PCIE AER and hot removal

It is very usefull to disable/enable during our verification of some functions, such as PCIE hotplug, firmware upgrade. We need use AER to maks or enable PCIE errors to stop unexpected reset.

Following script give us an example how to control AER and do hot removal and insertion, please feel free to give your comments:


# Notice: following script is only for SLIC2

#set -n;

#set  -v;

#set  -x;

source ./aer_ctr.sh

# Disable SMI error caused by hot removal/insertion

function disable_smi()


setpci -s 00:05.2 0x19C.w=0xffffffff ;

setpci -s 00:05.2 0x1a0.w=0xffffffff ;

setpci -s 00:05.2 0x1a4.w=0xffffffff ;

setpci -s 00:05.2 0x1a8.w=0xffffffff ;

setpci -s 00:05.2 0x1c8.w=0xffffffff ;


# Enable SMI error caused by hot removal/insertion

function enable_smi()


setpci -s 00:05.2 0x19C.w=0x00000000 ;

setpci -s 00:05.2 0x1a0.w=0x00000000 ;

setpci -s 00:05.2 0x1a4.w=0x00000000 ;

setpci -s 00:05.2 0x1a8.w=0x00000000 ;


# disable SP reset on PCIE device event

function disable_sp_reset_on_slicevent()


ipmitool raw 0x30 0x81 0x13 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x00


# Power off PCIE card

function poweroff_slic()


ipmitool raw 0x30 0x81 0x13 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00

# !!! DON"T REMOVE SLEEP , it is for PCIE DLL ready

sleep 1;


# Power on PCIE card 2

function poweron_slic()


ipmitool raw 0x30 0x81 0x13 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x00

# !!! DON"T REMOVE SLEEP , it is for PCIE DLL ready

sleep 1;


# disable SLIC hold in reset status

function disable_slic_holdinreset()


ipmitool raw 0x30 0x81 0x13 0x04 0x00 0x00 0x00

# !!! DON"T REMOVE SLEEP , it is for PCIE DLL ready

sleep 1;


# The serdes value are only for PCIE card 2

# below function also works as C code, it doesn‘t set 504.b

function apply_serdes()


echo "Before Apply serdes:";

#lspci -xxxxx -s 00:07.0 | tee -a before_070_0819.pci

#lspci -xxxxx -s 00:07.1 | tee -a before_071_0819.pci


#  setpci -s 00:06.7 0x504.b=0x76

# [CTL] 0xa80 # set serdes table

# read pci offset: bnd[0~30] to  A80

# original value is 0x55555555

#setpci  -s 00:07.0 0xa80.l=0x31810842  # correct one

setpci  -s 00:07.0 0xa80.l=0x00d10842  # correct one

#  setpci  -s 00:07.0 0xa84.l=0x04

#  setpci  -s 00:07.0 0x438.l=0x2757F

#setpci  -s 00:07.0 0x3cc.l=0x01d80000

#setpci  -s 00:07.1 0x3cc.l=0x01d80000

setpci  -s 00:07.0 0x3cc.l=0x01d80000

setpci  -s 00:07.1 0x3cc.l=0x01d80000


# The serdes value are only for SLIC 2

## good one which follow all steps

function apply_serdes_origin()


# the value of 504.b is always 0x76

setpci -s 00:06.7 0x504.b=0x76

# [CTL] 0xa80 # set serdes table

# read pci offset: bnd[0~30] to  A80

# original value is 0x55555555

setpci  -s 00:07.0 0xa80.l=0x00

#[cursor 0] 0x3cc  s.Cursorbnd0/1

# original both 0x00 0x00

setpci  -s 00:07.0 0xa80.l=0x00

#[cursor 1] 0x3cc  s.Cursorbnd2/3

# original both 0x00 0x00

#lspci  -s 00:07.1 0xa80.l=0xd80000

setpci  -s 00:07.0 0xa80.l=0x0000   # according to the C code, write 00:07.0 also

# re-training, set bit, sleep , then clear the re-trian bit

#[PR ]   0x3E   link control bit

##  check link -status [A2]


# do PCIE retraning by set the bridge control register

function retrain()



# step 0.0: display original link status reg

# let exp=exp+0x40;

# step 1: clear the linkBandwidth management bit

#setpci -s 00:03.0 0xa2.b=0xff;

#lspci -xxxxx -s 00:03.0 | tee -a  gdrootp2_0.lspci

# step 1.2: use link bridge contrl to reset the link bit

setpci -s 00:03.0 0x3e.w=0x0053;

