SGU 122 The book(哈密顿回路)




#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int mn =1100;
int n,k,i,j,listNum;
int L[mn],R[mn],head,tail;
bool adj[mn][mn] ={0};
bool visit[mn];
string s;
void reverse(){//checked
    int tmp[mn],t = head,num=1;
    while (t!=tail){
    if (adj[head][tail]){
    R[tail] = head;L[head] = tail;
    return ;
    else for (int i=2;i<num-1;++i)
         if (adj[head][tmp[i+1]] && adj[tail][tmp[i]]){
         L[head] = R[head];R[head] = tmp[i+1];
         L[tmp[i+1]] = head;R[tail] = tmp[i];
         R[tmp[i]]=L[tmp[i]];L[tmp[i]] = tail;
         for (int j = i-1;j>=2;--j){
             int p = L[tmp[ j ]];
             L[tmp[ j ]] = R[tmp[ j ]];R[tmp[ j ]]=p;
void add(){
    int tmp[mn],t = head,num=1;
    while (t!=tail){
    }tmp[++num]=tail;int pos;
    for (int i=1;i<=n;++i)
    if (visit[i]){pos = i;visit[i]=false;break;}
    for (int i =1;i<=num;++i)
    if (adj[tmp[i]][pos]){
        head = R[tmp[i]];tail = pos;
        R[tmp[i]] = pos;
        L[pos] = tmp[i];
        R[pos] = 0;
int findHead(){//checked
    for (int i=1;i<=n;++i)
    if (visit[i] && adj[head][i]){
        L[head] = i;R[i]=head;L[i]=0;visit[i]=false;
        return i;
    return 0;
int findTail(){//checked
    for (int i=1;i<=n;++i)
    if (visit[i] && adj[tail][i]){
        R[tail] = i;L[i]=tail;R[i]=0;visit[i]=false;
        return i;
    return 0;
void print(){
    int tmp[mn],t = 1,num=1;
    while (R[t]!=1){
    for (int i=1;i<=num;++i) cout << tmp[i] << " " ;
    cout << 1 << " " << endl;
void insert(){int v;//checked
    while (v=findHead()) {head = v;listNum ++;}
    while (v=findTail()) {tail = v;listNum ++;}
    if (listNum == n) print();//如果回路中元素满足N个,那么输出
    int tmp = listNum;
void init(){//checked
    cin >> n;getchar();
    for (i = 1;i <= n;++i){
    for (int j=0;j<s.size();++j)
        if (s[j]!=‘ ‘) k=k*10+s[j]-‘0‘;
        else {adj[i][k]=true;k=0;}
    if (k!=0){
    tail = head = listNum = 1;visit[1]=false;
int main(){
    return 0;
时间: 2024-12-10 16:33:38

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[转]哈密顿回路 原文链接: 概念: 哈密顿图:图G的一个回路,若它通过图的每一个节点一次,且仅一次,就是哈密顿回路.存在哈密顿回路的图就是哈密顿图.哈密顿图就是从一点出发,经过所有的必须且只能一次,最终回到起点的路径.图中有的边可以不经过,但是不会有边被经过两次. 与欧拉图的区别:欧拉图讨论的实际上是图上关于边的可行便利问题,而哈密顿图的要求与点有关. 判定: 一:Dirac定理(充分条件) 设一个无向图中

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