type和create type
create type 可在库中生成一个长期有效的自定义类型对象,而type作用域仅限于语句块中;
--【create type】***************************************************************** --①简单 type _object-------------------------------------- create or replace type test_type01 as object( a varchar2(20), b varchar2(20), c number(10)); --②简单 type _varray-------------------------------------- create or replace type test_type02 as varray(10) of test_type01; --③简单 type _table-------------------------------------- create or replace type test_type03 as table of test_type02; --④创建带映射函数的【object】类型 --create type as object(member) -------------------------------------- create or replace type test_type01 as object ( a varchar2(10), b varchar2(10), member function aaa(a in varchar2,b in varchar2) return varchar2 ); create or replace type body test_type01 as member function aaa(a in varchar2,b in varchar2) return varchar2 is begin return a||b; end; end; --用法一:create table of type create table test_type_table01 of test_type01; insert into test_type_table01 values(‘a‘,‘a‘); insert into test_type_table01 select test_type01(‘1‘,‘1‘) from dual; commit; select * from test_type_table01; select ee.a,ee.aaa(‘dd‘,‘ee‘) from test_type_table01 ee; --用法二:create table(typename.type) create table test_type_table02( a number(10), test_t test_type01 ); insert into test_type_table02 values(1,test_type01(‘a‘,‘a‘)); insert into test_type_table02 select 2,test_type01(‘b‘,‘b‘) from dual; commit; select * from test_type_table02; select rr.a,rr.test_t,rr.test_t.a,rr.test_t.aaa(‘dd‘,‘ee‘) from test_type_table02 rr; --⑤创建【table】类型 --create type as table -------------------------------------- --用法一: create or replace type test_type02 as object ( a varchar2(10), b varchar2(10) ) not final; create or replace type test_type03 as table of test_type02; create table test_type_table03( id number(10), test_ty test_type03 )nested table test_ty store as test_ty_table;--test_ty_table表示嵌套表【名称可随意取?】; insert into test_type_table03 values(1,test_type03(test_type02(‘a‘,‘a‘))); insert into test_type_table03 select 2,test_type03(test_type02(‘b‘,‘b‘),test_type02(‘c‘,‘c‘)) from dual; commit; select * from test_type_table03; select aa.id,aa.test_ty from test_type_table03 aa; select * from table(select aa.test_ty from test_type_table03 aa where aa.id=2); /* --无效sql select * from table(select aa.test_ty from test_type_table03 aa where aa.id in(1,2));--ORA-01427: 单行子查询返回多个行 select * from test_ty_table;--ORA-22812: 无法参考嵌套表列的存储表 truncate table test_type_table03;--truncate 无效,因为其中有集合 */ --用法二: create or replace type test_type04 as table of varchar2(10);--varchar2要限定字符数,否则会报错 create or replace type test_type05 as object( a number(10), test_ test_type04 ); create table test_type_table02 of test_type05 nested table test_ store as test_ty_table02;--test_为【table】类型的变量 /*--在用法二下这种定义表的语句不被允许,是因为test_type05为object? create table test_type_table04( id number(10), test_t test_type05 )nested table test_ store as test_ty_table02; */ insert into test_type_table02 values(test_type05(1,test_type04(‘a‘))); insert into test_type_table02 select test_type05(2,test_type04(‘b‘,‘c‘)) from dual; commit; drop table test_type_table02; drop type test_type04; drop type test_type05; select * from test_type_table02; select * from table(select tt.test_ from test_type_table02 tt where tt.a=2); select aa.a,aa.test_ from test_type_table02 aa; --⑥创建【varray】类型 --create type as varray -------------------------------------- create or replace type test_type07 as varray(4) of varchar2(10); create table test_type_table03( id number(10), test_ test_type07 ); insert into test_type_table03 values(1,test_type07(‘a‘)); insert into test_type_table03 select 2,test_type07(‘b‘,‘c‘) from dual union all select 3,test_type07(‘d‘,‘e‘,‘f‘) from dual; commit; select * from test_type_table03; select kk.* from table(select tt.test_ from test_type_table03 tt where id=3) kk; --⑦创建混合自定义类型 create or replace type test_type08 as varray(4) of varchar2(10); create or replace type test_type09 as table of varchar2(10);--varchar2要限定字符数,否则会报错 create or replace type test_type10 as object( a number(10), test_ test_type08, test_1 test_type09 ); create table test_type_table05 of test_type10 nested table test_1 store as test_ty_table05; insert into test_type_table05 values(1,test_type08(‘a‘),test_type09(‘a‘)); insert into test_type_table05 select 2,test_type08(‘b‘,‘c‘),test_type09(‘b‘) from dual; --注意以下两种写法,效果相同 insert into test_type_table05 select test_type10(3,test_type08(‘b‘,‘c‘,‘d‘,‘e‘),test_type09(‘c‘,‘d‘)) from dual; insert into test_type_table05 select 4,test_type08(‘b‘,‘c‘,‘d‘,‘e‘),test_type09(‘c‘,‘d‘) from dual; select * from test_type_table05; select * from table(select tt.test_ from test_type_table05 tt where tt.a=3); select * from table(select tt.test_1 from test_type_table05 tt where tt.a=3); --【type】***************************************************************** --①简单 type _object-------------------------------------- declare type test_type_ is record( a emp.empno%type, b emp.ename%type, c emp.job%type); test_ test_type_; begin test_.a:=123; test_.b:=‘abc‘; test_.c:=‘def‘; dbms_output.put_line(test_.a||test_.b||test_.c); select empno,ename,job into test_ from emp where empno=‘7369‘; dbms_output.put_line(test_.a||test_.b||test_.c); end; --②简单 type _varray-------------------------------------- declare type test_type_02 is varray(5) of varchar2(10); test_ test_type_02; begin test_:=test_type_02(‘a‘,‘b‘,‘c‘,‘d‘); dbms_output.put_line(test_(1)||test_(2)||test_(3)||test_(4)); end; --③简单 type _table-------------------------------------- declare type test_type_03 is table of emp%rowtype; test_ test_type_03; begin select empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno bulk collect into test_ from emp where empno=‘7369‘; for i in test_.first..test_.last loop dbms_output.put_line(test_(i).empno||test_(i).ename||test_(i).job); end loop; end; --【type ref cursor】***************************************************************** --①强类型和弱类型ref游标-------------------------------------- declare --弱类型ref游标 type test_type is ref cursor; --强类型ref游标(有return返回值) type test_type_ is ref cursor return emp%rowtype; test_ test_type; test__ test_type_; emp_ emp%rowtype; emp__ emp%rowtype; begin open test_ for select * from emp; loop fetch test_ into emp_; dbms_output.put_line(emp_.ename); exit when test_%notfound; end loop; close test_; dbms_output.put_line(‘##############################‘); open test__ for select * from emp; loop fetch test__ into emp__; dbms_output.put_line(emp__.ename); exit when test__%notfound; end loop; close test__; end; --②将ref游标作为返回值-------------------------------------- --创建函数(返回游标) create or replace function test_func_ref return sys_refcursor as test_ref sys_refcursor; begin open test_ref for select * from emp; return test_ref; end; --调用函数 declare a sys_refcursor; b emp%rowtype; begin a:=test_func_ref; loop fetch a into b; exit when a%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(b.empno); end loop; end; --sys_refcursor是9i后系统定义的一个refcursor,用于过程中返回结果集
时间: 2025-01-02 00:02:11