In function 'int av_clipl_int32_c(int64_t)': error: 'UINT64_C' was not declared in this scope


/ffmpeg/include/libavutil/common.h: In function ‘int av_clipl_int32_c(int64_t)‘:

/ffmpeg/include/libavutil/common.h:178:47: error: ‘UINT64_C‘ was not declared in this scope


修改头文件 /ffmpeg/include/libavutil/common.h


#ifndef UINT64_C
#define UINT64_C(value) __CONCAT(value, ULL)


In function 'int av_clipl_int32_c(int64_t)': error: 'UINT64_C' was not declared in this scope

时间: 2025-01-21 21:44:58

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