我理想中的父母(The Ideal Parents In My Heart)

Parents are the first teachers in children’s life, and people all know the great importance exactly of family education. When one was born to brought up, he needs the education and influence of his family. So the words and behaviors exert a subtle influence on children. As a rule, when a kid grew up to a successful person, we always find his excellent parents from behind his back. So, what kind of quality should the excellent parents own? What kind of parents could be the ideal parents in my heart?

In my heart, the ideal parents always keep an youthful heart , so that they could understand the children’s innocence . If you want to be an good parent, you must play with children, grow up with children, and try to become a number of them ,a big friend of them . Please treat them equally just like a real friend, try to find the common language between you and the kid, so that you can communicate with them better. Find some free time to enjoy the fun with children, and learn to accompany them.

Ideal parents should be those parents who are good at discovering children’s gift, digging out children’s potential abilities and developing their strengths. They should encourage children to explore the world and find what they really like or what really suit them.

The ideal parents will never lose confidence to children .They respect children , respect children’s interests , the choices and opinions . These parents never stint their praise and encouragement , never attack their kids with insulting words or punish them with violence . They show the trust to children , and have patience to children.

The ideal parents are supposed to set a good example for children in family . They ought to be responsible and reliable .They can keep their word , and practice the belief by themselves .That both good habits and bad habits will effect children directly , so parents who really understand education ought to understand that they could make a sacrifice for the education of their kids . and abandon some bad habits or personal interests ,such as smoking and drinking.

Well ,in my heart ,parents should spend some time chatting with their kids , no matter how busy they are , talking with children about things in school , between friends and so on , whatever happiness or unhappiness . That is the most important.

All in all , the ideal parents should be a friend , be responsible , reliable and considerate . that’s the ideal parents in my heart , and I hope I will be a good parent in the future.


时间: 2024-10-09 21:51:04

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