【Python】#规范# 关于日志的那点事

==== 前言 == 自勉 =========

20160526 今天开了一个科室会议,感觉事情有点杂。。。期待数据库的迁移任务



import logging


**** 小浪浪:之前的日志部分 ****


格式为[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss][WARNING] message


 1 import time
 3 def log_write(level, message):
 4     now_timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S",time.localtime())
 5     # 将当前时间格式化转换成想要的结构
 7     result_line = "[%s][%s] %s" % (now_timestamp, level, message)
 9     return result_line



非常坏的习惯!!!! 于是再次认真学习Python,蜕变成大浪浪。


----- 大浪浪:专业的日志 ---------



-- 该规范要求logging既可以写入文档,又可以展示在屏幕。

#/usr/env/bin python
#-*- coding=utf-8 -*-

import logging

# 关于日志的书写只要有四个步骤:
# (1)Loggers: 创建
# (2)Handlers:把日志传送给合适的目标
# (3)Filters: 过滤出想要的内容
# (4)Formatters: 格式化

# 日志等级(从小到大):
# debug()-->info()-->warning()-->error()-->critical()

# Step 1: Loggers, 并设置全局level
logger = logging.getLogger(‘logging_blog‘)

# Step 2: Handler
# print to screen
ch = logging.StreamHandler()

# write to file
fh = logging.FileHandler(‘log_file.log‘)

# Step 3: Formatter
my_formatter = logging.Formatter(‘[%(asctime)s][%(name)s][%(levelname)s]%(message)s‘)


# 开始使用:不同等级会写入到屏幕和文件中
logger.debug(‘This is a debug log.‘)
logger.info(‘This is a info log.‘)
logger.warning(‘This is a warning log.‘)
logger.error(‘This is a error log.‘)
logger.critical(‘This is a critial log.‘)


[2016-05-26 21:49:50,825][logging_blog][DEBUG]This is a debug log.
[2016-05-26 21:49:50,851][logging_blog][INFO]This is a info log.
[2016-05-26 21:49:50,855][logging_blog][WARNING]This is a warning log.
[2016-05-26 21:49:50,858][logging_blog][ERROR]This is a error log.
[2016-05-26 21:49:50,865][logging_blog][CRITICAL]This is a critial log.


[2016-05-26 21:49:50,855][logging_blog][WARNING]This is a warning log.
[2016-05-26 21:49:50,858][logging_blog][ERROR]This is a error log.
[2016-05-26 21:49:50,865][logging_blog][CRITICAL]This is a critial log.

----------------- 分割 ------------------------------



1. 设置logging的基本配置:

1 import logging
3 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,
4                 format=‘%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s‘,
5                 datefmt=‘%Y%M%D %H:%M:%S‘,
6                 filename=‘my.log‘,
7                 filemode=‘w‘)
8 # 以上logging的设定,是用于对于写入文件的设定。


filename Specifies that a FileHandler be created, using the specified filename, rather than a StreamHandler.
filemode Specifies the mode to open the file, if filename is specified (if filemode is unspecified, it defaults to ‘a’).
format Use the specified format string for the handler.
datefmt Use the specified date/time format.
style If format is specified, use this style for the format string. One of ‘%’, ‘{‘ or ‘$’ for %-formatting, str.format() orstring.Template respectively, and defaulting to ‘%’ if not specified.
level Set the root logger level to the specified level.
stream Use the specified stream to initialize the StreamHandler. Note that this argument is incompatible with ‘filename’ - if both are present, a ValueError is raised.
handlers If specified, this should be an iterable of already created handlers to add to the root logger. Any handlers which don’t already have a formatter set will be assigned the default formatter created in this function. Note that this argument is incompatible with ‘filename’ or ‘stream’ - if both are present, a ValueError is raised.



Attribute name Format Description
args You shouldn’t need to format this yourself. The tuple of arguments merged into msg to produce message, or a dict whose values are used for the merge (when there is only one argument, and it is a dictionary).
asctime %(asctime)s Human-readable time when the LogRecord was created. By default this is of the form ‘2003-07-08 16:49:45,896’ (the numbers after the comma are millisecond portion of the time).
created %(created)f Time when the LogRecord was created (as returned by time.time()).
exc_info You shouldn’t need to format this yourself. Exception tuple (à la sys.exc_info) or, if no exception has occurred, None.
filename %(filename)s Filename portion of pathname.
funcName %(funcName)s Name of function containing the logging call.
levelname %(levelname)s Text logging level for the message (‘DEBUG‘‘INFO‘‘WARNING‘‘ERROR‘,‘CRITICAL‘).
levelno %(levelno)s Numeric logging level for the message (DEBUGINFOWARNINGERROR,CRITICAL).
lineno %(lineno)d Source line number where the logging call was issued (if available).
module %(module)s Module (name portion of filename).
msecs %(msecs)d Millisecond portion of the time when the LogRecord was created.
message %(message)s The logged message, computed as msg % args. This is set whenFormatter.format() is invoked.
msg You shouldn’t need to format this yourself. The format string passed in the original logging call. Merged with args to produce message, or an arbitrary object (see Using arbitrary objects as messages).
name %(name)s Name of the logger used to log the call.
pathname %(pathname)s Full pathname of the source file where the logging call was issued (if available).
process %(process)d Process ID (if available).
processName %(processName)s Process name (if available).
relativeCreated %(relativeCreated)d Time in milliseconds when the LogRecord was created, relative to the time the logging module was loaded.
stack_info You shouldn’t need to format this yourself. Stack frame information (where available) from the bottom of the stack in the current thread, up to and including the stack frame of the logging call which resulted in the creation of this record.
thread %(thread)d Thread ID (if available).
threadName %(threadName)s Thread name (if available).


1 FORMAT = ‘%(asctime)-15s %(clientip)s %(user)-8s %(message)s‘
2 logging.basicConfig(format=FORMAT)
3 d = {‘clientip‘: ‘‘, ‘user‘: ‘fbloggs‘}
4 logger = logging.getLogger(‘tcpserver‘)
5 logger.warning(‘Protocol problem: %s‘, ‘connection reset‘, extra=d)

2. 关于日志是否也存在文件关闭的问题:



Tidy up any resources used by the handler. This version does no output but removes the handler from an internal list of handlers which is closed whenshutdown() is called. Subclasses should ensure that this gets called from overridden close() methods.



Informs the logging system to perform an orderly shutdown by flushing and closing all handlers. This should be called at application exit and no further use of the logging system should be made after this call.


时间: 2025-01-02 00:21:56

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最近修改了项目里的logging相关功能,用到了Python标准库里的logging模块,在此做一些记录.主要是从官方文档和stackoverflow上查询到的一些内容. 官方文档 技术博客 基本用法 下面的代码展示了logging最基本的用法. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import sys # 获取logger实例,如果参数为空则返回root logger logger = logging.getLogger("AppName")


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[转]python之配置日志的几种方式 作为开发者,我们可以通过以下3种方式来配置logging: 1)使用Python代码显式的创建loggers, handlers和formatters并分别调用它们的配置函数: 2)创建一个日志配置文件,然后使用fileConfig()函数来读取该文件的内容: 3)创建一个包含配置信息的dict,然后把它传递个dictConfig()函数: 需要说明的是,logging.basicConfig()也属于第一种方式,它只是对loggers, handlers