hdu 3926 Hand in Hand 同构图


In order to get rid of Conan, Kaitou KID disguises himself as a teacher in the kindergarten. He knows kids love games and works out a new game called "hand in hand".
Initially kids run on the playground
randomly. When Kid says "stop", kids catch others‘ hands immediately. One hand
can catch any other hand randomly. It‘s weird to have more than two hands get
together so one hand grabs at most one other hand. After kids stop moving they
form a graph.

Everybody takes a look at the graph and repeat the above
steps again to form another graph. Now Kid has a question for his kids: "Are the
two graph isomorphism?"


The first line contains a single positive integer T( T
<= 100 ), indicating the number of datasets.
There are two graphs in each
case, for each graph:
first line contains N( 1 <= N <= 10^4 ) and M
indicating the number of kids and connections.
the next M lines each have two
integers u and v indicating kid u and v are "hand in hand".
You can assume
each kid only has two hands.


For each test case: output the case number as shown and
"YES" if the two graph are isomorphism or "NO" otherwise.



 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<cstdio>
 3 #include<cstring>
 4 #include<cstdlib>
 5 #include<cmath>
 6 #include<algorithm>
 7 #define inf 0x7fffffff
 8 using namespace std;
 9 const int maxn=10000+10;
11 int n,m,n2,m2;
12 int father[maxn],d[maxn],isCircle[maxn];
13 struct node
14 {
15     int num,isCircle;
16     friend bool operator < (node a,node b)
17     {
18         if (a.num!=b.num) return a.num>b.num;
19         return a.isCircle>b.isCircle;
20     }
21 }an[maxn],bn[maxn];
23 int findset(int x)
24 {
25     if (x==father[x]) return x;
26     return father[x]=findset(father[x]);
27 }
28 void Union(int x,int y)
29 {
30     x=findset(x) ;y=findset(y) ;
31     if (x==y) {isCircle[x]=1;return;}
32     if (d[x]>d[y])
33     {
34         father[y]=x;
35         d[x] += d[y];
36     }
37     else
38     {
39         father[x]=y;
40         d[y] += d[x];
41     }
42 }
44 int main()
45 {
46     int t,ncase=1;
47     scanf("%d",&t);
48     while (t--)
49     {
50         scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
51         memset(isCircle,0,sizeof(isCircle));
52         for (int i=1 ;i<=n ;i++) father[i]=i,d[i]=1;
53         int u,v;
54         for (int i=0 ;i<m ;i++)
55         {
56             scanf("%d%d",&u,&v);
57             Union(u,v);
58         }
59         int cnt=0,cnt2=0;
60         for (int i=1 ;i<=n ;i++) if (father[i]==i)
61         {
62             an[cnt].num=d[i] ;an[cnt].isCircle=isCircle[i];
63             cnt ++ ;
64         }
65         sort(an,an+cnt);
67         scanf("%d%d",&n2,&m2);
68         memset(isCircle,0,sizeof(isCircle));
69         for (int i=1 ;i<=n2 ;i++) father[i]=i,d[i]=1;
70         for (int i=0 ;i<m2 ;i++)
71         {
72             scanf("%d%d",&u,&v);
73             Union(u,v);
74         }
75         for (int i=1 ;i<=n2 ;i++) if (father[i]==i)
76         {
77             bn[cnt2].num=d[i] ;bn[cnt2].isCircle=isCircle[i];
78             cnt2++;
79         }
80         sort(bn,bn+cnt2);
82         printf("Case #%d: ",ncase++);
83         if (n!=n2 || m!=m2 || cnt!=cnt2) {printf("NO\n");continue; }
84         int flag=0;
85         for (int i=0 ;i<cnt ;i++)
86         {
87             if (an[i].num != bn[i].num) {flag=1;break; }
88             if (an[i].isCircle != bn[i].isCircle) {flag=1;break; }
89         }
90         if (flag) printf("NO\n");
91         else printf("YES\n");
92     }
93     return 0;
94 }
时间: 2024-10-08 20:04:41

hdu 3926 Hand in Hand 同构图的相关文章

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hdu 3926 hands in hands

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