#sleep 1

usleep 500000

#lspci -xxxxx -s 00:03.0 | tee -a  gdrootp2_1.lspci

setpci -s 00:03.0 0x3e.w=0x0013;

#sleep 1

usleep 500000

#lspci -xxxxx -s 00:03.0 | tee -a  gdrootp2_3.lspci

# step 1.5: save original link status reg

temp=`lspci -xxx -s 00:03.0 | grep "a0:" `;

exp=`echo $temp | awk ‘{print $4}‘`;

echo "Notice!!!! current link status is : $exp";

# let exp=exp+0x40;

# step 2: set the link train bit of control reg

# for root port 2 (slot 2)

# original 0x40

#setpci -s 00:03.0 0xa0.b=0x60;

#lspci -xxx -s 00:03.0 | grep "a0:"

# wait until link staus is ready

# step 3: check and wait until finish link training

#    status=`lspci -xxx -s 00:03.0 | grep "a0:" | awk ‘{print $4}‘`;


#    while [ $exp -ne $status ]

#    do


# echo "Current Link Status is $status" | tee -a lspci.log;

#        sleep 1;

#        status=`lspci -xxx -s 00:03.0 | grep a0: | awk ‘{print $4}‘ `

#    done

#setpci -s 1f:00.0 0xbc.b=0x6;

#setpci -s 1f:00.1 0xbc.b=0x6;

#setpci -s 1f:00.2 0xbc.b=0x6;

#setpci -s 1f:00.3 0xbc.b=0x6;


# test shows it doesn‘t matter whether it is set or not

function restore_bar()


echo "restore_bar";


# test shows it doesn‘t matter whether it is set or not

function restore_cmd()


echo "restore_cmd";


function unhide_regs()


# original value

# b0: c0 00 20 01 ce 00 20 01 c0 00 24 01 ec 00 20 01

# c0: e0 08 48 00 e0 0f 48 00 e0 0f 04 00 e0 05 00 00


setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xb0.l=0x00;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xb4.l=0x00;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xb8.l=0x00;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xbc.l=0x00;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xc0.l=0x00;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xc4.l=0x00;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xc8.l=0x00;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xcc.l=0x00;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xb0.l=0x00;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xb4.l=0x00;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xb8.l=0x00;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xbc.l=0x00;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xc0.l=0x00;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xc4.l=0x00;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xc8.l=0x00;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xcc.l=0x00;

#echo "After unhide regs:" | tee -a lspci.log

#lspci -vvvv -t | tee -a lspci.log


function hide_regs1()


# original value

# b0: c0 00 20 01 ce 00 20 01 c0 00 24 01 ec 00 20 01

# c0: e0 08 48 00 e0 0f 48 00 e0 0f 04 00 e0 05 00 00


setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xb0.l=0xffffffff;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xb4.l=0xffffffff;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xb8.l=0xffffffff;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xbc.l=0xffffffff;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xc0.l=0xffffffff;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xc4.l=0xffffffff;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xc8.l=0xffffffff;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xcc.l=0xffffffff;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xb0.l=0xffffffff;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xb4.l=0xffffffff;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xb8.l=0xffffffff;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xbc.l=0xffffffff;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xc0.l=0xffffffff;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xc4.l=0xffffffff;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xc8.l=0xffffffff;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xcc.l=0xffffffff;

echo "After hide regs:" | tee -a lspci.log

lspci -vvvv -t | tee -a lspci.log


function hide_regs()


# original value

# b0: c0 00 20 01 ce 00 20 01 c0 00 24 01 ec 00 20 01

# c0: e0 08 48 00 e0 0f 48 00 e0 0f 04 00 e0 05 00 00


setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xb0.b=0xc0;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xb4.b=0xce;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xb8.b=0xc0;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xbc.b=0xec;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xc0.b=0xe0;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xc4.b=0xe0;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xc8.b=0xe0;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xcc.b=0xe0;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xb0.b=0xc0;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xb4.b=0xce;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xb8.b=0xc0;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xbc.b=0xec;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xc0.b=0xe0;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xc4.b=0xe0;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xc8.b=0xe0;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xcc.b=0xe0;

#echo "After hide regs:" | tee -a lspci.log

#lspci -vvvv -t | tee -a lspci.log


function unhide_regs_original()


