





type ElectricPotential     = Real;
type ElectricCurrent     = Real(quantity = "ElectricCurrent", unit = "A");
type Resistance       = Real(quantity = "Resistance", unit = "Ohm", min = 0);
type Inductance       = Real(quantity = "Inductance", unit = "H", min = 0);
type Voltage         = ElectricPotential;
type Current         = ElectricCurrent;

type Force           = Real(quantity = "Force", unit = "N");
type Angle           = Real(quantity = "Angle", unit = "rad", displayUnit = "deg");
type Torque         = Real(quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m");
type AngularVelocity     = Real(quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min");
type AngularAcceleration   = Real(quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2");
type MomentOfInertia     = Real(quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2");

type Time = Real (final quantity="Time", final unit="s");

connector RotFlange_a       "1D rotational flange (filled square)"
   Angle phi           "Absolute rotational angle of flange";
   flow Torque tau         "Torque in the flange";
end RotFlange_a;        //From Modelica.Mechanical.Rotational.Interfaces

connector RotFlange_b       "1D rotational flange (filled square)"
   Angle phi           "Absolute rotational angle of flange";
   flow Torque tau         "Torque in the flange";
end RotFlange_b;        //From Modelica.Mechanical.Rotational.Interfaces

connector Pin           "Pin of an electrical component"
   Voltage v           "Potential at the pin";
   flow Current i         "Current flowing into the pin";
end Pin;              //From Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces

connector PositivePin       "Positive pin of an electrical component"
   Voltage v           "Potential at the pin";
   flow Current i         "Current flowing into the pin";
end PositivePin;          //From Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces

connector NegativePin       "Negative pin of an electrical component"
   Voltage v           "Potential at the pin";
   flow Current i         "Current flowing into the pin";
end NegativePin;          //From Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces

connector InPort        "Connector with input signals of type Real"
  parameter Integer n = 1    "Dimension of signal vector";
  input Real     signal[n]  "Real input signals";
end InPort;            // From Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces

connector OutPort        "Connector with output signals of type Real"
  parameter Integer n = 1    "Dimension of signal vector";
  output Real     signal[n]  "Real output signals";
end OutPort;          // From Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces

partial model Rigid           // Rotational class Rigid
           "Base class for the rigid connection of two rotational 1D flanges"
  Angle phi               "Absolute rotation angle of component";
  RotFlange_a rotFlange_a  "(left) driving flange (axis directed into plane)";
  RotFlange_b rotFlange_b  "(right) driven flange (axis directed out of plane)";
  rotFlange_a.phi = phi;
  rotFlange_b.phi = phi;
end Rigid;                // From Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces

model Inertia    "1D rotational component with inertia"
  extends Rigid;
  parameter MomentOfInertia J = 1    "Moment of inertia";
  AngularVelocity     w          "Absolute angular velocity of component";
  AngularAcceleration a          "Absolute angular acceleration of component";
  w = der(phi);
  a = der(w);
  J*a = rotFlange_a.tau + rotFlange_b.tau;
end Inertia;              //From Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational

partial model TwoPin          // Same as OnePort in Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces
                    "Component with two electrical pins p and n and current i from p to n"
  Voltage v                "Voltage drop between the two pins (= p.v - n.v)";
  Current i                "Current flowing from pin p to pin n";
  PositivePin p;
  NegativePin n;
  v = p.v - n.v;
  0 = p.i + n.i;
  i = p.i;
end TwoPin;  

model DCMotor                 "DC Motor"
  extends TwoPin;
  extends Rigid;
  OutPort SensorVelocity(n=1);
  OutPort SensorCurrent(n=1);
  parameter MomentOfInertia J"Total Inertia";
  parameter Resistance R"Armature Resistance";
  parameter Inductance L"Armature Inductance";

  parameter Real Kt"Torque Constant";
  parameter Real Ke"EMF Constant";

