WMS.addWindow()-->WMS.finishUpdateFocusedWindowAfterAssignLayersLocked()-->InputMonitor.setInputFocusLw()-->mInputFocus = newWindow;
add一个window的时候会重新寻找焦点窗口,并把焦点窗口保存在WMS.mCurrentFocus中,这个焦点窗口也会保存到InputMonitor.mInputFocus 中。关键代码:
<span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-size:18px;">addWindow(){ …… boolean focusChanged = false; if (win.canReceiveKeys()) { focusChanged = updateFocusedWindowLocked(UPDATE_FOCUS_WILL_ASSIGN_LAYERS, false /*updateInputWindows*/); if (focusChanged) { imMayMove = false; } } if (imMayMove) { moveInputMethodWindowsIfNeededLocked(false); } assignLayersLocked(displayContent.getWindowList()); // Don't do layout here, the window must call // relayout to be displayed, so we'll do it there. if (focusChanged) { finishUpdateFocusedWindowAfterAssignLayersLocked(false /*updateInputWindows*/); } mInputMonitor.updateInputWindowsLw(false /*force*/); ………… } </span></span>
<span style="font-size:18px;"> public final boolean canReceiveKeys() { return isVisibleOrAdding() && (mViewVisibility == View.VISIBLE) && ((mAttrs.flags & WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE) == 0); }</span>
冻结InputDispatcher标志,“ When true, prevents input dispatch from proceeding until set to false again.”。
①WMS.startFreezingDisplayLocked()-->InputMonitor.freezeInputDispatchingLw()-->mInputDispatchFrozen = true; updateInputDispatchModeLw();
②WMS.stopFreezingDisplayLocked()-->InputMonitor.thawInputDispatchingLw()-->mInputDispatchFrozen = false; updateInputDispatchModeLw();-->InputManagerService.setInputDispatchMode()-->InputDispatcher.setInputDispatchMode(bool enabled,
bool frozen)-->mDispatchFrozen = frozen;
<span style="font-size:18px;">void InputDispatcher::dispatchOnceInnerLocked(nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) { nsecs_t currentTime = now(); // Reset the key repeat timer whenever we disallow key events, even if the next event // is not a key. This is to ensure that we abort a key repeat if the device is just coming // out of sleep. if (!mPolicy->isKeyRepeatEnabled()) { resetKeyRepeatLocked(); } // If dispatching is frozen, do not process timeouts or try to deliver any new events. if (mDispatchFrozen) { #if DEBUG_FOCUS ALOGD("Dispatch frozen. Waiting some more."); #endif return; } ………. } </span>
②WMS.performEnableScreen()-->InputMonitor.setEventDispatchingLw()-->mInputDispatchEnabled = enabled;updateInputDispatchModeLw();-->InputManagerService.setInputDispatchMode()-->InputDispatcher.setInputDispatchMode(bool enabled,
bool frozen)-->mDispatchEnabled = enabled;
<span style="font-size:18px;"> if (!mDispatchEnabled) { dropReason = DROP_REASON_DISABLED; } </span>
google源码是这样解释的:“ When true, input dispatch proceeds normally. Otherwise all events are dropped. Initially false, so that input does not get dispatched until boot is finished at which point the ActivityManager will enable dispatching.”
public void notifyInputChannelBroken(InputWindowHandle inputWindowHandle) { if (inputWindowHandle == null) { return; } synchronized (mService.mWindowMap) { WindowState windowState = (WindowState) inputWindowHandle.windowState; if (windowState != null) { Slog.i(WindowManagerService.TAG, "WINDOW DIED " + windowState); mService.removeWindowLocked(windowState.mSession, windowState); } } }
调用流程:InputDispatcher.startDispatchCycleLocked()--> InputDispatcher.abortBrokenDispatchCycleLocked()--> InputDispatcher.onDispatchCycleBrokenLocked()-->InputDispatcher.doNotifyInputChannelBrokenLockedInterruptible()-->NativeInputManager.notifyInputChannelBroken()-->InputManagerService.notifyInputChannelBroken()-->InputMonitor.notifyInputChannelBroken();
startDispatchCycleLocked()中在publish event不成功,就会走下面的逻辑:
if (status) { if (status == WOULD_BLOCK) { if (connection->waitQueue.isEmpty()) { ALOGE("channel '%s' ~ Could not publish event because the pipe is full. " "This is unexpected because the wait queue is empty, so the pipe " "should be empty and we shouldn't have any problems writing an " "event to it, status=%d", connection->getInputChannelName(), status); abortBrokenDispatchCycleLocked(currentTime, connection, true /*notify*/); } else { // Pipe is full and we are waiting for the app to finish process some events // before sending more events to it. #if DEBUG_DISPATCH_CYCLE ALOGD("channel '%s' ~ Could not publish event because the pipe is full, " "waiting for the application to catch up", connection->getInputChannelName()); #endif connection->inputPublisherBlocked = true; } } else { ALOGE("channel '%s' ~ Could not publish event due to an unexpected error, " "status=%d", connection->getInputChannelName(), status); abortBrokenDispatchCycleLocked(currentTime, connection, true /*notify*/); } return; }
在正常pipe full的情况下是不会调用abortBrokenDispatchCycleLocked()的,其他情况则调用abortBrokenDispatchCycleLocked()来处理。
void InputDispatcher::abortBrokenDispatchCycleLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const sp<Connection>& connection, bool notify) { #if DEBUG_DISPATCH_CYCLE ALOGD("channel '%s' ~ abortBrokenDispatchCycle - notify=%s", connection->getInputChannelName(), toString(notify)); #endif // Clear the dispatch queues. drainDispatchQueueLocked(&connection->outboundQueue); traceOutboundQueueLengthLocked(connection); drainDispatchQueueLocked(&connection->waitQueue); traceWaitQueueLengthLocked(connection); // The connection appears to be unrecoverably broken. // Ignore already broken or zombie connections. if (connection->status == Connection::STATUS_NORMAL) { connection->status = Connection::STATUS_BROKEN; if (notify) { // Notify other system components. onDispatchCycleBrokenLocked(currentTime, connection); } } }
outboundQueue:Queue of events that need to be published to the connection.
waitQueue:Queue of events that have been published to the connection but that have not yet received a "finished" response from the application.
<span style="font-size:18px;"> /* Notifies the window manager about an application that is not responding. * Returns a new timeout to continue waiting in nanoseconds, or 0 to abort dispatch. * * Called by the InputManager. */</span>
调用流程:InputDispatcher.handleTargetsNotReadyLocked()--> InputDispatcher.onANRLocked()-->InputDispatcher.doNotifyANRLockedInterruptible()-->NativeInputManager.notifyANR()-->InputManagerService.notifyANR()-->InputMonitor.notifyANR();