分析函数 取最小

select id, addr, riqi, row_number()over (partition by riqi order by riqi) as paixu
(select 1 id,‘AA‘ addr,20150101 as riqi from dual
union all
select 1 id,‘BB‘ addr,20150201 as riqi from dual) where rownum =1 ;

时间: 2024-10-09 21:56:08

分析函数 取最小的相关文章


1 import java.util.Scanner; 2 3 /** 4 * Created by Administrator on 14-5-20. 5 */ 6 public class Euclid { 7 public static void main(String[] args){ 8 Scanner scanner=new Scanner(System.in); 9 String str=scanner.nextLine(); 10 int a=Integer.parseInt(s


Consider yourself lucky! Consider yourself lucky to be still breathing and having fun participating inthis contest. But we apprehend that many of your descendants may not have this luxury. For, as youknow, we are the dwellers of one of the most pollu


一.Math.min() 返回一组表达式中最小者 eg: var n = Math.min( 2 , 30 ,1 , 200-10 , 300*22 , 20-30 ); alert(n); //打印出n为 -10 ; 二.Math.max()  返回一组表达式中的最大者 eg: var n = Math.max( 2 , 30 ,1 , 200-10 , 300*22 , 20-30 ); alert(n); //打印出n为  6600;


SELECT NVL(Min(t1.Accnum), 0) + 1  INTO newAccnum  FROM T1 t1 WHERE (t1.accnum + 1) NOT IN (SELECT t2.accnum FROM T2 t2)   AND t1.accnum > 0   AND EXISTS (SELECT t3.accnum FROM T3 t3 WHERE t3.accnum = 1);


(1)oracle使用keep分析函数取最值记录 -- 取工资sal最大的雇员姓名及其工资,以及工资sal最少的雇员姓名及其工资 select deptno, empno, ename, sal, max(ename) keep(dense_rank FIRST order by sal) over (partition by deptno) as min_sal_man, max(sal) keep(dense_rank FIRST order by sal) over (partition


常用分析函数: 1. first,last --假设a := min(奖金) keep(dense_rank first order by 工资) --假设工资最少为1000,a为在工资等于1000的员工取最小的奖金 --假设b := min(奖金) keep(dense_rank last order by 工资) --假设工资最多为9999,b为在工资等于9999的员工取最小的奖金 --作为聚合函数 select e.department_id, min(e.hire_date) keep(


一.keep函数介绍 -- keep是Oracle下的另一个分析函数,他的用法不同于通过over关键字指定的分析函数,可以用于这样一种场合下: -- 取同一个分组下以某个字段排序后,对指定字段取最小或最大的那个值. -- 从这个前提出发,我们可以看到其实这个目标通过一般的row_number分析函数也可以实现,即指定rn=1.但是, -- 该函数无法实现同时获取最大和最小值.或者说用first_value和last_value,结合row_number实现, -- 但是该种方式需要多次使用分析函

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