VGG_19 train_vali.prototxt file

name: "VGG_ILSVRC_19_layer"

layer {  name: "data"  type: "ImageData"  top: "data"  top: "label"  include {    phase: TRAIN  }   image_data_param {    batch_size: 12    source: "../../fine_tuning_data/HAT_fineTuning_data/train_data_fineTuning.txt"    root_folder: "../../fine_tuning_data/HAT_fineTuning_data/train_data/"  }}

layer {  name: "data"  type: "ImageData"  top: "data"  top: "label"  include {    phase: TEST  }  transform_param {    mirror: false  }  image_data_param {    batch_size: 10    source: "../../fine_tuning_data/HAT_fineTuning_data/test_data_fineTuning.txt"    root_folder: "../../fine_tuning_data/HAT_fineTuning_data/test_data/"  }}

layer {  bottom:"data"   top:"conv1_1"   name:"conv1_1"   type:"Convolution"   convolution_param {    num_output:64     pad:1    kernel_size:3   }}layer {  bottom:"conv1_1"   top:"conv1_1"   name:"relu1_1"   type:"ReLU" }layer {  bottom:"conv1_1"   top:"conv1_2"   name:"conv1_2"   type:"Convolution"   convolution_param {    num_output:64     pad:1    kernel_size:3  }}layer {  bottom:"conv1_2"   top:"conv1_2"   name:"relu1_2"   type:"ReLU" }layer {  bottom:"conv1_2"   top:"pool1"   name:"pool1"   type:"Pooling"   pooling_param {    pool:MAX     kernel_size:2    stride:2   }}layer {  bottom:"pool1"   top:"conv2_1"   name:"conv2_1"   type:"Convolution"   convolution_param {    num_output:128    pad:1    kernel_size:3  }}layer {  bottom:"conv2_1"   top:"conv2_1"   name:"relu2_1"   type:"ReLU" }layer {  bottom:"conv2_1"   top:"conv2_2"   name:"conv2_2"   type:"Convolution"   convolution_param {    num_output:128     pad:1    kernel_size:3  }}layer {  bottom:"conv2_2"   top:"conv2_2"   name:"relu2_2"   type:"ReLU" }layer {  bottom:"conv2_2"   top:"pool2"   name:"pool2"   type:"Pooling"   pooling_param {    pool:MAX    kernel_size:2     stride:2   }}layer {  bottom:"pool2"   top:"conv3_1"   name: "conv3_1"  type:"Convolution"   convolution_param {    num_output:256     pad:1    kernel_size:3  }}layer {  bottom:"conv3_1"   top:"conv3_1"   name:"relu3_1"   type:"ReLU" }layer {  bottom:"conv3_1"   top:"conv3_2"   name:"conv3_2"   type:"Convolution"   convolution_param {    num_output:256    pad:1    kernel_size:3  }}layer {  bottom:"conv3_2"   top:"conv3_2"   name:"relu3_2"   type:"ReLU" }layer {  bottom:"conv3_2"   top:"conv3_3"   name:"conv3_3"   type:"Convolution"   convolution_param {    num_output:256     pad:1     kernel_size:3  }}layer {  bottom:"conv3_3"   top:"conv3_3"  name:"relu3_3"   type:"ReLU" }layer {  bottom:"conv3_3"   top:"conv3_4"   name:"conv3_4"   type:"Convolution"   convolution_param {    num_output:256    pad:1    kernel_size:3  }}layer {  bottom:"conv3_4"   top:"conv3_4"   name:"relu3_4"   type:"ReLU" }layer {  bottom:"conv3_4"   top:"pool3"   name:"pool3"   type:"Pooling"   pooling_param {    pool:MAX     kernel_size: 2    stride: 2  }}layer {  bottom:"pool3"   top:"conv4_1"   name:"conv4_1"   type:"Convolution"   convolution_param {    num_output: 512    pad: 1    kernel_size: 