# original value

# b0: c0 00 20 01 ce 00 20 01 c0 00 24 01 ec 00 20 01

# c0: e0 08 48 00 e0 0f 48 00 e0 0f 04 00 e0 05 00 00


setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xb0.b=0x00;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xb4.b=0x0e;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xb8.b=0x00;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xbc.b=0x2c;

#setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xc0.b=0x20;

#setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xc4.b=0x20;

#setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xc8.b=0x20;

#setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xcc.b=0x20;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xb0.b=0x00;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xb4.b=0x0e;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xb8.b=0x00;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xbc.b=0x2c;

#setpci -s ff:10.7 0xc0.b=0x20;

#setpci -s ff:10.7 0xc4.b=0x20;

#setpci -s ff:10.7 0xc8.b=0x20;

#setpci -s ff:10.7 0xcc.b=0x20;

echo "After unhide regs:" | tee -a lspci.log

lspci -vvvv -t -A intel-conf1 | tee -a lspci.log


function hide_regs_original()


# original value

# b0: c0 00 20 01 ce 00 20 01 c0 00 24 01 ec 00 20 01

# c0: e0 08 48 00 e0 0f 48 00 e0 0f 04 00 e0 05 00 00


setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xb0.b=0xc0;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xb4.b=0xce;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xb8.b=0xc0;

setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xbc.b=0xec;

#setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xc0.b=0xe0;

#setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xc4.b=0xe0;

#setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xc8.b=0xe0;

#setpci -s 7f:10.7 0xcc.b=0xe0;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xb0.b=0xc0;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xb4.b=0xce;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xb8.b=0xc0;

setpci -s ff:10.7 0xbc.b=0xec;

#setpci -s ff:10.7 0xc0.b=0xe0;

#setpci -s ff:10.7 0xc4.b=0xe0;

#setpci -s ff:10.7 0xc8.b=0xe0;

#setpci -s ff:10.7 0xcc.b=0xe0;

echo "After hide regs:" | tee -a lspci.log

lspci -vvvv -t -A intel-conf1 | tee -a lspci.log


# to set eeprom, however it doens‘t matter to verify the process of hot plug even if it is emplty



echo "Set EEPROM done!";


# the main process, notice:

## 1. either disable_aer/enable_aer or disable_smi/enable_smi can be used, but it is not recommended

##    to use like this method: disable_aer/enable_smi or disable_smi/enable_aer.

## 2. This fucntion is only for PCIE card 2 and assume the card is: Broadcom Corporation BCM57840 NetXtreme II 10 Gigabit Ethernet,

##      that means it is a ROckslide (Broadcom q-port 10GbE) card



if [ $1 -eq 1 ]



#enable_aer 00:03.0

disable_aer 00:03.0



# do remove the slic

echo "after power off slic" | tee -a lspci.log

#lspci -vvvv -t -A intel-conf1 | tee -a lspci.log

clear_aer 00:03.0


#enable_aer 00:03.0

#disable_aer 00:03.0


#echo "sleep 2s";

#sleep 2;

#echo "sleep 2s done";

# insert the SLIC again

#echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/rescan

if [ $1 -eq 0 ]


temp=`lspci -xxx -s 00:03.0| grep "a0:"`;

exp=`echo $temp | awk ‘{print $4}‘`;

echo "Before power on slic: Original link status is : $exp";





echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/rescan


#disable_aer 00:03.0

temp=`lspci -xxx -s 00:03.0| grep "a0:"`;

exp=`echo $temp | awk ‘{print $4}‘`;

echo "Before retarin: Original link status is : $exp";



#clear_aer 00:03.0

#clear_aer 80:02.0

#clear_aer 00:03.0

#clear_aer 00:01.0


#echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/rescan

#echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:03.0/rescan



enable_aer 00:03.0


# echo "After retrain and rescan" | tee -a lspci.log

# lspci -vvvv -t -A intel-conf1 | tee -a lspci.log



main3 $1;

## usage as below:  ###

#main3 0 ## hot insertion

#main3 1 ## hot removal

时间: 2024-12-24 03:23:29

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引自:http://bbs.eetop.cn/thread-442072-1-1.html 1.从速度上来讲PCIE1.0标准 2.5G(8B/10B),pcie2.0标准 5.0G(8B/10B)pcie3.0标准8G(128B/130B) 通道来讲:X1,X2,X4,X8,X16. 中断实现:1:lengcy INTN2:传统中断3:MSI中断. 辅助功能 :1:功耗管理2:AER机制.3:FC流量控制与调节机制. 从结构上来讲分为GTP+数据链路层+应用层,其中GTP和数据链路层是IP提供

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