汇编1 ----C语言函数1


在Visual Studio 2015 CTP6对其反汇编。


z = add(1, 2);

009C170E 6A 02 push 2

????int z;

????z = add(1, 2);

009C1710 6A 01 push 1

009C1712 E8 8D FA FF FF call 009C11A4

009C1717 83 C4 08 add esp,8

009C171A 89 45 F8 mov dword ptr [ebp-8],eax

第一二行将参数1,2压栈,由此可证明C语言函数参数入栈顺序是从右向左。单步执行push 1 和push 2,观察寄存器的值,可知每将一个参数压入栈,ESP值都要减4。执行push 1后查看ESP所指内存的值。


接下来分析下一行 E8 8D FA FF FF

E8为call指令机器码,由小端机存储可知e8的值为ff ff fa 8d。

call目标地址=call指令当前地址+5字节(call指令占用空间)- e8后指令的补码。即009C11A4



Call指令作用相当于 1.压栈返回地址 2.跳转到目标指令。


Prior to branching to the first instruction of the called procedure, the CALL instruction pushes the address in the EIP

register onto the current stack. This address is then called the return-instruction pointer and it points to the

instruction where execution of the calling procedure should resume following a return from the called procedure.

Upon returning from a called procedure, the RET instruction pops the return-instruction pointer from the stack

back into the EIP register. Execution of the calling procedure then resumes.


Near call

When executing a near call, the processor does the following (see Figure 6-2):

1. Pushes the current value of the EIP register on the stack.

2. Loads the offset of the called procedure in the EIP register.

3. Begins execution of the called procedure.

When executing a near return, the processor performs these actions:

1. Pops the top-of-stack value (the return instruction pointer) into the EIP register.

2. If the RET instruction has an optional n argument, increments the stack pointer by the number of bytes

specified with the n operand to release parameters from the stack.

3. Resumes execution of the calling procedure.

Far call

1. Pushes the current value of the CS register on the stack.

2. Pushes the current value of the EIP register on the stack.

3. Loads the segment selector of the segment that contains the called procedure in the CS register.

4. Loads the offset of the called procedure in the EIP register.

5. Begins execution of the called procedure.

When executing a far return, the processor does the following:

1. Pops the top-of-stack value (the return instruction pointer) into the EIP register.

2. Pops the top-of-stack value (the segment selector for the code segment being returned to) into the CS register.

3. If the RET instruction has an optional n argument, increments the stack pointer by the number of bytes

specified with the n operand to release parameters from the stack.

4. Resumes execution of the calling procedure.

不难看出,far call是带有segment的跳转,用到了CS寄存器。


时间: 2024-08-01 23:52:13

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汇编2 ----C语言函数2

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[汇编与C语言关系]2. main函数与启动例程

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.text //代码段.global _start //表明程序入口_start: //入口函数 BL main //跳转到c语言中的main,不一定要转跳到main,也可以执行其他的汇编指令 一般工程中,纯汇编复杂,而且效率比C语言并没有提高多少,所以在没有操作系统的工程中,最好的开发方式就是用汇编调用C语言,使用C语言来完成所需要的工作(只有在对效率要求极高的时候才会使用汇编编写代码块),当然裸机开发没有现成的库,就算是简单的printf函数也是没法调用的,其实就是就是汇编的高级语言版本.个


上学期学习了汇编语言,并在操作系统实验中使用了汇编+C语言混合编程,中间也了解了一些C语言与汇编语言的对应关系. 由于汇编语言是底层的编程语言,各种函数参数都要直接控制栈进行存取,在混合编程中,要用汇编来调用C函数,当然就要知道参数的压栈情况了. 当知道C函数的参数压栈顺序是从右到左时,我觉得很奇怪,因为大多数情况下,人们的习惯是从左到右的,难不成设计者学咱们中国古代写字从右到左的习惯不成? 当时只是记下了这个规则而已,并没有去探究这其中的缘由,后来在实验中自己用汇编实现了printf和scan


作者:庄晓立(Liigo) 日期:2015年3月3日夜 原创链接:http://blog.csdn.net/liigo/article/details/44045177 版权所有,转载请注明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/liigo 前两天我协助解决了一个技术问题,在此稍作记录和总结. 具体来说,就是在使用基于Webkit引擎的封装组件wke的过程中,需要把一个易语言函数注册给JavaScript引擎,让它可以在网页里被调用(就像在网页里调用普通JavaScript函数一样).如