3  }}layer {  bottom:"conv4_1"   top:"conv4_1"   name:"relu4_1"   type:"ReLU" }layer {  bottom:"conv4_1"   top:"conv4_2"   name:"conv4_2"   type:"Convolution"   convolution_param {    num_output: 512    pad: 1    kernel_size: 3  }}layer {  bottom:"conv4_2"   top:"conv4_2"   name:"relu4_2"   type:"ReLU" }layer {  bottom:"conv4_2"   top:"conv4_3"   name:"conv4_3"   type:"Convolution"   convolution_param {    num_output: 512    pad: 1    kernel_size: 3  }}layer {  bottom:"conv4_3"   top:"conv4_3"   name:"relu4_3"   type:"ReLU" }layer {  bottom:"conv4_3"   top:"conv4_4"   name:"conv4_4"   type:"Convolution"   convolution_param {    num_output: 512    pad: 1    kernel_size: 3  }}layer {  bottom:"conv4_4"   top:"conv4_4"   name:"relu4_4"   type:"ReLU" }layer {  bottom:"conv4_4"   top:"pool4"   name:"pool4"   type:"Pooling"   pooling_param {    pool:MAX    kernel_size: 2    stride: 2  }}layer {  bottom:"pool4"   top:"conv5_1"   name:"conv5_1"   type:"Convolution"   convolution_param {    num_output: 512    pad: 1    kernel_size: 3  }}layer {  bottom:"conv5_1"   top:"conv5_1"   name:"relu5_1"   type:"ReLU" }layer {  bottom:"conv5_1"   top:"conv5_2"   name:"conv5_2"   type:"Convolution"   convolution_param {    num_output: 512    pad: 1    kernel_size: 3  }}layer {  bottom:"conv5_2"   top:"conv5_2"   name:"relu5_2"   type:"ReLU" }layer {  bottom:"conv5_2"   top:"conv5_3"   name:"conv5_3"   type:"Convolution"   convolution_param {    num_output: 512    pad: 1    kernel_size: 3  }}layer {  bottom:"conv5_3"   top:"conv5_3"   name:"relu5_3"   type:"ReLU" }layer {  bottom:"conv5_3"   top:"conv5_4"   name:"conv5_4"   type:"Convolution"   convolution_param {    num_output: 512    pad: 1    kernel_size: 3  }}layer {  bottom:"conv5_4"   top:"conv5_4"   name:"relu5_4"   type:"ReLU" }layer {  bottom:"conv5_4"   top:"pool5"   name:"pool5"   type:"Pooling"   pooling_param {    pool:MAX     kernel_size: 2    stride: 2  }}layer {  bottom:"pool5"   top:"fc6_"   name:"fc6_"   type:"InnerProduct"   inner_product_param {    num_output: 4096  }}layer {  bottom:"fc6_"   top:"fc6_"   name:"relu6"   type:"ReLU" }layer {  bottom:"fc6_"   top:"fc6_"   name:"drop6"   type:"Dropout"   dropout_param {    dropout_ratio: 0.5  }}layer {  bottom:"fc6_"   top:"fc7"   name:"fc7"   type:"InnerProduct"   inner_product_param {    num_output: 4096  }}layer {  bottom:"fc7"   top:"fc7"   name:"relu7"   type:"ReLU" }layer {  bottom:"fc7"   top:"fc7"   name:"drop7"   type:"Dropout"   dropout_param {    dropout_ratio: 0.5  }}layer {  bottom:"fc7"   top:"fc8_"   name:"fc8_"   type:"InnerProduct"   inner_product_param {    num_output: 27  }}

layer {  name: "sigmoid"  type: "Sigmoid"  bottom: "fc8_"  top: "fc8_"}

 layer {   name: "accuracy"   type: "Accuracy"   bottom: "fc8_"   bottom: "label"   top: "accuracy"   include {     phase: TEST   } }

layer {  name: "loss"  type: "EuclideanLoss"  bottom: "fc8_"  bottom: "label"  top: "loss"}
时间: 2024-08-07 16:59:59

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