(线段树 区间查询更新) Can you answer these queries? -- hdu--4027



分析:因为这个操作是把一个数变成平方根,所以显得略棘手,不过如果仔细演算的话会发现一个2^64数的平方根开8次也就变成了 1,所以也更新不了多少次,所以可以每次更新到底。、

注意:给的X Y大小未知,会出现X > Y的情况


  1 #include<cstdio>
  2 #include<cmath>
  3 #include<cstring>
  4 #include<cstdlib>
  5 #include<algorithm>
  6 #include<iostream>
  7 #include<cmath>
  8 const int N = 100005;
  9 using namespace std;
 11 #define Lson r<<1
 12 #define Rson r<<1|1
 13 #define mid  a[r].Mid()
 15 struct node
 16 {
 17     int L, R;
 18     long long sum;
 19     int Mid()
 20     {
 21         return (L+R)>>1;
 22     }
 23     int len()
 24     {
 25         return (R-L+1);
 26     };
 27 } a[N<<2];
 29 void BuildTree(int r, int L, int R)
 30 {
 31     a[r].L=L, a[r].R=R;
 33     if(L==R)
 34     {
 35         scanf("%lld", &a[r].sum);
 36         return ;
 37     }
 39     BuildTree(Lson, L, mid);
 40     BuildTree(Rson, mid+1, R);
 42     a[r].sum = a[Lson].sum + a[Rson].sum;
 43 }
 45 void Oper(int r, int L, int R)
 46 {
 47     if(a[r].len() == a[r].sum)
 48         return ;
 50     if(a[r].L==a[r].R)
 51     {
 52         a[r].sum = (long long)sqrt(a[r].sum*1.0);
 53         return ;
 54     }
 56     if(R<=mid)
 57         Oper(Lson, L, R);
 58     else if(L>mid)
 59         Oper(Rson, L, R);
 60     else
 61     {
 62         Oper(Lson, L, mid);
 63         Oper(Rson, mid+1, R);
 64     }
 66     a[r].sum = a[Lson].sum + a[Rson].sum;
 67 }
 69 long long  Query(int r, int L, int R)
 70 {
 71     if(a[r].L==L && a[r].R==R)
 72         return a[r].sum;
 74     if(R<=mid)
 75         return  Query(Lson, L, R);
 76     else if(L>mid)
 77         return  Query(Rson, L, R);
 78     else
 79     {
 80         return Query(Lson, L, mid) + Query(Rson, mid+1, R);
 81     }
 82 }
 85 int main()
 86 {
 87     int n, m, t=1;
 88     while(scanf("%d", &n)!=EOF)
 89     {
 91         BuildTree(1, 1, n);
 93         int L, R, e;
 95         scanf("%d", &m);
 97         printf("Case #%d:\n", t++);
 98         while(m--)
 99         {
100             scanf("%d%d%d", &e, &L, &R);
102             if(L>R)
103                 swap(L, R);
104             if(e==0)
105                 Oper(1, L, R);
106             else
107             {
108                 printf("%lld\n", Query(1, L, R));
109             }
110         }
112         printf("\n");
113     }
114     return 0;
115 }
时间: 2025-01-05 11:40:52

(线段树 区间查询更新) Can you answer these queries? -- hdu--4027的相关文章

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