lets users rotate the view of an object a full 360 degrees using a mouse, or finger on the Apple iPad.

35. Full Page Image Gallery with jQuery

This is a stunning full page gallery with scrollable thumbnails and a scrollable full screen preview. This works with thumbnails bar at the bottom of the page that scrolls automatically when the user moves the mouse. When a thumbnail is clicked, it moves to the center of the page and the full screen image is loaded in the background. Now the user can move up and down and the image will get scrolled automatically, giving him the opportunity to see all of the image.

36.HTML5 Slideshow w/ Canvas and jQuery

This effect creates progressively enhanced slideshow with a fancy transitioning effect.

37. How to Create a jQuery Carousel with WordPress Posts

38. jQuery Carousel Gallery for WordPress

This plugin builds on the builtin WordPress gallery, and replaces any gallery inserted using the tag with a neat jQuery powered carousel. By carousel it means you can browse through all the pictures in the gallery and they’ll slide from the right to the left and seamlessly start over at the end.

39. Making an infinite JQuery carousel

40. Just Another Carousel

41. Supersized jQuery plugin

Supersized jQuery plugin is a full screen background and slideshow that you can use to satisfy the craving of your clients for big and wonderful pictures.

42. Avia Slider

This plugin features 8 unique transition effects, image preloader, autoplay that stops on user interaction and lots of easy to set options to create your own effects.

43. Thumbnails Navigation Gallery with jQuery

Thumbnails Navigation Gallery with jQuery is an extraordinary gallery with scrollable thumbnails that slide out from a navigation. It has a menu of albums where each item can reveal a horizontal bar with thumbnails when clicked. The thumbnails container will scroll automatically when the user moves the mouse to the left or the right.

44. Sideways – Fullscreen Gallery

Sideways is a simple, yet elegant fullscreen image gallery created with the jQuery framework and some simple CSS.

44. Nivo Slider

Nivo slider is an awesome jQuery slider that features smooth transition, keyboard navigation and html captions.

45. JCoverflip

jCoverflip has been developed to enable fast and granular customization of the look and feel and feature set.


时间: 2024-11-05 05:54:09


10款很好用的 jQuery 图片滚动插件

jQuery 作为最流行的 JavaScript 框架,使用简单灵活,同时还有许多优秀的插件可供使用.其中最令人印象深刻的应用之一就是各种很酷的图片效果,它可以让的网站更具吸引力.这里收集了10款很好用的 jQuery 图片滚动插件分享给大家. 1.Nivo Slider 首先推荐的这款插件号称世界上最棒的图片轮播插件,有独立的 jQuery 插件和 WordPress 插件两个版本.目前下载量已经突破 1,800,000 次! 在线演示 源码下载 2.Slides Slides 是一款精巧的

5 款非常酷的 jQuery 图片裁剪插件

这篇文章主要介绍最新的 5 款 jQuery 图片裁剪插件,可以帮助你轻松的实现你网站需要的图像裁剪功能. Cropit Cropit 是一个 jQuery 插件,支持图像裁剪和缩放功能.Cropit 通过 FileReader 进行本地图片加载,然后使用 canvas 来进行裁剪. croppic croppic 是图像裁剪的 jQuery 插件,可以满足你的要求,并且有许多额外的特性. Image Cropper jQuery Image Cropper 是简单的 jQuery 图像裁剪插件


jQuery非常强大,我们之前也用jQuery分享过很多实用的插件.HTML5可以让网页变得更加绚丽多彩,将HTML5和jQuery结合使用那将发挥更棒的效果. 今天向大家收集了一些关于HTML5和jQuery的应用及其源码,一起来看看. HTML5动感的火焰燃烧动画特效 这又是一款基于HTML5的超炫动画特效,是一款动感的火焰燃烧动画效果.这款HTML5动画火焰燃烧非常逼真. 核心jQuery代码: $( document ).ready(function() { // Set canvas


这是一款效果炫酷的jQuery和CSS3 3D旋转画廊特效插件.该3D画廊插件可以通过前后导航按钮来切换图片,效果就像旋转木马一样.它还带有点击放大图片,显示图片标题和用键盘操作等功能. 在线预览   源码下载 简要教程 这是一款效果非常炫酷的jQuery和CSS3 3D旋转画廊特效插件.第一个DEMO是一个简单的例子,使用CSS3来制作3d旋转效果,然后用js来控制前后导航按钮.第二个DEMO是第一个DEMO的升级版,它增加了图片标题.查看图片.键盘控制等其它功能. HTML结构 这个3D画廊


这是一款效果非常炫酷的jQuery和CSS3 3d翻转图片幻灯片插件.这个幻灯片插件开始的时候图片都堆叠在一起,当用户点击了其中的某张图片后,该图片会以3D翻转的方式"飞"到堆叠图片的最前面. 在该幻灯片插件中使用了 CSS3 transition.CSS3 animations 和 CSS3 transforms,并用jQuery来处理鼠标点击事件. 在线演示:http://www.htmleaf.com/Demo/201502081346.html 下载地址:http://www.


iPresenter是一款效果非常炫酷的jQuery和CSS3 3D旋转幻灯片特效插件.你可以使用它来制作产品展示.图片画廊或者各种幻灯片和轮播图特效. 这款幻灯片插件的特点有: 高度灵活和可定制性. 灵活的用户界面的设计. 在单个HTML页面中允许存在多个实例. 可以定制每一个slider的easing效果. 多语言支持. 可以在 iOS 和 Android 上正常工作. 可以选择自动播放模式下鼠标悬停时停止播放幻灯片. 非常容易调整尺寸. 兼容外部字体(如谷歌字体). 有预加载进度条显示.


js有alert,prompt和confirm对话框,不过不是很美体验也不是很好,用jQuery也能实现, 体验效果:http://hovertree.com/texiao/jquery/34/ 代码如下: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE


jQuery的画廊插件可以将分组图像和多媒体资料转成类似Flash的图像或照片.当幻灯片已经成为网站的重要组成部分,jQuery的重要性不能被忽视.下面为你介绍了10个最有美感,创新性和创造性的jQuery图片画廊插件: 1.How to Create a Simple Slideshow using Mootools / JQuery 当我们想要在有限的屏幕空间展示很多内容,这要使用到幻灯片.幻灯片是最佳的可以展现大量的信息的方式.在这篇文章中我将展示使用MooTools / Jquery做出


今天我们要介绍一款比较特别的jQuery图片滑块插件,它不仅在PC浏览器上可以使用,而且更适合在手机端的网页中使用.这款jQuery插件不仅可以定义图片切换的方向,而且可以即时切换图片切换的动画方式,可以有平移.翻转.旋转和幻灯片模式,动画效果非常不错. 在线预览   源码下载 实现的代码: <h4 style="text-align: center"> animateType参数中设置,目前支持default, rotate, flip 和 depth, 点击按钮看效果&