一:HDFS 用户指导


  • Hadoop, including HDFS, is well suited for distributed storage and distributed processing using commodity hardware. It is fault tolerant, scalable, and extremely simple to expand. MapReduce, well known for its simplicity and applicability for large set of distributed applications, is an integral part of Hadoop. 分布式存储
  • HDFS is highly configurable with a default configuration well suited for many installations. Most of the time, configuration needs to be tuned only for very large clusters. 适当的配置
  • Hadoop is written in Java and is supported on all major platforms. 平台适应性
  • Hadoop supports shell-like commands to interact with HDFS directly. shell-like的操作方式
  • The NameNode and Datanodes have built in web servers that makes it easy to check current status of the cluster. 内置web服务,方便检查集群
  • New features and improvements are regularly implemented in HDFS. The following is a subset of useful features in HDFS:
    • File permissions and authentication.  文件权限验证
    • Rack awareness: to take a node‘s physical location into account while scheduling tasks and allocating storage.
    • Safemode: an administrative mode for maintenance.  安全模式,用于运维
    • fsck: a utility to diagnose health of the file system, to find missing files or blocks.  检查文件系统的工具,发现丢失的文件或者块
    • fetchdt: a utility to fetch DelegationToken and store it in a file on the local system.
    • Balancer: tool to balance the cluster when the data is unevenly distributed among DataNodes.
    • Upgrade and rollback: after a software upgrade, it is possible to rollback to HDFS‘ state before the upgrade in case of unexpected problems.
    • Secondary NameNode: performs periodic checkpoints of the namespace and helps keep the size of file containing log of HDFS modifications within certain limits at the NameNode.
    • Checkpoint node: performs periodic checkpoints of the namespace and helps minimize the size of the log stored at the NameNode containing changes to the HDFS. Replaces the role previously filled by the Secondary NameNode, though is not yet battle hardened. The NameNode allows multiple Checkpoint nodes simultaneously, as long as there are no Backup nodes registered with the system.
    • Backup node: An extension to the Checkpoint node. In addition to checkpointing it also receives a stream of edits from the NameNode and maintains its own in-memory copy of the namespace, which is always in sync with the active NameNode namespace state. Only one Backup node may be registered with the NameNode at once.

      来源: http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.6.4/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-hdfs/HdfsUserGuide.html




bin/hdfs dfsadmin -参数

  • -report: reports basic statistics of HDFS. Some of this information is also available on the NameNode front page. 报告状态
  • -safemode: though usually not required, an administrator can manually enter or leave Safemode.  开启安全模式
  • -finalizeUpgrade: removes previous backup of the cluster made during last upgrade. 删除上次集群更新时的备份
  • -refreshNodes: Updates the namenode with the set of datanodes allowed to connect to the namenode. Namenodes re-read datanode hostnames in the file defined bydfs.hostsdfs.hosts.exclude. Hosts defined in dfs.hosts are the datanodes that are part of the cluster. If there are entries in dfs.hosts, only the hosts in it are allowed to register with the namenode. Entries in dfs.hosts.exclude are datanodes that need to be decommissioned. Datanodes complete decommissioning when all the replicas from them are replicated to other datanodes. Decommissioned nodes are not automatically shutdown and are not chosen for writing for new replicas.
  • -printTopology : Print the topology of the cluster. Display a tree of racks and datanodes attached to the tracks as viewed by the NameNode. 打印拓扑

4.secondary namenode


secondary namenode定时的从namenode合并日志,并且保证日志大小限制在一定的范围内。一般不和主namenode放一起,但机器的配置要和namenode一样。

secondary namenode上的checkpoint 里程由以下两个参数控制:

  • dfs.namenode.checkpoint.period, set to 1 hour by default, specifies the maximum delay between two consecutive checkpoints, and
  • dfs.namenode.checkpoint.txns, set to 1 million by default, defines the number of uncheckpointed transactions on the NameNode which will force an urgent checkpoint, even if the checkpoint period has not been reached.

dfs.namenode.checkpoint.preiod  两次执行checkpoint之间的最大时间间隔

dfs.namenode.checkpoint.txns    当没有checkpoint的事务达到多少时执行,即使未达到上面的参数设置的时间,默认是100万(比如10分钟修改了100万个,那么10分钟就执行一次checkpoint而非1小时)

5.checkpoint node

和secondary namenode极为相似,不同的地方是checkpoint下载hdfs状态镜像和日志文件,并在本地合并,合并后还上传到正在运行的namenode.

dfs.namenode.backup.address       地址

dfs.namenode.backup.http-address  ip端口

dfs.namenode.checkpoint.preiod 和dfs.namenode.checkpoint.txns  同样影响checkpoint

checkpoint node和secondary namenode实际上就是一个东西,只是名称有所不同

6.backup node

backup node的功能和checkpoint node一样,但是backup node能实时的从namenode读取namespace变化数据并合并到本地(注意:namenode是不合并,只有重启后才合并),所以backup node是namenode的完全实时备份。

目前一个集群只能有一个backup node,未来可以支持多个。一旦有个backup node,checkpoint node就无法再注册进集群。backup node的配置文件和checkpoint一致(dfs.namenode.backup.address \ dfs.namenode.backup.http-address),以bin/hdfs namenode -backup启动

7.import checkpoint

如果镜像文件和日志文件丢失,可以用import checkpoint方式从checkpoint节点读取。需要配置三个参数:

dfs.namenode.name.dir namenode的元数据文件夹

dfs.namenode.checkpoint.dir checkpoint node上传镜像的文件夹




  • Policy to keep one of the replicas of a block on the same node as the node that is writing the block.  在当前读写的节点中保存一个数据备份。
  • Need to spread different replicas of a block across the racks so that cluster can survive loss of whole rack. 保存数据分布到各个机架,可以允许整个机架的丢失
  • One of the replicas is usually placed on the same rack as the node writing to the file so that cross-rack network I/O is reduced.
  • Spread HDFS data uniformly across the DataNodes in the cluster.

    来源: http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.6.4/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-hdfs/HdfsUserGuide.html#Balancer





fsck命令用来检查文件(文件块)不一致,与传统的fsck不一样的地方是,该命令并不修正错误,默认下不检查已经打开的文件.fsck命令不是hadoop shell 命令,但是可以以bin/hdfs fsck启动.



13.recovery mode

恢复模式.如果仅有的namemode元数据丢失了,可以通过recovery mode找到部分数据,此时以namenode -recover启动namenode,然后按照提示输入文件位置,可以使用force参数不输入让hdfs自己找文件位置

14.upgrade and rollback


15.File permissions and security




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时间: 2024-10-10 14:52:14

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当使用 hadoop fs -put localfile /user/xxx 时提示: put: Permission denied: user=root, access=WRITE, inode="/user/shijin":hdfs:supergroup:drwxr-xr-x 表明:权限不够.这里涉及到两个方面的权限.一个是本地文件系统中localfile 文件的权限,一个是HDFS上 /user/xxx目录的权限. 先看看 /user/xxx目录的权限:drwxr-xr-x  


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HDFS目录(文件 )权限管理

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