  AngularVelocity    w          "Angular velocity of motor";
  AngularAcceleration a          "Absolute angular acceleration of motor";
  Torque tau_motor;
  RotFlange_b    rotFlange_b;    // Rotational Flange_b


  w = der(rotFlange_b.phi);
  a = der(w);
  v = R*i+Ke*w+L*der(i);
  tau_motor =  Kt*i;
  J*a = tau_motor + rotFlange_b.tau;
  SensorVelocity.signal[1] = w;
  SensorCurrent.signal[1] =i;
end DCMotor;

class Resistor               "Ideal linear electrical Resistor"
  extends TwoPin;            // Same as OnePort
  parameter Real R(unit = "Ohm")     "Resistance";
  R*i = v;
end Resistor;                // From Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic 

class Inductor               "Ideal linear electrical Inductor"
  extends TwoPin;            // Same as OnePort
  parameter Real L(unit = "H")       "Inductance";
  v = L*der(i);
end Inductor;              // From Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic 

class Ground               "Ground node"
  Pin p;
  p.v = 0;
end Ground;                // From Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic 

model PWMVoltageSource
  extends TwoPin;
  InPort Command(n=1);

  parameter Time T = 0.003;
  parameter Voltage Vin = 200;


  T*der(v)+ v = Vin*Command.signal[1]/10;

end PWMVoltageSource;      

block Controller  

  InPort command(n=1);
  InPort feedback(n=1);
  OutPort outPort(n=1);

  Real error;
  Real pout;
  Real intU;
  parameter Real Kp=70;
  parameter Real Ki=20;


   error = command.signal[1] -  feedback.signal[1];
   error =der(intU);
   pout = Kp * error+Ki*intU;
   outPort.signal[1] = pout;

end Controller;

block CommandSignalGenerator  

  OutPort outPort(n=1);
  Real acc;


   if time <= 1 then
     acc =60;
   elseif time <3 then
     acc = 0;
   elseif time <4 then
     acc = -60;
     acc = 0;
   end if;     

   der(outPort.signal[1]) = acc; 

end CommandSignalGenerator;

 model DCMotorControlSystem

  Ground       ground1;
  Inertia      inertia1(J = 3, w(fixed = true));
  DCMotor      motor1(J = 1,R = 0.6,L = 0.01,Kt=1.8, Ke=1.8,rotFlange_b(phi(fixed = true)));
  CommandSignalGenerator  sg1;
  Controller   con1;
  Controller   con2;
  PWMVoltageSource PowerSource1;
  connect(sg1.outPort, con1.command);
  connect(con1.feedback, motor1.SensorVelocity);
  connect(con1.outPort, con2.command);
  connect(con2.outPort, PowerSource1.Command);
  connect(PowerSource1.p, motor1.p);
  connect(motor1.rotFlange_b, inertia1.rotFlange_a);
  connect(PowerSource1.n, ground1.p);
  connect(ground1.p, motor1.n);

end DCMotorControlSystem;
时间: 2024-08-07 18:54:29



1.直流电机模型 ? 2.PID调节参数的作用: 1.比例系数Kp的作用是加快系统的响应速度,提高系统的调节精度.? 2.积分作用系数Ki的作用是消除系统的稳态误差. 3.微分系数Kd的作用是改善系统的动态特性. ? ? 3. 控制函数controller的编写 调试KP,TI,TD的值 Kp=2.5 ti=1.2 td=0.31 4.仿真结果 上升时间 tp=0.0282 无超调


这次的直流调速采用PID的思路来写控制函数Controller,利用输出的瞬间值与预期值之间的偏差作为控制因子,反馈到PID控制器中,从而进一步控制下一个瞬间的输入值,从而使各项参数准确的到达指定值,并且没有超调和波动 首先直流电机基本的参数模型定义如下 model PWMVoltageSource extends TwoPin; InPort Command(n=1); parameter Time T = 0.003; parameter Voltage Vin = 200; equatio


