在官方示例中,Motion-Based Multiple Object Tracking和Using Kalman Filter for Object Tracking都使用了下面两个算法进行物体的识别
原理:The ForegroundDetector System object compares a color or grayscale video frame to a background model to determine whether individual pixels are part of the background or the foreground. It then computes a foreground mask. By using background subtraction, you can detect foreground objects in an image taken from a stationary camera.
算法:Gaussian mixture models (GMM).,呵呵,又是高斯。
Enables the object to adapt the learning rate during the period specified by the NumTrainingFrames property. When you set this property to true, the object sets the LearningRate property to 1/(current frame number). When you set this property to false, the LearningRate property must be set at each time step.
Learning rate for parameter updates(说不上来,自己理解吧。)
Specify the learning rate to adapt model parameters. This property controls how quickly the model adapts to changing conditions. Set this property appropriately to ensure algorithm stability.(控制背景模型的更新速度,同时该参数影响算法的稳定性)
When you set AdaptLearningRate to true, the LearningRate property takes effect only after the training period specified by NumTrainingFrames is over.
When you set the AdaptLearningRate to false, this property will not be available. This property is tunable.
Threshold to determine background model
Set this property to represent the minimum of the apriori probabilities for pixels to be considered background values. Multimodal backgrounds can not be handled, if this value is too small.
Number of Gaussian modes in the mixture model(高斯大神的数量?大神保佑我)
Specify the number of Gaussian modes in the mixture model. Set this property to a positive integer. Typically this value is 3, 4 or 5. Set this value to 3 or greater to be able to model multiple background modes.(貌似是越大越好?然后更利于处理多背景的情况)
Variance when initializing a new Gaussian mode