我的Windows naked apps

0. 驱动精灵全能网卡版

1. Microsoft Office 2010/2013

2. IE 11

3. Filezilla Client & Server

4. Google Chrome lastest

  1. Serverauditor -SSH Client

  2. Mado/Marxico

5. Baidu Input Method not Sogou

6. Picasa 3

7. RealVNC

8. Youdao Dict

9. QQ

10. 360 Safe Guard/Shadu

11. 360 Zip/2345 zip not winrar

12. UltraISO

13. DEAMON Tools Lite

14. Sublime Text 3

15. uTorrent if FDU-PT

16. Dell Touchpad

17. Kmplayer Plus/Potplayer

18. Baidu Music

19. Ext2Fsd if linux

20. Foxit Reader

21. Adobe Flash Player ActiveX & non-IE-core

22. Youdao Note/为知笔记/麦库记事 not Evernote

23. hao123 Juzi/ Maxthon Nitro/115 browser

时间: 2024-08-11 05:59:55

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