使用PID控制器,在Cotroller的算法中,使用errori表示误差积分,errord表示误差微分,计算方式为 error := command.signal[1] - feedback.signal[1]; errori:=errori+error; errord:=error-pre(error); pout := Kp * error+Ki*errori+Kd*errord; 调试的步骤为:先调整Kp,将上升时间调到比较低的数值,但是增大Kp使上升时间的同时,超调量会Mp增大,所以下一


通过将原有直流电机调速例子运行之后 可以看到电流的稳定性不好,到达稳定的时间较长,超调量较大,稳态误差不够小,震荡明显. 原有的Controller只有比例控制,很粗糙,当增益较低时,稳态误差较大,当增益变大时,会引起电机电流和加速度的振荡. 经过考虑决定用PID调节,三个调节参数为比例调节Kp,积分调节Ki,微分调节Kd Kp增大会减小电流值达到稳定的时间,但会增大超调量,降低系统稳定性: Ki消除稳态误差,但会降低系统稳定性,减慢动态响应: Kd能减小超调量,减小调节时间: 最终选择参数为K


一.仿真测试: 本次作业对直流调速控制器进行设计,预期采用PID控制,控制器设计如下: 其仿真结果如下: 二.对控制器和结果做以下解释: 1.控制器期初限定的10V输出限定对控制结果影响较大,使积分环节对振动的稳定作用变差: 2.微分环节引入反而使电流曲线更为尖锐,过渡曲线不平滑,因此放弃微分环节: 3.结果显示响应较快,但不够平滑,速度曲线变化不大,超调量很小.


这里对之流电机的速度调节使用pid调节的方法,其中pid调节的三个参数及其调节作用如下:       比例调节作用:比例控制是一种最简单的控制方式.其控制器的输出与输入误差信号成比例关系.是按比例反应系统的偏差,系统一旦出现了偏差,比例调节立即产生调节作用用以减少偏差.比例作用大,可以加快调节,减少误差,但是过大的比例,使系统的稳定性下降,甚至造成系统的不稳定.当仅有比例控制时系统输出存在稳态误差(Steady-state error). 积分调节作用:在积分控制中,控制器的输出与输入误差信号的


机电传动控制第五周作业 一.传动电机或控制电机在工业或生活中的应用: 1.电气伺服传动领域 在要求速度控制和位置控制(伺服)的场合,特种电机的应用越来越广泛.开关磁阻电动机.永磁无刷直流电动机.步进电动机.永磁交流伺服电动机.永磁直流电动机等都已在数控机床.工业电气自动化.自动生产线.工业机器人以及各种军.民用装备等领域获得了广泛应用.如交流伺服电机驱动系统应用在凹版印刷机中,以其高控制精度实现了极高的同步协调性,使这种印刷设备具有自动化程度高.套准精度高.承印范围大.生产成本低.节约能源.维修


3. 直流电机双闭环调速系统控制仿真 把上述单闭环速度控制系统改为速度环和电流环双闭环控制系统,两个环路都使用PI控制器,先整定电流环参数,再整定速度环参数,获得最佳系统动态响应. 由第2问中的仿真结果可知,电枢电流的稳定值为25A,加在电动机上的电源电压为250V,不妨假设电动机允许的电流最大值为稳定值的2倍,即50A.当电枢电流为50A时,电源电压应为500V左右.所以搭建如下所示的电路来调整电流环的参数: 电流调节器PI内部的结构为: 仿真结果: 由仿真结果可以看出在开始的时候,电流值基本


1直流电机单闭环调速系统比例控制仿真 搭建的电路图: 仿真结果: 角速度稳定值为196.454rad/s,速度稳态误差小于4rad/s. 仿真的时候有个问题: 当把二极管接到电路中时:即电路图如下 进行仿真时:出现如下提示框 说是电源短路,难道是因为电压值超过了二极管的反向电压值,从而导致反向击穿二极管,使得二极管反向导通,从而造成电源短路吗? 2. 直流电机单闭环调速系统比例积分控制仿真 搭建的电路图如下: 仿真结果: 电流最大值为173A,到达稳态的时间为2.125s.